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21193127 No.21193127 [Reply] [Original]

poorfag here

i managed to buy 300 link for around 200 euros
now its worth 3,5k

would it be wise to sell part of it? or just keep holding and hoping for even better results?

thank you

>> No.21193845

i know its peanuts for most of you, but any advice would be very helpful

>> No.21193890
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hold it faggot

t. 4 linkie poorfag

>> No.21193898

forget about it for another 5-15 years if at all possible, unironically.

>> No.21194016

There is no right answer, it depends on your goals. You could just keep holding and see where it's at in a few years, if it does go to 1000$ you'll have good money. You could sell a portion now (e.g. 100 LINK) and buy one low cap project with higher risk / reward (e.g. Kleros, bzrx, rlc, lit to name a few). If it were me I'd definitely keep at least 200 and potentially use the rest for a riskier play with more potential upside short term, but you have to decide what's important to you and if you're willing to keep up with crypto news to avoid waking up one day and realizing your shitcoin potentially didn't pan out.

Good luck anon

>> No.21194118

you think LINK could really go to 100 up one day?

>> No.21194194

>selling any crypto for fiat trash

Think long term moron. Any crypto that actually gets used will end up 100000x its current value. HODL everything you accumulate, especially Link

>> No.21194277

Do what I do. When you want to buy something for yourself or for fun, sell a bit of your crypto (or stocks) to fund it. Always sell whatever is at the highest peak.

>> No.21194335

It depends on your goals. If you don't need the money then leave it. Or if it makes you feel better, take out your initial, and then let that bitch ride

>> No.21194371

oh, anon...

>> No.21194435

Chainkike is going to crash to zero soon. You should be hitting yourself in the head for even putting a single penny into this clear cut jew cut dick scam

>> No.21194453

Cash out 20 link and get the initial investment back. The hodl the rest because at that point it's all free money even if it somehow tanks to 1 cent you would have made a profit. If moons you only lost <10%

>> No.21194524

sell out your initial plus 50%
let the rest ride for a while

>> No.21194573

Sell to get back what you invested so you no longer cary the guild(?). Then hold until you need it and the value increased

>> No.21194618

guilt* Gods, I'm a fucking retard.