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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 374 KB, 6000x7992, toothanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21199724 No.21199724 [Reply] [Original]

Can you feel it? AMPL is ready to awaken from its slumber. I can promise you, this is going to rage out of control upwards. Anyone that doesn't understand, AMPL is re-entering an entirely new market phase starting from the very beginning. The rollercoaster has only just begun, strap in. My only regret is having to get off the ride with AMPLforce.

>> No.21199843

not yet
we're going to see $0.50 AMPL first

>> No.21199886

we already did. it either hits $0.50 or $5 nowhere in between

>> No.21199903

I can't stop looking at graphs for this and I think the worst of it is over. Really, I think the cycle has finally come full cirlce.

>> No.21199926

you should have bought when you had the chance

>> No.21199958

hey brother. i will send that xmr today.

>> No.21199974

Everyone buys scampl. Scampl completely goes to shit. Hmmmmm let’s buy more scampl HWHAHAHAHA by the time it hits $2 again they’ll just realease another 500k coins for you faggots

>> No.21200004

You're good man, as always I really appreciate. I'm trying to do my part and keep the AMPL spirit alive, its been a rough week for you guys and I really do feel its on the uptrend again.

>> No.21200112
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gentlemen I think our certain friend is listening


>> No.21200156

didnt toothbrah sell a portion of his stack already

>> No.21200196

I had to completely cash out cuz of a dental emergency, pic from phone of my cap inc.

>> No.21200325
File: 2.64 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200807_205259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go in tomorrow for part 2, then again on Friday for the next tooth.

>> No.21200334
File: 1.67 MB, 768x1892, wait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already on it's way back up. Will pump more after the rebase tonight. Should be 0.85 later tonight and grow more tomorrow.

Grab it cheap while you can.

>> No.21200357

I'm on my phone right now to find the other pictures
also, I have a new monero address if anyone wants to chip in heres my monero address:

>> No.21200469

i am confident that AMPL will reach its stable price relative to the market ($0.00) quite soon.

>> No.21200501

Naw, I think a lot of people are writing off at this point which makes it the perfect market for whales to nest in and start ramping up the price.

>> No.21200584

I hope we make it, tooth anon

>> No.21200605

we're pumping to 9 dollars and it's solid as an oak

>> No.21200645
File: 49 KB, 460x575, 20200809_175927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be greedy when others are fearful
be fearful when others are greedy

>> No.21200692

7 days is the amount of time it takes big money to go from settling in to taking profits, it started 24 hours ago. Its definitely going up.

You get it. Like I said, AMPL is the perfect place for money to start flowing in to drive prices up and whales have already been staking their claim.

>> No.21200768
File: 78 KB, 550x750, toothloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed toothanon, again I say if you have small cavities, even ones that hurt, do not get them filled, the inner dentin affected will remineralize through high meat/dairy diet. don't want to end up like pic related.

>> No.21200789
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no i dont really feel it...yet

>> No.21200870
File: 43 KB, 600x450, Ee2jUl2U0AUZRtV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am rooting for you tooth anon. I got into AMPL on day 2 of the geyser and I am still here. Haven't sold any. It is a really interesting experiment that hasn't yet had a chance to be put through its paces.

>> No.21200870,1 [INTERNAL] 

You guys need to understand that there hasn't been price movement like this in over a week for AMPL. This is at the very least a short term reversal of the bleed out that was happening. After today's rebase, we should see a nice pump on the price, likely up to 9500 sats.
I'm not going to set any lofty goal on what the price could go up to on this rebound, or even say that there is a pump imminent in the next few days. I just trade price swings and AMPL seems to be very profitable right now in the short term. This could very well crash mid-week if the current momentum that we have been seeing over the past 16 hours fades.
Personally, I think AMPL is overvalued as fuck. However, knowing the crypto market, these Defi currencies probably will be huge with an upcoming btc bull run. All of these currencies will pump like mad, AMPL will probably go like 25x-50x (depending on how high btc pushes), and all the smaller Defi currencies might see 1000x from where they are now. However, literally 90% of these currencies are going to crash in the long term, so make sure to cash out profits before the next bear market or be forever angry at yourself.

