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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2119543 No.2119543 [Reply] [Original]

>business board
>99% of the threads are just autists hoping their meme coins can get them out of the neet life

>> No.2119547

>another /biz/ thread complaining about too many crypto threads

Thanks for being part of the problem.

>> No.2119560

/biz/ was created as a containment board because cryptocurrency threads were taking over /g/

>> No.2119565
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>>99% of the threads are just autists hoping their meme coins can get them out of the neet life
wagecuck life*

It's working.

>> No.2119569

Umad, cus everyone else seems to be getting profit. Thats it. Join crypto trading.

>> No.2119579
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Stay poor, wagecuck

>> No.2119581

normally /biz/ does not look like that

its just we are in big alt bubble every shitcoin is now at ATH

you can easily spot it by when naive anons think they should quit their jobs and "trade" full time

>> No.2119595
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>don't want to gamble with crypto
>small town, no jobs worth a shit, honestly
>making the lowest possible money in AMERICA
>can't move away due to personal family issue
>fantasize about someone taking me under their wing to guide me to a normie tier life

We need less crypto threads, and at least a thread for people who are in despair

Who /despair/ here? And no, I don't want to make a thread so eat my pussy

>> No.2119606

>I don't want to gamble on crypto
Went long on ETH a couple of days ago, slept like a baby, there was never any doubt, woke up yesterday and made two monthly paychecks in a day.
It's not a "gamble" when there's literally BILLIONS of new money flowing in. Stay poor.

>> No.2119651

You guys wouldn't jump at the first opportunity to brag if you all truly became rich off crypto.

>> No.2119654

Ok, I can see how that works. But you must've invested a large amount to get two months worth if paychecks. In my current situation, I only have about $200 to play with every 2 weeks.

How much was the investment you made?

>> No.2119737
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Actually, I just started a month and a half or so ago. I was tired of being a filthy no coiner and decided that wasting 390€ is worth giving it a try.

Went from 300 to almost 2k(with unrealized profit rn).

The truth is that I performed "poorly" as I missed a few pumps due to my impatience. Literally sold my LTC, for something like 20% gain, only to have it moon literally 1 hour later. Bought XRP at 0.0003, bought more at 0.0006, sold most at 0.0008 and the rest at 0.00012 (moved to ETH a week to quickly), held ETC before it mooned and I sold it for min. gain.

I became more patient and got into margin trading, playing with small amounts mostly breaking even, until I felt confident enough to give it a go. Pic related. It was like 500€ in the red at some point due to my mistiming but I pulled trough. Everything is fucking UP, its hard to lose money right now. No one knows how long it will last though. But ETH is probably the most solid investment you can make right now.

>But you must've invested a large amount to get two months worth if paychecks.
Not if my paycheck is eastern euro tier and I make less than 8k€ a year. It's worth giving it a shot, if you lose it all you stay poor, not like you wouldn't spend the 300€ on some shit you don't really need either way. As you can imagine, with shit pay like that, this is almost fucking life changing to me.

End of the day, the risk is worth it to me.

>> No.2119756
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Not hope, it already has for a lot of anons. About to be even more over the summer. Normies still haven't found out about crypto being the next big thing just yet. They are too into their spinner fad currently. Once they find out, all of us here will be filthy rich and NEETs shall inherit the Earth.

>> No.2119791

t. nocoiner