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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.21203527


>> No.21203528


>> No.21203532

hey guys im 21 and I just saved up 2k what should i invest in.

>> No.21203533
File: 24 KB, 128x128, a8ff02f695391f6cee3db822113708c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trading has being criminally boring, movies and you retards had me thinking that finance is this awesome and fun hobby/possible career. Jesus nothing is further from the truth. Accepting this was actually fucking liberating. Once I figured out that all this investment bullshit is just the same rat race and is no different than going to a casino, I didn't find but forged the fun. All my chummies and I have a blast now by treating trading like what it really is, gambling. The game took a while to develop, but the tldr is this, some of you ought to take my approach.
I make this rocking mac and cheese out of velveeta. Basically it's the recipe on the cheese box but not taken to completion and with more milk. I make a big fucking pot of it Friday nights and we subsist off that shit all weekend. Friday night is also the night we sell everything we purchased the previous monday. Friday nights are really ritualistic now and it is fun asf, almost religious in a way. Like a cleansing and rebirth when the new week begins. So we have this pool of 100 companies we collectively did our due diligence on, we assigned each company a random 5 digit number. In an excel spreadsheet, each week each company is assigned a new random 5 digit number. We take 100 pennies, and write out the new set of numbers for all 100 companies on each, covering the writing with a piece of scotch tape. Once the Mac n Cheese is in the peppering portion of preparation, we plop the pennies in the pot, and mix it as normal. We take our servings, eat as normal, spitting out pennies as they appear. The first 10, and the companies their codes indicate, become that weeks roster. We buy however much we can afford, and see what happens. Come next Friday, we sell and begin the ritual all over again.

It's awesome and I would recommend starting a ritual-esque investment process to anyone, it's far more entertaining than deluding yourself with bullshit like technical analysis or pouring over some 10K.

>> No.21203562

>they said this week was going to be red
bobo never wins

>> No.21203576
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Explain why you haven't bought Lyft put, anon.

>> No.21203579
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What's everyone doing at open tomorrow? I'm hoping for a good WKHS pump and I was going to sell all of my TWO, TSLA, NET and SKYW to free up cash for SILJ and PSLV. Silver is still going on a moon mission, right?

>> No.21203582
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Covered calls! No more frowns!

>> No.21203584

I'm hopeful.

>> No.21203585


>> No.21203594

nigger i aint reading this. >lrn 2 grn txt

>> No.21203625

i don't pay premiums. people pay me.

>> No.21203650

I do not have the shares to do covered calls on anything worth doing covered calls on.
I do not have the capital to buy those shares either.

>> No.21203660

Is this your new copypasta? You too bored to trade? Park all your shit in QQQ and VTI. Check it once per month.

>> No.21203672

Any good tickers for a smol (3.7k) portfolio, covered call-kun?

>> No.21203677

Cash secured puts > covered calls

Both are lame though.

>> No.21203688
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nigga wtf spitting pennies
hope they are at least clean pennies fuck man

>> No.21203689

Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500

>> No.21203708
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If you had 10k just sitting there, which 4 stocks would you spread it over if you weren't a gambling man?

>> No.21203714

Watching how RIOT does in earnings, picking them up to short the dollar alongside SLV.

>> No.21203737

I'm not not a gambling man.

>> No.21203739

>if you weren't a gambling man?
I wouldn’t touch this market with a 10 foot pole until a correction back to reality occurs.

>> No.21203786


>> No.21203802
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now you've seen it.....

>> No.21203804
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>> No.21203812
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Anons, I miss circuit breaker days... I need to experience joy again

>> No.21203814

Microsoft, Apple, Taiwan Semiconductor, And probably a utility company. These are ever green, even if the market crashes, the modern world is dependent on electricity, then on our foundational tech.

>> No.21203816


>> No.21203834


>> No.21203836
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I'd just put it all in direxion's WFH ETF.

>> No.21203847
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but if you don't count the top few giant companies that lift up the average it's already corrected back at least three years

>> No.21203867


You have to go back.

>> No.21203873
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We only get those once all clustered together every 2-4 years, anon.

>> No.21203898

Oh kek that made me laugh. Every sentence is golden.

>> No.21203918

>the next time you experience joy will be when you are 30+ years old
T-thanks anon

>> No.21203921

If you’re willing to be patient for like 3-5 years, then load the fuck up on big name oil and travel stocks. Not options. Stocks. Guaranteed profit when the wu ping cough shit is done.

>> No.21203929

opinions on SPAQ?

>> No.21203947
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So you think electricity is your ally? It is time to crash the global grid with a solar flare.

>> No.21203949

Sold all my CLSK Friday. What to go all in on tomorrow?

>> No.21203951

Depends on what you want to do, you should do a screen to filter out some stuff. Things like weekly vs monthly options, dividends, volatility, stability, sector, confidence.
Some possible options:

Save up, buddy.

>> No.21203953
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4Chan, The strangest and darkest corner of the internet

>> No.21203970


And it’s literally nothing like all /x/ faggotry.

>> No.21203980

This is 4Channel, what the fuck is 4chan

>> No.21203986


>> No.21203989

Howdy friens,
Thoughts on few tickers this week/tomorrow?

>> No.21203991

Hmmm.... no wait. I think Norwegian instead of Carnival. Slightly better odds of beating bankruptcy based on most recent earns.