>> No.21200870,2 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

You guys need to understand that there hasn't been price movement like this in over a week for AMPL. This is at the very least a short term reversal of the bleed out that was happening. After today's rebase, we should see a nice pump on the price, likely up to 9500 sats.
I'm not going to set any lofty goal on what the price could go up to on this rebound, or even say that there is a pump imminent in the next few days. I just trade price swings and AMPL seems to be very profitable right now in the short term. This could very well crash mid-week if the current momentum that we have been seeing over the past 16 hours fades.
Personally, I think AMPL is overvalued as fuck. However, knowing the crypto market, these Defi currencies probably will be huge with an upcoming btc bull run. All of these currencies will pump like mad, AMPL will probably go like 25x-50x (depending on how high btc pushes), and all the smaller Defi currencies might see 1000x from where they are now. However, literally 90% of these currencies are going to crash in the long term, so make sure to cash out profits before the next bear market or be forever angry at yourself.

>> No.21201008

It's over for tooth anon. The abscess is infected

>> No.21201044

Thanks man, I don't eat sugar much and really only eat meats and dairy already, I also eat a lot of white rice oats, that's pretty much it.

AMPL has a lot left to give, anyone that thinks otherwise is dead wrong and the proof is in the fact that its still here. Strong hands with a good project are always rewarded and everyone still involved knows that.

>> No.21201138

dont eat oats or grains man. the bottom of the food pyramid is absolute slave food. no wonder they tell us to eat it. we are free-range humans, and grains are our feed. carnivore, paleo or keto at the bare minimum.
if youre worried about missing out on treats, then have social cheat days or whatever, but establish a strong baseline in meats

>> No.21201169

Before COVID I was a contest prep coach for bodyuilders and strength athletes, so I need carbs quite a bit of carbs to sustain.

>> No.21201344

no one needs carbs. no one. no one at all.
name one carb that is NATURAL to our diet. it has to have existed pre stone age.
you cant. because we werent eating them. so it's logically unnatural to eat carbs. so do you think you know better than millions of years of evolution?
you dont need carbs. you are addicted to them as an energy source so you feel like shit without them. switch to meats/fats and your body will too.

>> No.21201384

I'll read into it, sounds like you're talking about carnivore or a keto diet though which I've done my share of research on but I can always dig more.

>> No.21201456

true that chads eat OMAD high quality meat, fish, and caviar

>> No.21201597

I promise I'm not fucking with you. carnivore diet is our natural diet. we can easily establish this as nothing else was available on the ice sheets in pre-history in europe. and if there were tiny mushrooms or berries, you couldn't sustain on them. there are tons of harmful things in our man-made fruits and vegies. Meats, if "clean", will never hurt you.
We are intelligent predators who are highly evolved for stalking prey. in fact, we can track for longer than any other organism on the planet. sure, a cheetah will run fast. A deer too. but we can literally walk and follow them until they fall over from exhaustion. we are ruthless killing machines. our instincts are here, inside us, just below our skin. why do you think kids love to play with fucking sticks? And naturally hate brocolli? (toxins taste bitter)
keto is the lite "mainstream" version of this diet, but if eating "normal" food matters in a social way, I'd recommend it.
lastly, mid rare steak tastes the best. out of anything. it's objectively the highest ranked tasting food. Why? think about it. caveman kills animal. puts a chunk of meat on a stick. sticks it in fire cause grog like warm. it cooks, but only a little, and the flames crisp the outside. this is the most natural way to eat meat. in fact, you will have much more nutrition this way (tons of b vitamins in the "juice"). it tastes fucking delicious because anyone who didn't think so died off and didnt reproduce. trust your instincts.

