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2120533 No.2120533 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about DGB without being stupid shills like the other threads, yes, it's a great coin and investment, but let's predict it's future

OP is a smalltime holder of 13,000 dgb bought at 114 sats

predictions for dgb a month from now?

>> No.2120537

HempCoin is mooning fags

>> No.2120542

If you're going to be a thread sliding shitposter, atleast post some news about hempcoin and upcoming shit

>> No.2120543

not a long term investment because btc will make changes but it should make some money i guess

>> No.2120550

It's a coordinated pump, it will die soon along with your profit

>> No.2120558

way better places to put your money if you're looking to make money however it seems to be pretty stable for now which is nice in a market like this. seems to stay at around 350. goes to 400 on a good day, and 300 on a bad day.

>> No.2120562

So should I sell right now? And buy again when it hits 300 something?

>> No.2120564


BTC is not a good solution for video game integration at all, even if it can increase the trasaction speed. BTC is too much of a financial asset and it's security is more important. DGB is nimble and it has realistic and healthy ambitions of being around 1$-10$ range which is perfect for micro transactions; even less than dollar will do the trick.

>> No.2120569

Almost scary to see a thread with no shills going at it like a used car salesman.
It's really crazy how fervent they all are, I've seen it countless times before when a pennystock gets pumped though.

>> No.2120601

i have 500k dgb that i bought just over a week ago. I thought long and hard and came to the conclusion that this has certain, definite promise.

how much? i dont know. a lot of people forget the 3 most important words, 'i dont know'. none of us KNOW nothing about the future unfortunately

All i know is that this has coin has potential and although id regret losing my money if it tanked, id fucking suicide if this coin hit the big leagues and i didnt invest, especially when the opportunity was so obvious.

remember if you buy, weak hands have no place in the land of the lambo.

>> No.2120610

dont listen to that idiot, it's been prepping for this pump for 2 fucking days, hold til 10-11pm EST

also since I'm feeling good about all my buys being correct this week, here are the coming pumps: GRC (starting today, get in), NAV (tomorrow or the 22nd it'll pop off)

and DGB obviously

>> No.2120623

Welp, they've arrived.
Even brought the "lambo" talk too. Literally car salesmen now.

By the way the number 1 goal is to NOT lose money.

>> No.2120624

Two options:

1) the team behind DGB becomes a success and manages to co-op with Minecraft for micro transactions

2) this is just a hype with story 1) to pump & dump

I see this as an investment for 1). Not something to ride until 500 SAT and then dump. No, something which will become the backbone of gaming. A trillion dollar market. It won't be today or tomorrow. If you are in here to sell tomorrow, there are much better shit coins designed specifically to do that.

>> No.2120635

whats your problem desu

i literally said i dont know the future of the coin

>> No.2120640

I know the future dumb ass, I guarantee the coins I mentioned will pump within the next 3 days

Not shilling, none of you are necessary to pump them.

Look at the order books and the sell volumes. manipulated the entire way through.

For anyone that listens, you're fucking welcome.

>> No.2120641

why grc and nav

>> No.2120649

i actually dont see this 'muh minecraft' meme being pulled off, even though im a holder. i havent heard ANYTHING official from both parties that suggest big business for the coin. WHY would mojang/microsoft implement digibyte?

i pray to god its legit but i dont think muh minecraft is whats going to ascend the coin

>> No.2120654

Fair point. Since you're holding, what do you believe will bring the value up?

>> No.2120659
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NAV segwit launches 21st, low volume, perfect pump target

GRC has whales accumulating since 2 days ago. This will double in price at the LEAST.

They put up sell walls on DGB and GRC at the same time, forcing the price down so they could buy as much of it as they could. They have different TA patterns, but they are both pumps.

Finally, the most fucking obvious part - the order books.

My god, picture perfect manipulation. Pic relevant.

It's like that all the way up to 3200.

>> No.2120664

> predictions for dgb a month from now?
400-500 Sat
>500 Sat if digusign made progress
1000 Sat at least after Digusign release
1$ after the other projects are announced which are currently "not for puplic"

1$+ only in 1-2 years.

>> No.2120677
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this is what (more) normal charts look like

>> No.2120684

I'm throwing 2k at both. Hoping one of them spikes before btc decides to fuck everyone's gains up.

>> No.2120703

NAV might drop a bit before the pump, to accumulate like GRC did, don't shit yourself

GRC should be good for today, maybe tmrw

DGB did take a day longer than I thought it would; might be because whales were shaking people out with small pumps early, GRC could be similar. Don't sell until we're near 3k.

