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21194559 No.21194559 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm about to throw up. I got 13k LINKs on Coinbase and about 5.6k LINKs on Binance. Is it true that Coinbase is running out of LINKs??? It's 2 am, I don't know where to secure my LINKs. I don't want to create a metamask wallet on my phone only to find out I fucked something up. I need to buy some secure device like a mac or an iPhone where I don't install anything other than a wallet. Please tell me Coinbase is not going to be exitscamming this coming week. I'm 20 I lucked into a nice link stack in 2018 and been holding like a delusional schizo. I'm gonna hunt the CEO of Coinbase down if he exitscams.

>> No.21194625

bruh, just get a hot wallet

>> No.21194679

coinbase will post a buyback for +20% the current rate, cap this

>> No.21194688

yes see >>21188445
in the thread they answer all your questions even how to keep your Link secure

>> No.21194719


>> No.21194731

i keep all my link in aave

>> No.21194785

e.g. Atomic Wallet, setup is easy, it explains itself

>> No.21194829

what kinda wallet? a very secure one or is it urgent?

>> No.21194855

relax brohammer, you’re not in any imminent danger, don’t rush into this half-cocked. Go read about paper wallets and hardware wallets (Trezor and ledger), figure out which kind of cold storage is best for you, go here as well >>21194688 and read the advice. If youve never transferred anything and know dick about crypto, know that you’ll need to buy a little eth to use as gas, you’ll want to keep some in your new cold storage as well so you can transfer out your links later. I also suggest performing test transactions back and forth before sending your whole stack, so you understand how the mechanism works and aren’t freaking out about having your stack in limbo

>> No.21194861

I wouldn't worry about Coinbase desu, with how high profile they are in the American legal system I can't imagine that they would fuck over anybody holding crypto on their site. I would try to move your Binance stack to coinbase at least though

>> No.21194864

How do I know for absolute certainty that my OnePlus 7 Pro is secure? I'm seriously considering buying an iPhone.

>> No.21194869

Insider here. Get out while you still can. Coinbase is going to start selling your link to higher buyers and blame it on a hack.

>> No.21194893

MEWconnect, turn your phone into a cold storage wallet. Generates a key and you also have a password by the key is what is important.

Works a charm. I have 35k in cold storage.

>> No.21194894

buy a trezor retard. they accept crypto as payment

>> No.21194921

thats not a secure wallet imo

>> No.21195020

i dont know if this is a larp or not but you are 100% retarded if you keep any significant amount of link on exchanges at this point.

>> No.21195038

just install ubuntu + firefox + metamask on an old laptop/netbook and call it a day.

I bough two ledgers (one is with my recovery parse)

>> No.21195064
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Ok guys I'm just gonna go sleep for now. I'm gonna do some heavy research tomorrow. Also changed to wifi so different ID. I just need to make completely sure I can understand every possible attack vector before I transfer my LINKs to a new wallet.

>> No.21195094

What the fuck do I do

>> No.21195192

It is secure.

It's completely encrypted and offline, this is stored cold on my device. Insecurity only comes from maybe having it on my phone. I could go through my phone and recover its encryoted file but thats even hard work.

>> No.21195243

Just download the coinbase wallet app.

>> No.21195296

lol if my crypto security involved my phone in any way i would freak out.

>> No.21195310

Don’t listen to this faggot. And if you do don’t put your entire link stack on there maybe just 1/3rd

>> No.21195332

your phone breaks
it randomly dies and doesnt power on for whatever reason.

now what?

>> No.21195378

Can someone redpill me on this?

>> No.21195498

What about Exodus?

>> No.21195556

applies to any hardware wallet

>> No.21195573

God I hate newfags so much. Would you niggers get the fuck out with your double digit LINK stacks?

You're given a 24 word seed phrase, the phone just acts like a hardware wallet to use 2FA for each transfer

>> No.21195587

a phone has more parts than a USB drive, more room for failure.

>> No.21195612

>You're given a 24 word seed phrase
and you store that where you dimwit?

>> No.21195634

In your asshole duh fucking idiot

>> No.21195642

Don't do that. Especially not if you have to ask what is AAVE

Just use a hot wallet. I have one, it's not a big deal.

>> No.21195655

Use exodus silly.

>> No.21195688

Are you retarded? You store it wherever you want. Shove it up your ass like >>21195634 suggested.

Is this your first week in crypto?