>> No.21201614

I don't think you are, I'm actually interested and am doing research on it now because I tell you what, if I can do anything at this point to keep my fucking teeth from decaying I absolutely will.

>> No.21201630

carnivore diet is great but actually carbs are great if youre doing labour as well theres nothing wrong with traditional fare

>> No.21201638

do it. I literally dont brush my teeth. I cured a cavity with this along with halitosis, chronic fatigue and chronic joint pain.

>> No.21201657

Can someone explain why I had coins removed from my wallet over the last 3 days every night, how is this not just me getting robbed

>> No.21201670

there are plenty wrong with traditional fare. name one, I'll tell you. fats are far superior source of steady energy. all carbs will give you a spike with a crash and develop dependence.

>> No.21201706

I mean fuck man if that's true I'm 100% in.

AMPL contracting is only a visual representation of your overall market share, your actual net worth hasn't changed at all.

>> No.21201712

bunch of presuppositions and conjecture
tons of animals including humans eat ripe fruit to gain weight before winter, i eat a lot of raw meat and eggs i find raw to be most palatable actually

>> No.21201721

What charts are you looking at? If you just look at price and market cap graphs, then yes I agree with you; however, if you look at circulating supply it's another story. We were just over 20 million on the first of the month. Today we're @690m and falling fast -- the rebase is eliminating the supply exponentially every night. https://www.ampleforth.org/dashboard/

>> No.21201760

name the fruit you think pre stone age europeans were eating please. I'll wait. it definitely wasnt bananas lmao

>> No.21201762

I'll ride this bullshit for now. 4chan if you fuck me one more time I will never listen to you

>> No.21201822

TradingView, I think the supply has contracted enough to start building forward momentum and make peoples purchases seem more impactful. Of course I could be wrong but I think its going up from here.

All I'll say to you is AMPL bros generally only wanted to bring people to riches with them. I know it seems like you were scammed but they made raging gains and thought we could too.

>> No.21201843
File: 45 KB, 682x514, grainscausecavities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy >>21201138 is right. With a mouth as affected as yours, cutting all carbs (even bread,pasta,rice) besides dairy and some fruit is necessary. If you've developed those problems without eating sugar, the rice and oats are clearly responsible. I experienced the same thing, getting two more cavities even after cutting out all carbs besides rice/pasta, and so cut them out too. pic related explains (the link i posted above will guide you through the rest)

>> No.21201884

This is the biz story of the year and it better have the best ending with you somehow making it with a 10mil stack

>> No.21201952

do it. also youll lose a bunch of weight (in a good way, if needed) in the beginning. you can look around online for shawn baker, or "keto science" or recipes or whatever. but it's pretty straight forward. even jordan peterson's daughter does it.
if you want, you can continue to drink black coffee otherwise that withdrawal will make you feel like shit. but you're going to feel great, have better digestion, feel euphoric and smarter (it's a fat thing).
lazy tier: look up Goatis on youtube. he makes a ton of videos bashing vegans and it's fun to watch. You'll learn a bit, too.
best thing is: if you decide after a few months this diet isnt for you, you will have effectively detoxed your body from oxalates and other shit and you'll be way more adjusted (your body will be happy to have had a break from modern diet)

>> No.21201953

timelines on age of the earth are all based on conjecture you believe you evolved from africans too lmfao?
obviously humans did selective breeding for plants just like we did for heritage breed animals
i eat 80% animal foods but suggesting we cant utilize or benefit from other sources is retarded

>> No.21202006

BTW, regarding the whole teeth rotting thing. I'm a vegan. I have been for over 30 years. I'm over 40; I have never had a cavity in my life. Before you take biz's advice on diet, read the China Study and research done by dr mcdougall, and dr esselstyn.