>> No.21204014

You're browsing it right now.

>> No.21204021
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>> No.21204038

That chart is so crazy. Corona dip was the bear's last stand before long term trend reversal.

>> No.21204039

4 Chan is the infamous hacker. Channel 4 is great.

>> No.21204047
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Also, this is 4channel

fucking call me on reddit posting, I mfing dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mortherhumper, I'm drunk, p[laying Banished, watching Suits, and checking 4channel and index futures right now, TRY ME

>> No.21204063
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i miss pre-2010 4channel

>> No.21204104

Grrrr, see what?
I'm afraid of ghosts.

>> No.21204143

5% to 7% growth a week, ideally. I'd be getting nowhere fast with the size of my portfolio otherwise.

>> No.21204146

honestly i've been thinking about getting back into clsk on the next dip even though i only have 50 dollars left lol

>> No.21204152
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I’m ready for green

>> No.21204172

to the left of the bushion on the bottom left look out anon!!!!

>> No.21204205
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bruh, if you get 5-7% growth a week, then you better keep track and apply to make $1million+ per year at a hedge fund, cause that's incredible if you can do it consistently

>> No.21204215


>> No.21204240

What is oil going to do tomorrow?

>> No.21204241

YIKES! I don't want to see that near me that's for sure!

>> No.21204245

5% per week is gambling territory, you'd be better off buying options

Even selling options on the most volatile stocks is around 10% returns for a monthly

>> No.21204246
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>> No.21204256
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I dunno, but like 45% of my stack is WKHS

>> No.21204280

The post office is about to go bankrupt and you’re asking about a contract

>> No.21204290

lol what? I think you misunderstand how trading and investing works. If you do 0.5% week you are doing amazing. Measuring in weeks isn't very accurate though, especially in a volatile market.

>> No.21204295

iirc, usps has 3 months to decide and announce from the bid due date which was mid July. So since its the usps, prolly 6 months.

>> No.21204299
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Anyone?? What's the outlook for the week? Is there anything to look at this week aside from silver?

>> No.21204315

i'd rather have more useful kitchen/family/study space than a personal bathroom for each bedroom
but that's pretty cozy regardless

>> No.21204326

they can just print more money, it's government after all

>> No.21204335

If you're looking for a meme pump, HCAC might be promising

>> No.21204354
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whats the next 10x

>> No.21204369
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maybe that is too much to expect. my first experience was with going all in on pennystocks and then the WKHS/KTOV pump. what is a more realistic number to be pulling in?

>> No.21204399

Probably nothing. It will crab for a long time I'm afraid

>> No.21204432

Should I get some T? Newfag stock investor here, I have a shitton of cash and I'm afraid of inflation ramping up soon, and steady dividends seem like they'd at least soften that. The stock also looks relatively stable compared to all the parabolic tech stocks, and I assume AT&T is big enough to be "too big to fail".

>> No.21204449

I'm going to really disappoint you right now, but consistently hitting 5% a year is considered good in professional finance. 7% consistently (not just 1-3 years, but over 10 years) is considered pheneomenal

>> No.21204454
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Im swinging and leveraging the fuck of this three. It will moon tomorrow right?
Also I got orders for JMIA and TSM

>> No.21204460

jesus, 4 bedrooms and 4 baths.
one of those closets near the entrance has to be a half bath, too.
2 patios.

what the fuck is up with the master sweet bathroom. is that just walk in closet space behind it.

that's a crazy fucking apartment.

>> No.21204464

You're not even beating SPY at 0.5% a week. Surely this isn't the case.

>> No.21204471

ETFs, QQQ and VTI. Fuck individual stocks unless you hae some education in evaluating the financials of comapnies

>> No.21204499

>5% a year is considered good in professional finance. 7% consistently
bullshit. funds do 10%.

i'm retarded and i'm at 10% in 3 months.

>> No.21204509

We will know who won the usps contract before september 30th because the fiscal year ends that day and the contract is for this years fiscal budget

>> No.21204510

0.5% week = 25% a year. Yes, you are beating SPY at 8-12% average.

>> No.21204524
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Do you think SPY is currently overvalued? I’m looking for an entrance for a long term hold. Too many of my stocks are speculative and volatile.

>> No.21204550
File: 1.32 MB, 1386x2809, Frasier - Episode Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Frasier's Apartment. The view is incredible as well. The episode with the Blackout, or when he is sick, are so comfy. Watch the show if you don;t already. It;s my goal to be able to livei n a place like that

>> No.21204551


>> No.21204569

VTSAX averages 10% a year

with today's commission free trading and a little common sense you should be able to beat that

>> No.21204599

This. I'm pretty sure that if you reach 10% annually you beat some big funds performance wise and even could be employable in one.

>> No.21204601

Then apply for a job and make even more money

you too

Make sure this is consistent, because if you are new and it's only been a couple years, it's not a sure thing yet

>> No.21204605

Anyone still have slv calls?

>> No.21204609
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lel, if they think 2x in 10yrs is amazing, how do they feel about the NVAX pump

>> No.21204610


>> No.21204619

professional finance is based on ripping people off with commissions, that's why 5%/year is "godd". This is what the fucking movie Wolf of Wallstreet is all about and you guys still didn't get it.

>> No.21204625

They would want a history of doing that. Not just one good year I imagine.

>> No.21204642

you did buy the ipo price right anon?