>> No.2120711

One (1) word.

>> No.2120738

Guys, read the roadmap, follow the development and personal Dev messages since last year and you will see that gaming and e-sport is only secondary.

business applications are the real deal, gaming is a just a huge bonus.

>> No.2120740

Thanks for the insight. I've had pretty good success with just buying and holding so far. Only been doing this for a couple months now. I just sheep the right people, like to think I'm able to tell an honest tip from a shiller.

>> No.2120748

i saw the orders but i thought it might be too good to be true. thanks anon ill be putting some monies into these

>> No.2120754

That's even better then.
Forget about 1$, even 10$ will be possible.

>> No.2120761

I want to keep it realistic
10$ is extremely optimistic.
80billion+ market is needed for this.

1$ next year (maybe end of year) is ok-ish.
Even 0.1-0.5$ is a lot of gains and this is possible,

>> No.2120762


DGB actually looks disgusting right now though; the TA shows it could get past the ATH from a few days ago and the current growth/pump curve looks like BURST from last week; with little to no corrections on the way

>> No.2120776

both your suggestions look like their already in pumps and are even being shilled as we speak

>> No.2120793

i made so much off burst im so glad i got in early

>> No.2120975

I'm a little surprised NAV is going up already, since segwit is tomorrow but eh

I see the shilling which is a little funny, might be why it's going up already. Doubt biz is going to effect the whale pump too much though

But yes GRC is supposed to be today/tmrw for to run up to 3200

>> No.2121065
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just put it down on GRC.

is there a routine that you go through to pick up on these early? or like any tools you wish you had but don't?
i'm also faithful to /biz/ first and want to help catch these early.

>> No.2121083

Yep. Suddenly it's all hohaa moon n shit, and the thing rises like a damn sea monster. Huge buy volumes and sell volumes always on time.

Some big players are doing something, it all feels fake.

>> No.2121093

I look for market manipulation. Whatever is dropping when other shit goes up.

There's more to it than that but that's the basic train of thought. Can't give everything away

>> No.2121104

The announcement on twitter says they will release it on a some server. I got no other info, found nothing.

>> No.2121111
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gacha. well as long as you stay true to biz then it's all good i guess.
i'll keep learning about PnD's and looking at old charts

>> No.2121115

Just put down half my stuff in NAV and half in GRC. I'm gonna trust you for this. Maybe we should make some shill threads for these coins.
There isn't any site to find this out ahead of the curve?

>> No.2121119

What's the price target then for NAV and GRC, by Monday?

>> No.2121142

3200~ GRC

Haven't looked at NAV's top since I didn't expect it to go off today, but at least to 2500

If there was a site my life would be a lot easier

>> No.2121216

NAV just dumped. What now?
Do I sell at a loss?

>> No.2121231

There still might be a pump because of segwit

>> No.2121241

lol that wasn't the spike for NAV; I'm pretty sure that was just biz. I probably shared NAV too early.

If you hold, it will go up in a day or so. I can't say anything about today, I would expect it to go as low as 1560 today but it will certainly go past 2500 by the 22nd.

>> No.2121265

Bought in at 90 sats 100k

>> No.2122095

it's preparing to dip down to 300 territory. Buy the dip.

>> No.2122103

nah mate, what makes you think like this? Last pump it didnt dip so hard either

>> No.2122135

I want to buy the dip

>> No.2122161

been trading this yesterday, woke up today and sold around 481, now waiting for a dip to re enter.

Id start accumulating around 450.

If no dip, move to another coin to trade.

>> No.2122181

Thanks for the leads

>> No.2122188

Dip is 450.

>> No.2122213

nah, no dip for yall

>> No.2122217


>> No.2122298

this is insane...

so glad i didn't listen to shills.

I've been accumulating over few days. Mind you, I'm a small fish but this still feels good. Bought 6k at just under 100 sats. and I've been buying dips ever since the first moon. Sitting at around 20k DGB now its mooning again.

>> No.2122316

It's oversold right now, and hit 600sat target... so expect a dip

>> No.2122323

I'd been thinking about this and finally decided to do it. Sold off 1/3 of my stack at 390 thinking I could buy back in at 350 or so easily, then it took off like this, horrible timing on my part. At least I still have 100k.