>> No.21202045

if im working i feel most satiated with a fatty cut of meat, white rice and some heavily stewed vegetable, i know the carnivore diet is a great interventional diet and doesnt cause any dysfunction definitely can be ideal

>> No.21202087

absolute retard
never had cavities my entire life and within 3 months of veganism i had 3 fuck off idiot
china study is retarded same with the ancel key 27 country you get the same results with hydrogenated oil products and sugar consumption

>> No.21202090

Yeah I'm reading on it now and I think I have the same problem, really wish a dentist would have talked to me about this a long time ago, thinking about how fucked my mouth is makes me depressed sometimes but I know it'll get better someday.

Thanks man, even if I don't I really want everyone involved with AMPL to, and on /biz/ in general. I've said it before but a lot of us share a similar childhood and have been generally unlucky in our lives, AMPL and crypto in general gives me hope for all of our futures.

I'm pretty lean already but I'll look into the sources you mentioned and educate myself.

Added to my resources to research. Didn't imagine I'd find legit dental and health advice here but I'm happy you guys are sharing.

>> No.21202094

no, in fact there are older hominid discoveries in greece than africa.
sure, we did breeding. but not until recently. cro magnon man is virtually the same genetically to modern man. we haven't evolved any differently since messing around with plants. your dog can eat and digest vegetables too. why dont you try it on him? or is it that he can, but meat is much better for him? think about it. starving? okay, eat a mushroom or a berry if you want. you dont live on the stuff.

>> No.21202101

>he thinks it won't tank again now it can't break out of 70c
It is in holders economic interest to sell now and rebuy after the rebase. It will only go up again when the MC gets so low that a few hundred buys can moon it to 1.15 - so at least 70m MC first.

>> No.21202162

I doubt that, really I do. I think its stabilized at 250m or very near to it, maybe two more contractions of supply then getting into neutral territory. Large amounts of money are thrown at AMPL and I think it'll move it in the right direction. when people see it on the uptrend you'd bet your ass it's going to keep going.

>> No.21202182

yes i agree that meat is the essential food and plant foods more or less are just extra calories or can be used to make things more palatable
i think ripe fruit some stewed/pickled vegetables can be fine or even medicinal

>> No.21202227

darwinian evolution is completely retarded either way

>> No.21202272

That's what people said from 60c to $1.20 too. There's at least another week of negative rebases left in Ample. I warned everyone about this from from 100m market cap to the very top. There will be no bounce back until the negative rebases remove much more of the supply.

>> No.21202313

Why is ampl trading suspended on Kucoin right now???

>> No.21202354

There was a huge buy order just before the negative rebase today. Imagine how bullish that is. Going to $1 EOD

>> No.21202426

even hardcore primal carnivores like sv3rige and aajonus partake in seasonal berries, honey, raw milk, and fruit/vegetable juices rather than water (which dehydrates without natural minerals). Raw dairy practically made us who we are. Our strength, our height. don't let the keto meme take that from you.

>> No.21202468

rebase time

>> No.21202476

okay we're pretty much on the same page.
I always try to argue for carnivore as the baseline. then it's everyone's choice what to add on top, whether for social needs or medicinal. I like ginger because it saved me from some terrible food poisoning one time.
pickled vegies are great. the bacteria digest the cellulose and create b vitamins that arent in the plants otherwise. kefir is awesome too.
yeah I used to be a fedora tipper but now I'm sure mainstream evolution is off, though right in principle

>> No.21202491
File: 28 KB, 515x270, 75917941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans are apex predators we ate meat only out of necessity hundreds of thousands of years ago therefore you should eat meat only now

>> No.21202516
File: 67 KB, 799x649, IMAGE 2020-08-07 13:42:01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21202598

I didn't mention dairy or raw meats but I agree. I posted about this in a different thread.
unfortunately raw dairy is illegal where I live. the mongolians ate raw beef and dairy. I eat raw occasionally but I definitely like mid rare or rare steaks better. maybe a warm raw kill is more natural, I'm not sure. but I do think raw meat and dairy is superior. It's hard enough telling someone not to eat plants, let alone telling them to eat raw meat.

we evolved to eat a specific diet
>thinks technological progress means his digestion evolved in a few thousands years

>> No.21202633

I hope you're wrong, but I won't dismiss your interpretation. I'm hopeful tonight though.