>> No.21204647
File: 168 KB, 1240x827, BD6A3251-C6C8-406F-9222-49A9E396FE32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m standing behind horse. I’m ready for the coming HORSE-RUN

>> No.21204652

>22 avg
I really do hope I make it

>> No.21204663
File: 321 KB, 900x887, 273-2731331_depressed-sad-anime-girl-transparent-cartoons-depressed-anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's it, then? I might as well throw it into QQQ and continue waging until I'm dead, because the minuscule amount I have invested won't even generate a part time job's worth of money without immense risk?

>> No.21204680

i hope you make it anon
they have to tell use before september 30th who got the contract

>> No.21204710

I might have to wait another 7 weeks? God damnit

>> No.21204715

I don’t hate gains so yeah

>> No.21204723

it hurts i know anon

>> No.21204750

Stock Market as a retail investor isn't going to do much but give you a nice retirement. You have to be thinking in decades, and supplementing it with your normal income. You want to get rich off of Finance? Figure out a way for people to GIVE you money, because that's the best way to make it. Hedge funds and Mutual funds get rich because of people who literall just give them money to use

>> No.21204753

/tv/ is too kind to seasons 8-11. most of those were bad.

>> No.21204762

You have fundamental misunderstandings what the market is and how investing and percentages work. But yes, putting it in QQQ is not a bad idea if you dont know what you are doing.

>> No.21204815
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Well I think Squidcunny is GROSS

That’s like all gambling except NOC. Which I also don’t expect great things from. UAL(LMT&BA) and SpaceX just nabbed the recent space contracts. I never hear of anyone wanting to buy their bombers. And I’m getting concerned that countries are really going to step up their defense purchases from China and Russia.

And then China can start arranging for contracts to be paid out partially in Yuan... and it’s all ugly from there on.

They fucking stole the F-35 plans. Why make anything when you can just steal it and spend nothing on R&D?

>> No.21204823

that's about the best thing you can do, because throwing money at random memes that pop up in /smg/ is nothing but gambling, and for knowledgeable stock picking you need to have some accounting background at the very least. Just ride the market and continue wagecucking if you don't feel like gambling (many win big, but most lose). Remember 750k+ is about enough for modest retirement away from the city (30k/year).

>> No.21204833
File: 475 KB, 1038x631, Screen Shot 2020-08-09 at 8.35.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i really like the tastytrade videos for learning option strategies, but i just listened to their podcast for the first time. here are the highlights:

"i'm mad i lost a lot of money shorting apple"

"why does everything keep going up this doesn't make any sense" (repeat 10x)

"waaah this is tulip mania" (repeat 80x)

holy shit these guys think the world exists to make sense to them. i fucking hate boomers.


>> No.21204844

>Nasdaq going parabolic
>”it can only go up from here”
>”new paradigm”

I’m worried should I just cash out on everything I don’t plan on holding for 5 years minimum?

>> No.21204855
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>That’s like all gambling
I don't know any other way.

>> No.21204869

There are opportunities out there.

I got into real trading because I became a monopoly money millionaire buying puts on KODK when it was at $35.
People became overnight millionaires buying AMD calls when Intel shit the bed.
Folks who bought TQQQ back in April doubled/tripled their money in a few months.
And lots of people here got rich buying silver calls a month ago.
Recently we've had shit like the RKT IPO which jumped 25% on its first day.

It sucks I missed all these while I'm waiting for my funds to transfer. But more opportunities will pop up in the future.

But just a heads up, options and leveraged funds (TQQQ) carry a ton of risk. You can easily beat the market or easily get wiped out.

>> No.21204878

20% AAPL
10% MSFT
10% WKHS
10% TSM
10% RKT
7.5% CLSK

15% TQQQ swings
15% SOXL swings

2.5% options on AMD and KO

i need to 4x in 2.5 years, and my worries are over.

>> No.21204898
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She was unironically cute...
You’re fucking stupid.
They’re printing money. Parents can’t send their kids to school, they have to work from home, what the hell are they gonna do?
They’re gonna buy their kids a fucking switch.

>> No.21204917

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT MY HECKIN' $3,700 DOLLARINOS! I couldn't possibly take on more risk, what if I have to work a minimum wage job for 1/4th a year to gain it back?

>> No.21204929


I’d cut n run the hysteria and bubble can’t last forever.

>> No.21204949

bonds give a 0% return and are expected to stay that away for 2+ years. Even if a company is total garbage, as long as it's expected to give a modicum of profit it's worth investing into. There's little irrational about the market.

>> No.21204973

Goodnight, /biz/. May tomorrow be green and all your calls, puts, and plays bring back 10x returns

>> No.21205007

See you in a month when you're on the verge of tears posting about why the fuck NASDAQ hasn't crashed yet.

>> No.21205014

exactly. I'm here because I'm a lazy neet anon.

>> No.21205031
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You as well, Fren

>> No.21205062
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>> No.21205072

Silver hasn't moved.
Still sitting at 28 which was the last close.

>> No.21205078


Based. Night bro

>> No.21205093

Don’t make me get the bonker

>> No.21205110

Anyone have a good earningswhispers calender for this week?

>> No.21205117


>> No.21205125

I went all in on $FSLY on Friday AH. How badly did I fuck up?

>> No.21205131

So, I got 10k to drop.

