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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2119532 No.2119532 [Reply] [Original]

All ETH holders welcome, please take a complementary glass of champagne. Non-ETH holders are also allowed to enter but they will not be permitted any complementary drinks or food.

Share at what price you bought in at, and what your plans for the future are now that ETH hit at ATH of $133.

>> No.2119541

We're gonna hover around 120 and bottom out at 115 it's only up from there.

>> No.2119552

Jerk off to neto hentai, that's how I celebrate

>> No.2119563

DJ Khaled=ETH
Solid 7=me

>> No.2119586

fuck poloniex ddosnfor making me liquidate my 5x leverage position at 82 dollars

life goes on tho

made 150, now spreading to different cryptos

>> No.2119596
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>tfw 112 ETH

feels Jew man

How far will this ride go?

>> No.2119598
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put half my savings in bitcoin @1090 this winter

a few hundred on LTC @$10 and 1k the day it was added to coinbase

>> No.2119603

today was a great goddamn day for money

>> No.2119605
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feels good man

>> No.2119607
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ive been screenshotting a few non ETH holders retarded FUD posts in the week leading up to this pump
might dump a couple so me and my fellow ETH bros can laugh at these nocoiner twats

>> No.2119613
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>> No.2119620
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>> No.2119627
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>> No.2119644

This isn't even the pump we were all waiting for though. This is just some pre-hype pumping that had been suppressed by the whales for 2 weeks.

Next week will surpass all expectations and bring us to $200. Screencap this.

I bought at $15, $43 and $109

>> No.2119646

pathetic weak hand
actually thats what I also think. Without the other TOP coins the btc dominance would not have been dropen

>> No.2119649

>Next week will surpass all expectations and bring us to $200. Screencap this.
I think you might have had a touch too much Champagne.

>> No.2119659

this will dip again so i can board safely right guys?

>> No.2119661

I predict one of ETH's trademark stable ranges between $140-$150 by the end of next week after all the news

>> No.2119679
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where's ETH headed in the not so distant future?
end of June?
end of the year?
same time next year?

>> No.2119746

I bought my first cryptocurrency this week. 12 ETH @ 87.

Feelin' fine. Will add more as time goes on, I imagine. I sure hope this isn't snake oil or some shit, but I'll only invest what I wouldn't kill myself over losing tomorrow.

>> No.2119755

you shouldn't think of investing like that, you will expose yourself to unnecessary risk.

>> No.2119757

is it too late to get on the train?

>> No.2119772
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Only just got into cryptos last month. Bought 25 at $50. I caught some of the ripple wave and now I'm sitting with 32. Literally no cash I can afford to lose left.

Jew'd my family into getting on board. Warm feeling in my heart knowing they are way up on their money.

Is this happiness? It's been so long.

>> No.2119782
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>Is this happiness? It's been so long.
I feel the same way

>> No.2119787
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I bought at $40 and hold 70 ETH. Waiting for ETH to hit over 10k each so I can finally retire and live in Japan with my imaginary waifu

>> No.2119799


We're just getting started. Normal people still haven't found out about getting rich off of crypto so we're still good. I would start to worry when the news starts telling average joes about how everyone is getting rich off of ethereum. By then it will be too late.

>> No.2119844

Remember, it is not profit until you sell.

>> No.2119846

>Is this happiness? It's been so long.

I'm with you boyo.

>> No.2119887

I put in $15,000 at the ICO. Do the math.

>> No.2119888
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>TWF I thought I missed the boat buying 40 Eth at $40

>> No.2120309

Bought at 12 - just a couple ETHERS because why risk?
Bought again at 22.
Again a bit at 45.
Once again at 82.

Have exactly 50 ETH.
Is there an announcement next week? What is it?

>> No.2120314

I'm a poorfag who owns 0.7 of a coin at 87 bucks

just bought it last night but feeling rather confident I can bump it up to over 100, it's my first crypto investment so I'm just dipping my feet in the water before I get into altcoins and start pumping more money into it

>> No.2120479

Sold 412 ETH just before the Bitcoin ETF decision. Was too stubborn to buy back in when it pumped to ~$20, and beyond. Waiting for bubble to burst and the bear market to hit so I can buy it all back from you lucky mofo''s.

> feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.2120503

I'm a poorfag so I only invested $100 into eth when it was $20 each. Then I bought another at 50.

>> No.2120518

You've made 6x your money. Congratulations!