I saw that, praise be AMPLforce.

>> No.21202680

All species have 1 (ONE) diet, which if deviated from, causes health issues universally. Humans are no different. See:

>> No.21202814

based. havent seen this, thanks.

>> No.21202815

There is hope toothanon, I assure you it is as simple as the other anon suggested. I've also been doing carnivore for about 2 years now and have reported no new cavities after years of constant (16+) fillings, even without brushing very often. no grain, no pain.

>> No.21202845

Damn this is great, thanks dude. Love AMPL bros.

>> No.21202852
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 571924719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold....the raw power of a meat only apex predator

>> No.21202929

he doesnt eat raw meat, only started carnivore in later part of his life, he doesnt work out, and he's a drug addict. do you have an actual argument?

>> No.21203131
File: 15 KB, 320x220, 85018401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros...the meat based diet.....its the only way. WE ARE APEX PREDATORS

>> No.21203201

He made a video recently, think he's kicked his drug habits and looks grim as fuck.

>> No.21203291

I never cared much for him. honestly, you shouldnt take advice from anyone who has is physically weak, unless they're really old. he's getting old but still, he could do better, my grandpa is older and much stronger

>> No.21203377

I enjoy him as an intellectual, not as a motivational speaker. A lot of normies I know grew a pair of balls after listening to him so I'll give him credit there at least.

>> No.21203438
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crypto noob with coinbase here, could someone explain in retard terms the simplest way to buy in

>> No.21203478

Are you able to transfer whatever you bought in Coinbase already or did you do a bank transfer and have to wait 6 days?

>> No.21203512

buy eth. download coinbase wallet app. go to settings > transfer > transfer eth to it.
bottom buttons click the middle one look for uniswap under dApps.
you swap eth for ampl there. it's pretty straight forward. coins stored in coinbase wallet.

>> No.21203547

assuming a humans species specific diet cant include plant foods is simply retarded though

>> No.21203552

>sub 100mcap
>coinbase listing announced
>price below $1

You need these three before ample turns around.

>> No.21203575

>do a bank transfer and have to wait 6 days
yeah that one. guess i'll just wait and hope it's not too late by then

>> No.21203583

you're the dumbest motherfucker alive. stop talking fitness on a buisness and finance board with your smooth brain redneck logic. fruits have carbs you dumb nigger.

>> No.21203593

A new listing is probably a week out, I'm calling it now.

You might not be, AMPL will be going to the moon when it kickstarts back on and people will buy into it even if they've been burned because the only thing people don't hate is money.

>> No.21203599

but word mostly meat as a baseline is fine

>> No.21203600

everyone I know set up coinbase and used debit card. got funds there same day

>> No.21203627

based retard

>> No.21203655

yeah I know thats why I dont eat them.
fruits as you know them didnt exist thousands of years ago. tiny berries did. and even egyptian and greek societies had wimpy tiny fruit. prehistoric man had ZIPPO.
stay mad faggot

>> No.21203792

They also had a very short lifespan

>> No.21203797

Its been a while since this chart was fun to watch. Hope it keeps up for a while

>> No.21203909



Should hit $0.85 tonight.

>> No.21203915

>A new listing is probably a week out, I'm calling it now.
I'd say more like a month. We'll see 1billion mcap in October.

>> No.21203982

Either way this is a huge win for AMPL and I guess only time will tell when it completely rebounds.

>> No.21203993

>believing the life expectancy myth
>whoops i'm 30, time to drop dead guys
>what the fuck are means and averages? lmao
what do you think they died from? lmao. they were so sick from their meat diet that they just accidentally evolved into that they somehow still hunted and survived as sick people and then dropped dead randomly? the statistics are heavily flawed and based on guesses. most that died early at that time were mauled to death or died in tribal warfare. they were healthier than you. and less gay, I might add

>> No.21204017

fuck sake i cant find the thread in the archive or warosu. post address one last time lol.