I was thinking of splitting it four ways AMZN, MSFT, TSLA, APPL.


>> No.21205186


>> No.21205261

I'm a NEET who has 12Xed his account since the spring of 2019. Make your own decisions but you can't do anything with $3,700, it would barely buy you a half a year of living expenses if your parents kick you out.

>> No.21205262

just go qqq at that point imo

>> No.21205275
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>silver slipping
>the dot at 100%

>> No.21205289

>the next time you experience joy will be when you are 30+ years old
30+ years old here. If you can remember the last time you experienced joy, you’ll probably never experience it again.

>> No.21205311
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>direxion's WFH ETF.
Holy crap that’s a thing.

Should I just be buying the fuck out of inseego?

>> No.21205331
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>> No.21205335

Should I ride or die with AMAT this week?

>> No.21205362
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x800, B132FD3B-FE95-4E75-A91C-C5B404DB9A96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got out of pink without some sort of 9/11 event? Praise mary.

>> No.21205391
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if WKHS is red tomorrow I'm going to kill myself

>> No.21205398

Can someone recommend me some good penny stocks? Quick Anon!

>> No.21205447

>he didn't buy below 14

>> No.21205457

just buy the dip

>> No.21205458

qqq is only up 90% over the last 3 years. if you had split into the four i mentioned it would be over 300%

>> No.21205468
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>> No.21205477

can't play without income
those 3.7k are better spent on online courses so you get a career or something. Not sure you'd need all of it, but you get what I'm saying.

>> No.21205483

seriously, does anyone bought ford shares thinking the USPS share is gonna split between horse and oshkosh + ford

>> No.21205497

(also I don't mean trading courses for the love of good, I mean something that'll get you a real job like web programming or sys admin)

>> No.21205511

USPS CONTRACT i mean, I need sleep

>> No.21205516

Is QQQ real or just a meme? Its growth does not look sustainable

>> No.21205522

Do people really think the FAAMGs can go like this forever? Surely there will be a correction soon

>> No.21205543

Tech can only get stronger as time goes by.

>> No.21205561

I know this isn’t ptg, but I’m hoping there are some anons here that browse both. Any CLIS chads ready for tomorrow?

>> No.21205574

Checked and sleepy time for me too. I haven't bought Ford because it's a shit company sadly nowadays. They in with Oshkosh ev's?

>> No.21205586

What the meme this week? Need to make a quick buck times a thousand.

>> No.21205599

Tell that to IBM

>> No.21205612

Me! Gonna be watching tomorrow for a good dip to buy back in because I sold for excellent gains Friday.

>> No.21205657



>> No.21205672

I wish you luck anon I’m sitting at 100k at .09 average. Going to try to get my initial investment out around .18-.20

>> No.21205686

Even if they get some of the contract that is very little revenue for a company that size and I doubt F would move much.

Did you know that you can buy Oshkosh stock?

>> No.21205737

Why would you put 100k into a penny stock with a 10 million dollar market cap? Pure gambling at this point.

>> No.21205763


earnings tomorrow, usps contract on the horizon.

>> No.21205808

I hope none of you sold CLSK Friday. This is a long term hold, look at the price targets and technology behind it.

I have a feeling this will easily hit $20 by eoy if not sooner

>> No.21205827
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>> No.21205834

Sorry could have worded it better I have 100k CLIS bought at a .09 average so just over 9,000 dollars worth. I also have done my own research and believe that this company is going to succeed.

>> No.21205851
File: 57 KB, 720x482, C19610CC-77C9-496D-8DCF-7A90A9B4695A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder

>> No.21205859


>> No.21205881

Does not apply, federal reserve is doing QE.

This applies to bubbles like GNUS & Kodak

>> No.21205893

Feels like there's a retracing coming. It went up too much, too fast. I do agree with you though, this is a good long term hold. I had like 300 shares at 3.20 and got tired of the crabbing and prematurely sold. Back in but at a way higher entry point.

>> No.21205918

Yes, considered picking up Oshkosh stock but it's just not worth the bet I think, too expensive

>> No.21205944


Oshkosh is 80 dollars, wouldn't the be even less impactful to the price if they do land part of the contract?

>> No.21205948
File: 32 KB, 160x147, 1596385070017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I posted buy TRVN a week ago it is not too late! We just got approved for our morphine replacement and the sky is the limit! Check it out thank me later.

>> No.21205971

Are you some sort of fucking retard? QE is nothing but cope and cash payed directly to the megawealthy

When people start starving in the streets they might stop wasting their money gambling on stocks

>> No.21205974

Where are my MARA chads at?

>> No.21205986


mind to share your thoughts?

>> No.21206015

>this company is going to succeed
At the very least it'll pump hard this week, especially around Thursday with beta release. I plan (hope) to repeat last week's near-doubling of my money.

>> No.21206023

I've personally decided to basically throw in the towel and hold SSO/QLD.
I just come here to blog post now

The yield should be around 11% to 12% YoY, which is way off from what you're hoping for, but still just on the edge of being questionable in terms of sustainability.

The best fund in the world only clears about 70% YoY, which is of course not quite hitting that 5% per week that you're hoping for

>> No.21206025


i think they will do a reverse split in the near future

>> No.21206034

I've seen that chart since June.

I'm telling you RN. It's only going to get bigger.

All assets will continue to rise until the inevitable interest rate hikes.