>> No.2120523

Gib 0.09 ETH and i will love you forever

>> No.2120528

bought 10 at 17 - just seeing what all this crypt was about. forgot bout it and all and then it was 50. wanted buy more on the pull back but missed the dip to 38 and then it was hovering. eventually bought another 5 at 44.

Then bought 10 more at 78, but mainly to swap for DGB & Strat

kept 2 of those and put the rest in DGB @ 150 sat and STRAT @ $0.55

FTR - I dont believe in STRAT long term, but think it will get to $5 - ish so I might be able to 10bag it, I'm at trips n it now so may sell some.

DGB is a good currency that should have a good life. I anticipate it eventually getting to ~$1 per sometime and have it as a long hold, although I have more than doubled my money on it so far.

ETH will slowly climb over time. I am shooting for $200 by end of summer/early fall. $600 in 3 years as smart contracts start infiltrating normie life

>> No.2120541

>tfw nocoiner nervous about giving personal info to gemini
>signed up when eth was at $90
>finally verified my info today, eth is at $130
>missed almost 50% profits by hesitating for 2 days

W-we're still below target, right guys? There were people selling BTC at $500 because they never thought it'd go higher and now it's at like $1800. Just because I didn't buy ETH 2 months ago at $2 or 2 days ago at $90 doesn't mean I missed the boat, does it?

>> No.2120547
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19 year old
Am I gonna make it boys?

>> No.2120551

What other long term staple coins are there? My market plan is to funnel profits from smaller, more volatile coins into the slow growing big boys such as ETH, but who else?

>> No.2120553

10 ETH here im thinking of getting a ETH gray lambo

>> No.2120559

ICN made me 1k this week

>> No.2120577

How much longer do I have before ETH drops? Looking to finally buy in.

>> No.2120588


As long as you don't get raped by an abo, I see great things in your future

>> No.2120591


You had an entire week where it consolidated (stabilized) at the same price. Now it's back on the rise again.

I bought £3,000 this week alone. It won't drop this low again.

>> No.2120612

I think I'll take the dive, than. What is your ebb and flow for when larger coins fall and smaller ones rise?

>> No.2120646

eth/btc is falling, what do?

>> No.2120648

My eth trade history. Steady gainz

>> No.2120656
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>> No.2120835

Fucking ethercucks act so smug holding russian scam coin.

>mfw i bought xem at 50-100 mfw ×100+ gains
>Mfw bought sia at 15

I bet most of you cucks have about 100 ether at best.

Suck a dick, you cant beat my ripple and xem bags. Ether is for cucks

>> No.2121110

how do you store your eth? ledger?

>> No.2122442
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Bought some at 80

>> No.2122585
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107.5 ETH, bought at $28.

>> No.2122612

Average 22/ ETH.

Wish i had bought MOAR in January instead of focusing just on Robinhood back in January-March.

>> No.2122628

I know that exact feel, bro.

>> No.2122704

what exchange did you use to buy? fucking cionbase has me limited at $150pw and I missed out on a $50 uptick

>> No.2122776

>250 ETH bought at $30

Probably not Lambo amount but might get me a deposit on a house

>> No.2122791

Bought 66, 33 with fiat at $32 and 33 with BTC at .05BTC.

>> No.2122825

ETH Ethereum or ETC Ethereum Classic?

>> No.2123083
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42 eth here

>> No.2123129
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We've only begun. We still haven't even gotten to consensus which is May 22-24 where we should expect new EEA members to be announced. So I see the price easily exceeding $150 by the end of next week.
Plus the EEA said that there are pharmaceutical companies joining the EEA which they will be announcing in June. Then we should have metropolis release June 25 with Raiden released before that. And to top it all off we have the ice age which has begun which makes it harder to mine new ETH, resulting in a higher ETH price since the supply would stop increasing. So by the end of June we could see the price reaching $250.
Also keep in mind that the "sell the news" strategy doesn't work with cryptocurrencies. Look at when the EEA was announced, it took days takes for it to hit a top, and the same thing happened after the EEA announced the application of 250 members to join. With cryptocurrencies, people need time to make accounts, build confidence, and buy, and once they buy and see the price increase, they keep buying more and spread the word to friends/family. The crpyto world is very different from the stock market, when we have multi billion dollar investment companies getting in on this, that might change, but for now don't sell the news.