>> No.21204067

you're good man kek, its the thought that counts anyways


>> No.21204197

This entire thread is just one big cope, ampl is done.
Just buy XAMP

>> No.21204239


>> No.21204415

You made my week man, seriously. I'm going to plaster my fucking grill all over this place when I get my chompers fixed and acid etch your initials into my bottom teeth.

>> No.21204582

.8 we did it. I hope it holds on

>> No.21204658

I have hope. Everyone is still going to make it and you'll have a story to tell at the end of this. I've been talking to an oldfag on telegram that bought into this and he said it's been one of the hardest crypto holds he's ever done and genuinely felt sorry for me that it was my first crypto purchase.

>> No.21204674

i hope it comes back
i put in 10k and it's down to 5k now
heavy fucking bags

>> No.21204684
File: 18 KB, 546x128, Screen Shot 2020-08-09 at 8.30.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone ehos been fudding the shit out of this the past week, get in here and apologize right NOW.

>you said it was a scam
>you said it was never going back up
>you called it a pajeet pump n dump
>you said the concept made no sense
>you called the idea retarded

admit you were WRONG

>> No.21204713

Yeah I was about 50% down when I had to pull out for my shitty mouth.

Everyone in AMPL knows its not a scam. It was temporarily hijacked by greedy whales and moon boys though, I have to admit that at the very least.

>> No.21204891

hey retard
download the crypto.com app on your phone
register(took 20 mins)
buy ETH with debit card(fees waved right now)
transfer ETH to metamask wallet
swap ETH to AMPL on Uniswap

You'll probably lose about 8$ in gas fees

>> No.21205144

Just wash trade from eth to usdc back to eth and you can send it. Youll get fucked by fees but it works

>> No.21205187

do you know how long until the no fee credit card deposit lasts til?

>> No.21205253

it's for the Rona, so who knows
been going awhile

>> No.21205312

np. i have kinda fucked teeth too due to my parents just not caring, so i sympathize.

>> No.21206048

you're kind of right, but you are forgetting that fruits are the initial staple of the protohuman diet. just because humans outside the equatorial zone ate mostly meat doesnt mean that that was where they evolved and were created. humans were created under the heat and the moisture of the equator. fruit and meat are king and queen

>> No.21206113

no sorry m8 I dont believe in the outdated out of africa theory. maybe fruits are natural for africans and other hominids similar to homo erectus, but not to europeans

>> No.21206226

>tfw just sold at .84 before the dump
Where's the floor?

>> No.21206835

It's at .80 congrats you just sold the bottom

>> No.21206909

Floor was yesterday, you're fucked anon.

>> No.21206963

Nah,I just rebought at .79 and increased my stack.

>> No.21206987

Good man, if I had any money I'd buy into this RIGHT NOW.

>> No.21207104

if this goes 5x or something crazy soon stick around toothanon and i'll try and feed you (heh) more xmr as i get gains

>> No.21207121

4chan is my home, I've been on here since I was an underaged retard and will probably never leave. I love you guys and want nothing more than for all of you to be filthy rich.

>> No.21207187

what if people are greedy and fearful? e.g. current stock market?

>> No.21207244


>> No.21207272

Thats when millionaires are made because money has to go somewhere.

>> No.21207795
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>> No.21207826
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>> No.21207891
File: 44 KB, 700x420, EeGu91wWoAA5_Kv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no fucking idea what the means and you wish it would

Pic related

>> No.21207995
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>Litteraly not a ponzi

>> No.21209005
File: 88 KB, 599x589, 1595906358462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my 0.01% before the geyser and I haven't sold any. A lot of the big holders on here just don't make a lot of noise.

>> No.21209115

Except I bought at 600m market cap like a fucking idiot.