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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 648x432, band.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21197780 No.21197780 [Reply] [Original]

BAND makes me so sad
we followed and hodled LINK for 3 years through thick and thin
spent days and nights following the rabbit hole for the first year
went all-in LINK < $1
held for 3 years
only for fucking copy pasta BAND investors to make more in return under 3 months buying BAND < $1
hate to admit it
but i think BAND is 2020's NEO

>> No.21197848

thats great but im never selling my LINKies


>> No.21197889


Thats okay bud

>> No.21197903

>another project also did well therefore I'm sad
How fucking pathetic of a human being are you OP? You made killer gains in three years. Nobody gives a shit that your gains weren't the best possible in the last three months, you ridiculous spoiled child.

>> No.21197918

but is band going to 1k?

>> No.21197978

sad because i noticed BAND around $.90
did a little research and knew they were shit-tier
but i failed to recognize LINK's power and beauty that force people into looking into a cheaper "competitor"

>> No.21198027
File: 108 KB, 1080x540, DC34DF29-EAE3-40E2-9CA3-CDE278764591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t like band.

>> No.21198122

I post here everyday and this is the first time I heard about this shitcoin WHY DIDN'T YOU SHILL ME BIZ?

>> No.21198143

because it's a fucking chink shitcoin

>> No.21198467

Buying BAND is more risky than buying LINK though because BAND is a scam. So it's risk vs reward