>> No.2123134
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idk, got my cash spread out on margin positions.
2k (x5) on eth, 1k on ripple (no leverage) and 2k on monero (x3)

>> No.2123140
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>tfw only 20 ETH

Got in at 40, and 70. I wish I had gotten in when it was at 20 in march.

>> No.2123182

Former miner
Holding: 192 ETH
Cost of the operation : 700€
700/192 = 3,65€ per ETH
Currently valued at 21120€ on Kraken

>> No.2123242


>2 years ago
>£100 worth of ETH is now worth £20,000

god damn.

this shit is jewier than wall street

just slap some £100 lying around on some meme coin and hope it gets to just £90 for 1 in a few years

>> No.2123631
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20 year old student living at home here.
we're gonna make it breh (zyzz yolo)

>> No.2123686

Would security please escort this riff raff out?

>> No.2124092

>unnecessary risk
what did he mean by this?

>> No.2124101
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>Share at what price you bought in at, and what your plans for the future are now that ETH hit at ATH of $133.
Bought 5 ETH at $81
Not quitting my dayjob any time soon.

>> No.2124112
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>> No.2124113

Bought $5k @ $22 in march

>> No.2124730

Freedom in a year f a m once we go exponential

>> No.2124743
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can anyone help me? I've never traded before. What am I doing wrong that my trade isn't being accepted

>> No.2124762
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>buy 100 ETH back when they were $7 a coin
>forget about it
>check today on a whim
>now they are worth $130 each

THANKS /biz/!

If only i bought more!

>> No.2124844

did you post this on ethtrader earlier?

>> No.2124851

Nothing in the world I want more than for this to be true

>> No.2124865

Probably because it's a limit sell order and no one has filled it yet. I can't tell without more info, but if you're just looking to sell at the current price, set the price to something really low and you'll instead fill other people's limit buy orders.

>> No.2124873

>tfw only 180 eth
why didnt i buy enought so i could have retired? kill me

>> No.2124884

You just have to retire two years later.

>> No.2125069


If you ask 100 Normies maybe 10 max will have heard of it.

Never too late

>> No.2125088

Maybe 10 normies will have Bitcoin, maybe 1 will have a vague understanding. No one knows what ETH is.

>> No.2125109

>normies will have Bitcoin
know about bitcoin*

>> No.2125129

eth/btc is hovering at 0.062 for a day now, will it break out?

>> No.2125131

C-could a tiny 4 ETH holding coinlet like me come in and get a glass of diet coke p-please?

>> No.2125331

50 ETH at $20

>> No.2125474
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Bought in first at about almost 4 ETH @ high 80s/low 90s USD. Took me two weeks to get that high (because I kept investing in other coins as well), but now I'm hooked.

Gonna invest some more money. Was aiming for $1000, but might allow $1500 or even $2000. Not more than that though because I can't trust crypto with more than what I can afford to lose.

>> No.2125488

20 Eth at 9,13,17,21 each, plus 40 at 50.

Currently have 100, sold 20 at 90-ish to buy a watch

>> No.2125502

>Forgetting about a 700 dollar investment
I wish I was that rich

>> No.2125644

So if would it make sens to buy now or wait to see if there is a dip, I'm a wagecuck new to all this and only bought those coins on a whim.

>> No.2125660

Don't buy the all-time-high

>> No.2125675
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I bought me 269 at $14. Thank you biz.

>> No.2125871

Bought at like $1.43. Had over 1100. Lost half in the DAO. Invested another fucking $10,000 and played margin and now I have like 600 ETH. Do you guys think I'll be a millionaire if I hodl

>> No.2125952

>bought about 750 at 8
>sold etc to buy more
>had some good and bad trades

got 100k worth, only problem is a good house here is around 200k

doubt eth will be worth 1600, but it will be a good start

>> No.2126028

Can anybody explain this thread to me? I'm a complete newfag and I have no idea what I'm reading.

>> No.2126084
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>> No.2126125
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I think you should buy now tbqh

Is anybody buying now or soon? I have $1300 to blow, should i scoop up another 10 eth before $150 mark?

>> No.2126143

Should i buy more now? We are near the ETH conference

>> No.2126151

got dumped after all

>> No.2126152

>Anonymous (ID: kwoOrQV8) 05/20/17(Sat)18:16:20 No.2125871▶>>2125952
somebody please advise us!

>> No.2126201

Don't know if you should or shouldn't but at least get your money into an exchange so you can buy quickly in the event of an almighty rally.