>> No.21206045

We are in the stealth phase right now. Any ways, it literally doesn't matter because of all the regulation. The market only goes up under Trump

>> No.21206054

>based schizo poster

>> No.21206063

RIght Here N1gGAH

MARA AND RIOT if you want to make it.

Crypto Mining = New Craze.

>> No.21206119

It's a OTC stock, I have to pay a fuck 50 dollar fee to buy and another 50 to sell, fucking hell

>> No.21206150
File: 1.02 MB, 1590x786, Screen Shot 2020-08-05 at 6.10.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cash payed directly to the megawealthy
what's the problem here?
Are YOU a fucking retard?

You think starvation means money has to flow out of stocks? You think this is a world that cares the most about the people at the bottom?

Just kill yourself, my man. You'll be more intelligent as a corpse.

>> No.21206191

I bought the ilmn dip friday

Anyone here splash into ILMN?

>> No.21206197


>> No.21206198

No... My securities...

>> No.21206229

>When people start starving in the streets they might stop wasting their money gambling on stocks
You have no idea how the world works. Life is cheap. No one cares if some poors die.

>> No.21206254

Throw share price out the window, you instead should be looking at the market capitalization. There is no real difference between a company that has 100 outstanding shares at $1000 each and a company that has 100,000 share at $1. Obviously the latter will have more retail investors and low tier speculators but the companies would be the same size and behave the same way with news like this.

Also, I'm not saying I like Oshkosh, in fact I'm completely disinterested in it like all the other internal combustion engine automakers.

>> No.21206262

DOW futures already up almost 1/3 of a percent. Holy shit, are we inventing space travel this week?

>> No.21206265

Arkk have #6 holding in ilmn. Is the based etf right on this one?

>> No.21206280

Buying CLSK, BLNK, SPHC, FCEL, WKHS, KTOV, UAVS, TGB, TBLT and MAXR see you fellas on the moon!

>> No.21206304
File: 8 KB, 259x195, 1593101420496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you right now that you are one of the unwashed masses, the masses were scared and panicked at the march selloff, the masses have been scared and moderate with their buying during the V-shaped bullshit recovery, they have been moderate through the crap recession earnings season, they have now capitulated, just as the dollar is capitulating.

You are one of them, and now that everyone is all ready to start buying again it will be a final FOMO into the mother of all rugpulls to lead into the election.

The hyperinflation idea is delusional, we can recover from a dip just like 2008, we won't recover from hyperinflation.

You ok anon? you seem to be disgruntled
You do realize last time people were starving in the street it led to 70 gazillion of your people being turned into bars of soap and pizza (>>21206229 you underestimate the mob, its not about poor people dieing its about rich people dieing)

>> No.21206318


Tblt is 100% trash don’t touch it.

>> No.21206356

CLSK I'm buying back in this thing is going up. UAVS SPHC could pop soon

>> No.21206363
File: 370 KB, 1280x720, 1597024273589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do realize last time people were starving in the street
people are starving in the street every fucking day
what the hell are you talking about?

Start making sense immediately.

>> No.21206384

I’ll keep it short since I really need to be getting to bed. Also I’m phone posting so forgive me if this comes off as incoherent.

I’ll start with risks

Company does not have a whole lot of money on hand. There recent direct offering should help with this, but if the launch fails this company will go tits up.


They have a solid team of celebrity’s to start there full launch next month. From recent interviews they are looking not only to launch a quiz app that gives users the opportunity to make money, but create a internet based network. They have a ceo with a solid history and they recently brought on Hilton Vice President of partnerships to act as CRO his goal is going to be finding those sponsorships that are going to fund the cash prizes for WinQuik.

My brain is fried so if you want to know some more basic stuff on it go on YouTube and search ( Richtvlive ) he has interviewed the ceo the Vice President of original programming and one of the game show host

>> No.21206383

>I'm just pretending to be retarded

Slimey kike weeb

>> No.21206405

;_; goodnight, my sweet prince

>> No.21206436

What broker are you using? I’m using tdameritrade and it’s 6.99 a transaction.

>> No.21206439

Alright I could use a smile
tell me about this stock plz

You're drunk robert. You've stopped making sense. Even your insults are limp. Back to your cave.

>> No.21206455

Nio moon Tuesday

>> No.21206461

I also forgot to add they recently finished the audit to get up listed so soon they won’t be pink anymore

>> No.21206467

very green situation for all involved

LCI will rise again
sell at 10-12 as always

>> No.21206469

What finally made you throw in the towel? Also fuck tripfags.

>> No.21206471

that's actually the feeling I've had. I think ford will get less than a third and wkhs the majority of the orders.

>> No.21206486

The pump's not over.
Ya gotta go big or go home with this one.
If you don't have a market order for 1000 shares placed and ready to go at open, you're never gonna make it

>> No.21206500

I'm hoping it dips to .10 so I can pick up 1k shares and see what happens. If it doesn't, oh well, I'll wait for the next stock. I've been eyeing it for a while and should've just picked it up at .07

>> No.21206536

I'm holding about 1200 shares. Lowes deal alone will turn this around.

>> No.21206579

Going to $60, I know.

>> No.21206582

>sell at 10-12 as always
Kek wasn't the target price 15 last time?

