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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21199909 No.21199909 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ will defend this

>> No.21200245
File: 2.71 MB, 1259x1556, landlord rent makes sense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21200306

Go back

>> No.21200340

boomers are sociopathic fuckers who take advantage of others (including their own children) in exchange for money
in other news, the sky is blue

>> No.21200373

didnt read go back

>> No.21200381

that is the fakest shit i've ever seen

>> No.21200426

This is definitely a real story. A landlord has nothing better to do with his time than to hassle tenants for a measly one months rent in security deposit, which is what, 0.2% of the units value?

>> No.21200445

The only landlord I ever had that didn't take my security deposit was an orthodox Jew. I'm still shocked to this day.

>> No.21200460

oh you chainlink discord commies need to slide the chainlink dump threads? HMM?

>> No.21200495

You are all Jews or jew-defenders . Landlords are Jewish in behavior. Stay cucked. Keep sucking Shekelstein cock faggots

>> No.21200515

Fuck off jew

>> No.21200516

>the distrustful and sneaky tactic of taking pictures

oh yes I'm sure these are real landlords and not leftist faggot redditors larping as "evil capitalists"

>how do you do fellow landlords any tips for oppressing my tenants?

>> No.21200528

It's literally a larp subreddit relax

>> No.21200537

whoever did this larp is trying way too hard. cringe.

>> No.21200539

Your nose is showing.

>> No.21200557

>I've really been struggling. I need more money for my trip to Japan

And I need a new coat of paint for my yacht! Am I right fellow landlords?

>> No.21200577


>screenshot of reddit


>> No.21200630

>landlords put forth capitol
pffftt, no. I make a salary of 75k so the bank decided, "oh sure you can buy a 400k house!!!, here's a mortgage made of fake money I decided existed just now!". I put down a down payment and paid some taxes and fees. In exchange a family of wage slaves lives in "my" house and the mama and papa of the family go to work everyday to pay "my" mortgage, made of fake money.

Land-lording is complete bullshit, that why I do it. Can't beat the jews, so join 'em. Look at mortgages for what they are. Put one on yourself? Wow you just made yourself a wage slave. Go get money donkey. What a down payment on a mortage is, is a contract that buys you a wage slave. That is why the TENANT. NOT THE PROPERTY. Is what is important. The value is in the slave. The property barely matters. Will the slave live there? Yes? Okay, great.

>> No.21200719

Your still providing a service though, in the form of flexible housing and maintenance.

>> No.21200771

Yes it is but I am not giving up my home to niggers, lefties or normie retards. Maybe if we brought back national socialism i’d be more inclined to helping my fellow man out. Until then when we ban all niggers and get rid of Jews and fix our fucked up culture you are paying the rent.

>> No.21200796

Yeah it seems pretty fake but there are landlords that do this kind of shit.

>> No.21200845
File: 585 KB, 946x593, 1594740101408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent a place
>get mad that you have to pay rent

>> No.21200855

>I make a salary of 75k so the bank decided, "oh sure you can buy a 400k house!!!, here's a mortgage made of fake money I decided existed just now!"
Dont forget anon, now that you 'own' a house that was paid for with money the bank grew on their money tree, you can now use the house as leverage to get the bank to print more money out of thin air and buy another property!

>> No.21200947

The worst part is that the rabbit hole is 20x deeper than this in fake money paid for with fake money

>> No.21201006

Exactly, I was getting to that.
"Oh you'd like a loan for a home?.... let's see... WOW says here you're a home owner! Right this way!"
It's fake money all the way down. Who cares. Money isn't real and some jagg-off will print you more.

I run around and sign things. I call people to fix things. I fill out forms. I call people. That's it. All normal home owner shit. My tenants even mow the lawn. What an absolute joke. They buy a lawnmower, gas, and put in time maintaining my shit. It's unreal.

>> No.21201024

>having to resort to rhetorical racism to sell your outdated ideology
Truly pathetic

>> No.21201055

That's an argument against modern banking not against private property

>> No.21201177

>people take capital risk and are compensated in the form of expected investment returns
wow, how surprising

>> No.21201223

>he actually pays the last months rent knowing the landlord will take it.

Deserves to get fucked

>> No.21201528

It all ties in. People keep investing into property, property prices keep rising, rent keeps rising, muh gain, people keep investing into property.
For example in Australia the property market has near 5x more investment into it than the stock market! Now a lot of it is probably chinks but the investment mentality in Australia is "buy as much real estate as possible" because the banks and government push for it.
Its not an argument against private property at all. Its an argument against an inflated and unsustainable property market fueled by the greed of not just financial institutions but also the average property owner. And mind you, for every one average joe that benefits another ten are priced out.

>> No.21201568

>arguing against
Bro I don't even fucking care, I am saying how the game is. The game will always be fucked. We could be paying in shiney rocks or shitcoins and it would still be fucked. I am just playing the game.

The banks never risked anything. They pretended the money was real the moment they wrote the loans. Look up how loans work. They don't even fucking care if I pay it back in reality. Worst case scenario I sign more paper to get more fake money.