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21201097 No.21201097 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw XRP moons but they make you put the chip in your right hand or forehead to cash out

>> No.21201307

>tfw you take the chip, cash out, pay a doc and take it back out.

>> No.21201323
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Pick one and only one.

>> No.21201348

Like, I'm all for Jesus, but if the elites want to chip me for the Beast and it makes me a literal billionaire...eh, sure. Being microchipped isn't going to turn me into a Satan worshiper, is it?

>> No.21201372

The mark of the beast is not something you can come back from or remove. If you take it you're damned forever. I've got some in xrp but this potential aspect spooks me the fuck out.

>> No.21201386

Worth it.

>> No.21201434

the point is youre breaking off from the spiritual aspect of death and by being wired youre suceptible to being enslaved, the creators are either bought, killed or blackmailed

>> No.21201461

Good thing XRP is a the shittiest of all memecoins.

>> No.21201634

>Being microchipped isn't going to turn me into a Satan worshiper, is it
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead
so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…

>> No.21201877

Except none of that is going to happen. At least not within our lifetime, and XRP isn't going to do anything, because XRP is a 30 cent stablecoin.

>> No.21201981

So, it's not. Because everybody will be chipped. If everyone is chipped then even the righteous are chipped. K, I can be rich and righteous. I also promise if Christ himself asks me to give up my wealth and follow him, I will. But it has to be him, not some poser or "prophet".

>> No.21202449

You can reject the mark though.

>> No.21202759

LMAO, best xrp fud yet. Starting to think I should fatten my bag.

>> No.21202826

Bible says it's a MARK not a CHIP
That implant will be totally not visible. How the fuck is something in you and not visible a MARK?
The day the government wants to tattoo you you say hell no. But implants, who gives a fuck.

>> No.21203459

Are you larping a retard? Fucking brilliant if so. Kek

>> No.21203719

xrp is now a 30 cent stablecoin

>> No.21203992

Don't do it fren. Read the book of revelation.

>> No.21204059


>> No.21204111


>> No.21204167

Weak FUD. Come up with something better.

>> No.21204451

If any coin resembles the mark it is ETH. There's more than enough signs and symbolism.

>> No.21204626

You retards are worried about some chip implant when you literally have a phone that actively records your information and sends it to the CIA

>> No.21204701
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>> No.21204703

the chip is the same as branding cattle. You are not tricked into taking the mark, you knowingly accept the mark and denounce your current god/belief.

>> No.21204792

Glad I sold at .31 fuck this coin

>> No.21204798
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>> No.21204845

I'm not chained to my phone.

>> No.21204897

>fastest, cheapest, most scalable

>> No.21204975

>cattle knowingly accept being branded
>branding actually leaves a mark while a chip doesn't
Not the same thing at all actually.

>> No.21205283

Hand please, thanks.

>> No.21206083

trips of truth