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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21221807 No.21221807 [Reply] [Original]

> pending transactions stuck for 8 hours
> paid high gas fees to speed up tx
> still stuck pending like I'm some poorfag
> delete metamask and reinstall based off info from git support
> can no longer see any of my transactions
> have to use another wallet to send a HIGHER tx with the same nonce to cancel tx

This is the dumbest fucking shit of all time. How fucking long do I have to wait for my txs to either go through or just fucking fail? I paid 8 dollars in gas to make sure it was fast on EVERY TX.

>> No.21222079

Download geth, run your own node in fast mode, use localhost in metamask. Problem solved. I think there’s too much shit trying to use infura atm

>> No.21222245

I'm just so fucking salty rn. All my years of using etherdelta and other DEX's and nothing has ever been this fucking bad. What's the point in paying atrocious gas fees if you can't even get your tx through on a low volume / liquidity token? I'm going to lose 50 dollars for nothing. I really hope 2.0 solves this bottleneck

>> No.21222370

The fees are high for sure. And it doesn’t help that every single fucking dapp uses infura to connect to eth. There needs to be more solutions out there. Might be a Profitable service to offer in the future