>fuck tripfags
>inquires for info from tripfag
You smell of r*ddit
>What finally made you throw in the towel?
Probably LCI, actually lol
That's what made me realize that I'll never know as much as the hedgies, and I'll never have the time to invest in a data set-up like Renaissance Technologies.

>> No.21206619

Wow seriously can't think of anything less appealing than spending my Friday night writing numbers on pennies so I can sit around spitting them out of macaroni like sunflower seeds with my nerd friends.
Yet trading bores you ok cool guy

>> No.21206628

You sound like a bagholder

>> No.21206731

You sound like a faggot that hates winning

>> No.21206795

>fuck tripfags
>inquires for info from tripfag
Sure, I didn't want to go head first into mocking you until I got the information I wanted. It's both ironic and hilarious that part of the reason why you're a failed trader is that you took the advice of another retarded tripfag.


>> No.21206820
File: 412 KB, 1080x1600, queen of hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, CARV is the choice for the discerning urban entrepreneur
LCI is unironical a good stock and very fun 2 trade. Granted it's been over a year since I touched it but Big5 is a good man
I still have the LCI screenie of u :3

>> No.21206826

Got me there, competition is such a drag.

>> No.21206864


Charles Schwab international, as i am not a US resident

>> No.21206896

What's the downside to covered calls?

>> No.21206922

anyone eyeing OPTI?

>> No.21206931

I use Schwab, $0 per transaction

>> No.21206949


>> No.21206950

Reminder that anyone who has been buying stocks since the March crash and doesn’t have a plan to cash out very soon is in for a rude awakening soon.

>> No.21206977

You need collateral.
100 shares of anything can cost well over 10 grand.
Anything worth trading that is.

>> No.21206984

Your only risks are having to hold the thing until expiration date, and potentially losing out on some gains if the thing rises above your strike and the option is exercised.

>> No.21207059

>teeheehee this was all according to my le plan
Anon, how old were you when you first realized that you had an insatiable hunger for cocks?
Also, how does it feel to know that you will are never be as successful as the scoopsy poops?

>> No.21207076

>t.increasingly nervous man for the last 12 years

>> No.21207080

...The fed keeps track of inflation. All they have to do is stop QE and raise interest rates...which is the rug pull that everyone's waiting for. Until they do, everything is going to bubble up....AKA THE GOLDEN BULL RUN.

PM's, Crypto, Equities, Real Estate....hell, even Magic The Gathering Cards....all going up.

Just stop paying debt and buy assets.

>> No.21207112

limited upside....

>> No.21207133

>I still have the LCI screenie of u :3
You should share it kek
Is it of my Robinhood losses or a screenshot of me saying "LCI to the moon n you can screencap this"?

>get me there
Kek well do you want me to hold your hand while you cross the street or just while you hit the buy button?
I already told you:
>1000 share market order for open

>> No.21207145

FED said they won't raise rates for at last 2 years. Now, they could be lying, but so far we are in Bull Heaven, and doomers keep missing out

>> No.21207158
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Enjoy holding your bags Rakesh

>> No.21207196
File: 242 KB, 1588x1268, lci recks 2scoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have your rh screenie but I remember it was 6k right? Vivid memories of that day kekkies

>> No.21207207
File: 15 KB, 450x410, 09056DA8-926E-4E3F-ADC6-5EE86F4141BA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come on lads, start buying stocks, the charts are going straight up, they can’t come down!

>> No.21207210
File: 149 KB, 630x1200, MV5BYTEzMjBiMzktMjQyMS00YzBhLTgzNWQtNzA0NmEwMTNmMDQ2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDk3NzU2MTQ@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished watching trading kino. Why is this movie so slept on? See you lads at market open, here's to a profitable week.

>> No.21207240

>The world is exactly the same as 1928, and there are no circuit breakers i place

Why are you even here?

>> No.21207256

What in the ever living fuck just happened to TOPS?

>> No.21207287
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The downside is that you need to capital to own 100 shares and being forced to hold until expiry if options value spikes, and potentially if you sell the stock at a loss. In general, its not really any riskier than holding stocks normally, but you gain the benefits of options time decay in exchange for "missing out" on a little extra profit.

>> No.21207293

Why do people suggest QQQ for tech when it has shit like Pepsi and Fox?

>> No.21207300
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hell, even Magic The Gathering Cards....all going up.

>>1000 share market order for open
Please stop trying to financially ruin my weeb, neet, and weirdo friends.

what the fuck retard chart is this? How does it demonstrate your point?

If anything, it strengthens the argument that the central banks will NOT repeat the mistake of raising rates too early.
Can you tell where they started to raise rates on your chart? The truth may shock you!

>> No.21207309

>a circuit breaker will stop a bubble that has been inflating for 12 years from popping

>> No.21207313

>In at .90 with everything I had
>Only made $3,000
Man being poor is hard

>> No.21207319

Learn Monetary Policy.

You'll start getting rich when you learn about Macroeconomics.

Also, Bobo's been fucked since March 23.

>> No.21207321

should've posted 2000 nasdaq crash
1929 we were still under the gold standard, QE was impossible

>> No.21207323


>> No.21207336

Not sure what you mean. It is good because it was funny and my first experience as a kid what the stock market even is. Still don't get frozen orange juice though.

>> No.21207339

>it was 6k right?
It may have been 10k
I've more than recovered, thankfully

>> No.21207398

>>>1000 share market order for open
>Please stop trying to financially ruin my weeb, neet, and weirdo friends.
Oh, shit. I guess the jig is up, boyos

>> No.21207414

call options on NET a good idea?