>> No.21195691

Create wallet, copy adress and send 1 link. If it goes through just paste the same adress

>> No.21195701

>Just use a hot wallet. I have one, it's not a big deal.
here on /biz/ we call that a hot carl

>> No.21195709

If you want a relatively secure storage solution, this should be retard friendly:
go to myetherwallet.com in incognito mode
unplug your router
Generate a wallet with a mnemonic
Write down the mnemonic (important, do not lose this under any circumstances)
Send your erc20 tokens to the generated address (ie LINK, ETH etc)
close your browser
turn your internet back on

Now your funds are safe. When you're ready to cash out, you can regenerate the wallet from the mnemonic you wrote down and send funds. You can also use this mnemonic to import the wallet into a hardware wallet like trezor later on

>> No.21195713

If only there was some way to record information on physical media... can't think of any!

>> No.21195748

Bros which hardware wallet should I get? I remember one of them got exploited but still I want opinions. Preferably the easier one to use.

>> No.21195752

That only works if your phone is never online, otherwise a hacker could steal your key

>> No.21195765

so your keys are not secure, got it.
>Is this your first week in crypto?
apparently its yours

so what is it, where do you store the key?

>> No.21195767

Trezor or ledger? And is there any stores that sell these in person so I can pay in cash and not risk getting on a list of buyers like in the ledger hack.

>> No.21195814

Get a Offline MEW, have used many for years and they never mess up.

>> No.21195815

if you want a really secure wallet you build one yourself like a man.

>> No.21195858

Happened to me. I have 200 Pinky’s sitting in a wallet I can’t get to on my broken phone...

>> No.21196065

Tails on a USB drive is the best self made wallet you can build.

>nobody knows you have it
>you can easily make multiple ones
>its cheap
>can hide it anywhere and doesnt look like something niggers would steal
>even if someone steals it they wont figure out how to access anything because it would require some knowledge
>can be securely used on any machine
>not much risk that it breaks (basically works forever)

>> No.21196553

how about a piece of paper you literal retard

>> No.21196583

amateur lmao

>> No.21196593

You need 10k pinkies at least

>> No.21196690

>It's completely encrypted and offline
How are you posting here while offline?

>> No.21196720

That's smart

>> No.21196793

hey now. I have triple digit. like 131

>> No.21197011


>> No.21197089

lol what. the most unsecure phone in existence. kek

>> No.21197793
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Hot dang check this one out!

>> No.21198583

You’re all gay retarded fucking noobs. Use argent wallet , it’s made for fucking peabrains like you lot.

>> No.21198892
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>> No.21198963

b but i like my trezor. I named it trezzy.

>> No.21199004
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>> No.21199029

coinbase wallet app they say is separate from their exchange. they dont control the coins. you get a seed phrase.
two retard questions:
1. how safe is storing link on there?
2. are the coins physically on my phone in coinbase wallet or are they just accessed via the app with the seed phrase? Like, if my phone falls down a well, do I lose my coins?

>> No.21199178

I don’t think they’re stored on your phone, anon. They’re stored on the blockchain. Your ability to access it requires that wallet. But you can recover that access on a different phone as long as you have your 12 word mnemonic device written down. You just downland the app onto your new phone. That’s my understanding, anyway. Please someone correct me if I’m wrong.

>> No.21199511

Newfags have weak hands and will sell. Not a problem.

>> No.21199725

paper wallet or get those hard wallet usb looking things, mine has been working fine for 2yrs

>> No.21199755
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No you're 100% right. Your tokens are on the immutable blockchain, getting verified by miners the wallet is really just a key or access code allowing you to access them on whatever device you like. Just the same as you can walk into any Bank of America on the planet and access your account, you can go into your wallet on any device with the seed phrase

>> No.21199832

Just use the coinbase wallet app and back up the keys (pretty easy to memorise 12 words)
Once you get Ledger you can easily restore your wallet and coins using the same keys.

>> No.21199847

This is the biggest sell signal I've ever seen. Fucking morons don't even know what a wallet is

>> No.21199912

Is the Trezor T worth it over the One?

>> No.21199956

Thanks for confirming, anon. I’m thinking I need to move my tokens off Binance and over to my Coinbase wallet. I’ve written down the seed phrase on 3 sheets of paper and one will go in my families safe while I will secure the other in a safe deposit box and the last in a safe place in my apartment. I’m just having anxiety about moving them from Binance. It’s worth so much money now that I can’t deal with that feeling when they’re in limbo waiting to show up in my wallet. Does it cost more in gas fees to do a little at a time vs, all at once? I was also thinking maybe just leave a little in a few different places so that my whole stack isn’t at risk if any one place becomes insecure.

>> No.21200115

I meant Linky’s. Worth over $2,000 now...