I think the price has the possibility of doubling within a month or two so I'd personally invest a spare k.

>> No.2126204

no coiner here. bought $500 of eth

>> No.2126214

Great post, appreciate it.

>> No.2126215
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That, depends, do you want to make shit tons of freaking money?

>> No.2126217

I wish I'd fucking invested with 2.5x margin at a low price and just left it.

Instead I just bought in with 1x and day traded to try to avoid drops. I'm still doing fucking great but it's disappointing.

>> No.2126345

bought 75 eth @ 12 a pretty long time ago (after the dao fork). i could have invested way more but crypto is only a fraction of my portfolio still

>> No.2126436

No. Lurk moar. 4skin is not Yahoo Answers. Eat shit and die, newfag.

>> No.2126446


Yes this, I feel like I'm actually putting my spare time to good use for the first time in pretty much my whole life. Also keeps my mind of other shit going on in life

>> No.2126452

>low on money
>come to /biz/ for first time and see an eth thread
>get interested and buy some at $18 and ~$40

god bless all of you
waiting for a good time to sell a third of mine

>> No.2126521

eh i sold all my dgb over 600 sats today and bought eth. Tired of looking at the god damn computer all day and when my alarms go off all god damn night. Eth is much more stable anyway.

>> No.2126673

I asked some normies about it yesterday.

No one had any idea. I tried to show them and they say stuff like
"wow that's great anon but I'm really not good with investments or anything." "Do you want to make money?" "I really just want to finish my research so I can get promoted"

Someone actually fucking said that to me. I'm a wagecuck too, I get it, but holy fuck.

>> No.2126700

You can take a plebe to water, but you can't make a plebe drink.

>> No.2126863

>have exactly 1 eth
>tfw $700 on credit card, can't buy more eth cause I can't find any site to buy from and Coinbase won't fucking let me add it as payment even though the information is correct

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.2126899

You're an idiot.

Go to cex.io.

>> No.2126908

>implying i haven't tried that

Doesn't work in Florida

I'm about to pull the trigger on Coinmama despite how many people say it's shady. I have my Gemini and Kraken accounts verified but I can't buy ETH or BTC with credit card with that.

>> No.2126909

So, i've made some gains with some shitcoins, I'm thinking about liquidate everything (except DGB, I'm sitting on that) and buy it all in ETH, i just have a question, Is ETH guaranteed to go up this week with this "Consensus 2017"? what exactly is this? I went to their website and it says nothing about Etherium

I'm on this memecoins business for 3 days, so I am still learning the ropes


>> No.2126969

I'm in your exact boat friend. don't worry we're still early


>> No.2127206
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>tfw bought in at $10 and sold at $25

>> No.2127226

Eth on way to drop to 90 by this week be sure to sell guys

>> No.2127740
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>watched ETH go down to $77 from $95
>wait for a lower price, missed
>watched ETH go down to $85 from $95
>wait for a lower price, missed
>ETH now at $125

I've got 4.9 ETH and $1200 to spend ever since. When the fuck am I going to grab destiny by the goddamned balls, lads?

>> No.2127775

price is literally stalling right now, buy it. there was a dip today but it's gone now.

>> No.2127794

I know how you feel.

Bought 50 ether at $10 and then another 10 recently at $95 and then $120. I had thought Eth was set to go up after the tech partners announcement but didn't expect it to go up that much.

I regret not buying more when they were at $10, feel like a fool. Just $10k would have netted me over $100k. Not gonna see returns like that on Eth for a while probably if ever.

>> No.2127816

Bought in at 62. I've double my money with some bonuses from taking bits out to ride pumps before putting it back into eth

this shit is not real life. reminds me of the dotcom boom. and 99% of people don't know what it is yet

>> No.2127861

Uh, how is 25% profit something to celebrate in crypto? Even the worst ass coins made 25% gains last week.

Don't try to mooch off the success of DGB, fools.

>> No.2128043
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ETH is for long-term investing, shitcoins can make you a millionaire overnight but they could also put you on the street if you fuck up and Pajeet stops pumping the coin and he and his street shitting cronies decide to sell while you are still bag holding.

ETH is actually a revolutionary technology, not a pump and dump.

>> No.2128054

>Tfw bought at $6, sold half at $7.50
Oh well

>> No.2128161

If this happened to me I'd probably run full speed and dive head-first into a wood chipper.