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21220292 No.21220292 [Reply] [Original]

Are you willing to pay full tuition for online learning? What's the difference with studying on campus anyways?

>> No.21220344


Be sure to pay your physical attendance fee goi.

>> No.21220387

That's a man

>> No.21220389

Online courses are usually more expensive than in person.

>> No.21220435


>> No.21220529

I'm paying for a coding boot camp which will paid off one year after I finish it.

>> No.21220944

not worth it if it's a meme degree

>> No.21221010

What’s not a meme degree at this point? With STEM you get to compete with H1Bs and chinks who cheated their way through

>> No.21221146

At this point college is only worth it if you're getting it paid for 100% by family or scholarships. I really hope the academic industrial complex gets kneecapped by the China Flu.

>> No.21221398

It doesn't make a difference, you don't learn anything in college. Your are paying for the diploma, not the lessons.

>> No.21221455

>are you willing to pay 6 figures to get libtard brainwashing streamed to your PC
Twitter and CNN are much cheaper

>> No.21222011

Fucking this, I went to a top 50 university and there were chinks who literally didn’t speak a word of English turning in perfectly-written essays.
The profs knew, everyone knew. What a fucking scam.