>> No.21207421

You're an idiot if you think this current situation has any similarities to the Wall Street Crash of 1930. You're going to be left out of the Golden Bull Run and good riddance.

Meanwhile everyone else is going to benefit from the Inflation train.

You will, they always do...

>> No.21207434
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>> No.21207448

I didn't plan anything, I just understand that the type of people who would seek attention on anonymous image boards eventually fuck their accounts up and stop posting. It's almost like mental ill faggots have trouble discerning reality and thus suck at trading stocks, who would have thought?

Do the decent thing and stop tripfagging. You're just another boomer with a LMAO 10% annual return and you have nothing of value to add here.

>> No.21207486

MARA is so easy to track. Bitcoin goes up, they go up.

Bitcoin is at 12k RN so MARA should shoot up today. $5.00 easy.

>> No.21207541
File: 26 KB, 1200x672, 6C6CC68F-3BF6-403E-9725-13E4EE86FDCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s see today we have
>mass speculative investing (SPCE, TSLA, WKHS, etc) in hopes that those companies will be the new amazon or Microsoft in 10 years
>parabolic Nasdaq
>average companies ridiculously overvalued for no reason (Etsy, Shopify, Fastly, Tesla, nvidia, Netflix, etc)
>every random burger flipper and gib collector is opening up brokerage accounts because they think they can get rich quick
Sounds a lot like 2000 my guy

>> No.21207542

I can understand why an uneducated n i g g e r like you thinks he may have #clever thoughts to contribute, but finds themselves flustered by the sheer size of scoopsies penis
I can only imagine how le overwhelmed you must feel right now, sir

>> No.21207554

If the stock goes lower than the price you sold the contract for you take a loss. So if you sold a call for $100 and the your 100 shares went down $1.50 you'd net -$50 without being able to sell

>> No.21207609

Uhhhhh no? If the stock price goes down, thats good for your calls. Stocks can go back up, options expire worthless.

>> No.21207654

How's he doing?
Has he capitulated on the VIP double triple secret masers executive edition?

>> No.21207668


I remember arguing with someone a few years ago telling him hong kong was doomed. He said two systems would never collapse and china couldn't conquer them.

Probably a 80 iq elite

>> No.21207688

Ok Mr. Moron.

Where are you going to pour your assets to prevent holding cash and getting burned by inflation?

Savings Account with their shit interest rates?
High Real Estate values?
CD's with garbage rates?
Bonds with...again....crappy rates?

There's no choice, but to put it in equities. That's why everything looks like a bubble.

Dot-Com crash happened because of FOMO. Nasdaq in 2000 was like GNUS, NAT and Kodak.

Again different situations.

>> No.21207697

Reminds me

Predicted crimea would fall.too...

Owell I probably have terrible predictive powers and def bad at this stock game

>> No.21207735
File: 1.43 MB, 1228x2048, futures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he saw everything that the light touched
and it was
all of it

>> No.21207752
File: 140 KB, 960x721, American Posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dow Futures approaching .5% already... bros... this might be great

>> No.21207772

I hardly kept up with Rudy's videos for the last year. Last video I watched, he mentioned multiple MTG cards were gaining value...for no purposeful reason. Rudy mentioned inflation. I have to agree with him. It's moving onto popular collectibles.

>> No.21207776

I wanna invent a new object in the class containing language, math, etc

>> No.21207783

I've seen this pic so much that I almost wanna watch the show

>> No.21207811

Bro who are you talking to? Just like, anyone that will listen? You just came in here talking about how you're good and predicting shit.

>> No.21207820

>Learn monetary policy
>Learn macroeconomics
>Bobo's been fucked

You are a retarded halfwit shitskin that has no idea what hes talking about.
You think your textbook covers the Fed printing more debt in the past 200 days than the US has in the past 200 years?

Equities will not survive this. Small caps going bust, Leisure going bust, Airlines going bust, Oil going bust, it will all fall like dominoes. The entire country is in forbearance that can never get lifted.

Take your rupees and shove it up your ass before the chinks do it with a bayonet

>> No.21207821
File: 174 KB, 960x690, 7qktxncwv3231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read the comic
I never watched even one minute of the anime

>> No.21207856

Same, but it seems like it'd be some slice of life shit like Love Live.
I tried watching the first episode on several occasions and I think have only managed to get all that far by getting absolutely trashed

>> No.21207884
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're fucking retarded, i was very tempted to hit capslock
Shopify and Nvidia are thriving companies with great futures, not average by any means. And we're beginning the rotation away from those anyhow.

>all of it
is ALL of it green?
Last I checked, smol caps were killing it and finally starting to eat the nasdaq!

yeah I made sure to watch that too, considered blowing some money on some sealed boxes of the VIP shit and leaving them in my closet for a few years, then flipping them.

After hearing some of the sentiment towards the new boxes, I'm not so sure. But I have a bunch of gift cards sitting around, probably losing purchasing power...

Is the massive glut of unsold and out of season clothing from the coronaclosure causing them to liquidate that shit? I should probably use some of this "money"...

>> No.21207885

Ok, how?

Let me know what's going to cause this bubble to burst Doctor Retard?

We've all been waiting since March 23.