>> No.2122327
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itt better dip to atleast 400, so I can stock up

>> No.2122357

This is my plan too.
Not buying unless it goes 400 or less

>> No.2123536

Got 25k dgb at 96. I wish i had got more. Will buy dips until we reach 1$.

>> No.2123664 [DELETED] 

Guys, since it's so low can someone send me some dgb.. I just created a wallet. Also i can't buy any coins atm.. send me like 20 pls.Also i'm a no coiner, missed out on eth.


>> No.2124278


>> No.2124339

Absolute noob here, I just looked up on digibyte and I'd like to invest. Any tips on which platform or how much I should buy?

>> No.2124370

i have 700000 waiting to sell 500000 and leaving the rest and hold long term

>> No.2124403

bittrex or livecoin
buy at least 20k @400-500

>> No.2124464

Does Polo apply the fee automatically or do I have to calculate manually?

>> No.2124515

Thanks, do you mean invest in bittrex or livecoin instead?

>> No.2124573

bittrex is an exchange, there is a digibyte market available there. I strongly recommend completing all verification available just in case you hit big and want to withdraw more bitcoin. It's important to note that on bittrex you must sell your bitcoins on your own, you can't trade bitcoin for your fiat currency.

>> No.2124832

Earn on bittrex, exchange to kraken, sell, profit

>> No.2125041

Thanks for the advice guys!

>> No.2125520

Tell me what makes DGB good?

Because some shitty minecraft server where you can play to earn $1 a day?

>> No.2125554

I have 136000 DGB

When it moons to $1, I will have $136000

If I didn't hold out for this opportunity, I'd be an idiot, all I will lose if it tanks is $500

It's going to moon though, I can feel it in me water.

>> No.2125566

Are you genuinely curious?

Or are you a buttmad nocoiner trying to cope?

>> No.2125622

>bought at 114 sats, predictions for dgb a month from now?

114 sat

>> No.2125629

Fuck off

>> No.2125641

I agree with you. I see a 1$-10$ range it's a perfect solution

>> No.2125687

Deduct taxes if you cash out but yeah 136000 I'll have 93k just on dgb alone!!!!

>> No.2125713

>I actually grabbed a stack of GRC the other day at 1650
Please be true.

>> No.2125721

In all truthiness, about DigiByte. Here are the problems with it.

Originally launched as a Litecoin clone with a small premine and a stock photo of a robot. Absolutely no reason to invest in this, so presumably only Jared and co. mined it.

1 month later they hard forked to halve the rewards, guaranteeing their huge instamine share. Also caused the coin to plummet as it was now firmly in shitcoin territory if it wasn't already.

5 months later they hard forked to copy Myriad's PoW. At first Myriad was delighted and took it as a compliment. But it was quickly turned off: DGB devs not only copied the multi-algo, but also the block time! They reduced from 1m to 30s blocks, but kept the rewards the same. This was another instamine designed to boost insiders' holdings.

After a few months of instamining, they finally hardforked back to fix this one single variable that was broken. All hands on deck for the fork.

A week after this latest hard fork, DigiByte announced a 250k USD investment, and also changed all their websites, forums, wiki, etc. to promote themselves as "the first multi-algo coin".

Some months down the track Myriad went from 30s blocks up to 1min because 30s was found to be dangerous. It simply grows the blockchain too fast and is unnecessary. DigiByte went the other way and announced "partnering research from Microsoft" showing that they know how to enable 15 sec blocks safely using "DigiSpeed" technology. After several months, they finally released the new hardfork... a single variable change, back from 60 to 15....And no, it's not safe. And no, MS never partnered with them. What MS was talking about actually pertained to Ethereum which works differently.

Also, Qubit is ASIC mined, not CPU mined. If you want to mine on your CPU, try Yescrypt.

>> No.2125741


>> No.2125771
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>> No.2125800

I will see an accountant when I have such levels of money.

>> No.2125831

I find it sad that people keep having to ask me for proof. This info is easy to find out. Here are the tools you need in order of importance:

1. Block explorer

In particular, look at the rewards, and also look at the block versions so you can see where the hard forks took effect.

2. GitHub. This is obvious. Look at their commit history and you can clearly see all the shady hard forks and lack of genuine development activity.

3. Bitcointalk, and archive.org (for when DGB covered some things up). This is good for the history and providing context to the above 2 sources. However, there's a lot of crap to wade through.

To be honest, if you people can't even check these basic facts for yourselves, you shouldn't be investing in alts at all. Just go 80/20 BTC/XMR and hodl till you forget.