>> No.21207901

the fed can keep printing and printing for decades and we'll go to war before someone calls them out on it

>> No.21207932


>> No.21207964

Where'd that retarded n i g g e r monkey go? The one that was a little bitch?

>> No.21207998
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should be a must see video about inflation.

Rudy will set everyone straight.

Also, make use of those gift cards....any gift cards. It's the same as holding cash.

>> No.21207999

What if the coronacrash was just the bear trap of the biggest stock market moon mission of all time? SPY 1,000 eoy?

>> No.21208043
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>> No.21208078
File: 2.59 MB, 2834x2000, 1597023849396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'll go to war before someone calls them out on it
they get called on it all the time, there's nothing to do. What are they going to do? Say "you're right, shit's fucked"?
No one really LIKES what's happening besides DC, wall street, corporate executives, and the rest of the ultra-wealthy. But what's the alternative? How bad do you think the riots would get if they were to stop now?

Look at it this way: the government is finally doing something to solve the student debt crisis!!
>(at a time in history when consumer debt is extremely low, but corporate debt is at all time highs... Should I really just apply for a loan even though I'm a NEET? And then use it to buy... rocks I guess?)

YES kek that's the video I was talking about.

>> No.21208089
File: 17 KB, 219x424, Futures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21208099

It's easy to say there's a recession coming. I actually agree, there is a recession coming. Time it. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years? If you can time it you're rich.

I can't time it and I'm not gonna risk holding cash for ages.

>> No.21208122

>small caps: not found
>vix: not represented
why are you using this shitty one?

>> No.21208154
File: 56 KB, 1000x563, 84b1a203-464e-411a-a469-f5914a35641f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga literally sold the bottom
lets laugh at him

>> No.21208189

Don’t get your financial information from cnn you dumb nigger. Investing.com

>> No.21208194

he sold shit that has remained at bottom e.g. airlines

>> No.21208221

Well I'm sorry, do you want me to order room service for you and wipe the shit from your ass after every poop episode you entitled prick?

You're free to upload that shit yourself.

>> No.21208321

>Whewe'd dat wetawded n i w w e r monkey go? the one dat wus a wittle bitch?

Behind you.
*katana cuts you cleanly in half*

>> No.21208325
File: 1.16 MB, 480x270, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's buying Bank of America stock.


Point and Laugh.

>> No.21208328
File: 223 KB, 1948x1518, Screen Shot 2020-08-09 at 10.55.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-guys is silver broken? I must not be doing this right.

If I make an account can I customize my list of things they show me? I want to see futures, certain commodities, 10-yr yield, and asian markets without having to go to every individual page.

>do you want me to order room service for you and wipe the shit from your ass after every poop episode you entitled prick?
I'd prefer if you just shat for me, I'm not a fan of the whole process. Waste of time.

>> No.21208340

This. Airlines only bounced because of people trying to bag cheapies, but if we don’t get a vaccine or the China virus isn’t contained soon they are mega fucked

>> No.21208366
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honestly, it could be the right move

If this is the beginning of the quickening, financials could be ripe for a pumping.

>> No.21208370

Yes its broken.
It's only up 0,3 from previous close.

>> No.21208377

the only animes that i watch are action/fantasy animes. i've seen parts of "slice of life" and they are just awful. and then you have the other shit where the main characters are 10 year old girls and shit.

i can't watch that bullshit, i need some sort of action or some sort of real story. kiddy shit creeps me out and i can't finish 5 minutes of it.

>> No.21208411

i'll also add that 95% of all animes i've seen are shit. you only end up with a decent anime MAYBE once a year.

>> No.21208431

lol what? I think you misunderstand how trading and investing works. If you do -1% week you are doing amazing. Measuring in weeks isn't very accurate though, especially in a volatile market.

>> No.21208436

This guy is making a lot of sense to me right now

>> No.21208460
File: 196 KB, 960x954, DDC71067-ED5B-4DF5-ADAA-9AE7449C8F1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a little babby

>> No.21208486

Yeah, I have calls that expire on the 28th. Hopefully we see some movement

>> No.21208487

Rudy? Yeah that was a good video.

>> No.21208532


Hey do what you want. It's not hurting anyone to watch garbage as an adult. But you couldn't pay me to watch that trash on the bottom

>> No.21208560


>> No.21208587


I hope you're ready for another neon green week

>> No.21208608
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>> No.21208613

Yeah. It seems especially relevant with regards to people making money and feeling like they “get it”. I’m not an expert trader but I at least know enough to see that I could have bought almost anything and made money in the past four months.

>> No.21208655




>> No.21208663

We're in a recession now cumbrain

>> No.21208680

>2000 was FOMO
yea man people were so scared of missing out on huge gains from AAPL, AMZN, AMD, NET, FSLY, MSFT...
Oh wait that’s today

>> No.21208725

If spy hits 1,000 im selling everything

>> No.21209042

K, but if you do like boys, then why you hiding in the closet?

>> No.21209179

>i'll also add that 95% of all animes i've seen are shit. you only end up with a decent anime MAYBE once a year.
You also said fantasy/action.
Gurrenn Lagann? Konosuba? re:Zero? Evangelion?

>> No.21209231 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 894x894, 0_OmJskWdwaniU78-o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros do i stay up or get some sleep and risk not waking up for market open

>> No.21209238

set an alarm...?