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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2118140 No.2118140 [Reply] [Original]

Your crypto portfolio hits 4M dollars. You cash out and pay the man his share.

Let's talk about what we're gonna do with the gains. Obviously one thing that a /bizraeli needs to get is a lambo, so we got that covered. What about the rest? Are we gonna reinvest the money? Spend it on yachts coke and hookers? Get a comfy cabin away from normies? Lets dream a little /biz

>> No.2118152

>withdrawing all your crypto gains
No way I'm doing this, I'll just live off my staking gains.

>> No.2118159
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buy more bitbeans and become an hero of the world

>> No.2118166

Vanguard fund for a million. Keep a million in crypto and use the rest for other shit

>> No.2118171
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I'd reinvest into stable money-making assets. Small business stuff. Pay other people to manage it. Hire educated wagecucks.

I don't need lambos. I need a legacy for my genetically modified ubermensch children who will be born from artificial MGTOW wombs

>> No.2118175

gonna build an underground sex dungeon and buy a few women

>> No.2118176

If I had the kind of money that negated having to work I'd reinvest most of it in something safe. Greed would serve no purpose. Then I'd travel extensively and cheaply, enjoying what the world has to offer. I could very easily live off 4 million the rest of my life because I don't have extravagances.

Problem is I'm unemployed again and can't invest a penny right now. It hurts.

>> No.2118177

I move it all into my Vanguard account and retire.

>> No.2118181
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You assume anyone here has an exit strategy?

>> No.2118183
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Here's what I'm gonna do, provided I got 3M left after taxes.

1. A good two story house on a nice lot in the burbs. Not too far away from the city but not too close. Price: 750k. Also a cabin/cottage by the lake to chill outside the city (100k)

2. Investments - 50% technology, 50% utilities 1M total spread between these:
NVIDIA (ai hardware + algorithms)
GOOGLE (algorithms + innovation)
FACEBOOK (algorithms, normie factor)
MICROSOFT (the platform)
IBM (quantum computing)

AWK (water and sewers, all in)

3. The lambo + cars (500K)
A brand new red huracan
I'll also get a tesla as a daily driver and a F150 for comfy cabins

>> No.2118190

buy gold, land and flats for rent. Throw around 1M into some stable, low interest treasury bonds to secure my retirement. Spend rest of life wandering woods and rising kids.

>> No.2118198

I would sell my current house, build a nice smart / energy efficient home.

Study law, become a lawyer...

Meanwhile, investments would keep ticking over in the background.

The Lambo is a nice idea, but I think that money can be used to make more money...

>> No.2118200

>"gonna take all my gains from a revolutionary new concept and invest in baby-boomer relics"

>> No.2118209

>Study law, become a lawyer...
get 4m and becomes a lawyer. just kys.

>> No.2118217


You don't like money?

>> No.2118220
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I see your point, but I actually want to live a little without being glued to my screen and waking up in the middle of the night to check how ethereum is doing.

Fugg lol I think I might actually call my son Ethereum. Or my daughter Etheria

I know it sounds autistic as fuck, but trolololo

>> No.2118234

Would not buy anything. You are all newbs.

I would convert the crypto portfolio to bitcoin only and then lend the bitcoins in a decentralized exchange. (in the future)

I would use the profit from lending to travel throughout the entire world and buy stupid shit... and then i would count the millions of $ in profit coming from the bitcoin bull run to 100k, then 200k and so on

>> No.2118240

Why the fuck would you exit from crypto when over 99 percent of the population doesn't even know that the blockchain/bitcoin exists lol

>> No.2118254

Wrong. Normies already know, they just don't care or think it's stupid.

>> No.2118261

Echoing the rest, I'd invest enough in stable ventures that I could live comfortably for the rest of my days from the returns. No big fancy car for me, I'd just get a reliable and inexpensive sedan.

I'll buy a comfy suburban house and soundproof the basement so I can turn it into a private recording and video production studio. Maybe get one of those really high end carbon fiber street bikes. Keeping my battle station up to date with regular upgrades is important, too.

After that, I'd also want to travel a few times per year (economically, not first class or anything). Just to see the world.

>> No.2118269
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Buy stocks in water companies
Buy various high yielding dividend REIT's
Some memecoins for shits and giggles
Land (farm land mainly)
Just enough cash to live off the interest in a comfortable but not extravagant way

>> No.2118276

i like hookers and drugs. money is just a requirement for them. being a lawyer is a requirement to do lots of paper pushing with 4m its not necessary desu.

>> No.2118292

spend 4M on hookers in 1 week or bust

>> No.2118305

People can know about anything, but they won't give a shit until it directly impacts their lives, preferably in a beneficial way.

>> No.2118307

800K bonds for guaranteed income
800K 50/50 msci/sp500 index funds
800K alt investments (600k PE, 200K crypto/whatever)
800K on a house and a rambo lambo

Probably a cabin in the woods a few hours from a city and a condo in the city

Become a yoga teacher, travel, get a phd

>> No.2118308

>overdose in the first hour and die with your dick rockhard in the air with ten blonde and chinese hookers oding all around you

Sounds appealing but no

>> No.2118310

This is what I was thinking too. I'd just keep the BTC and start lending part of it. I want to stay out of USD and physical objects. I don't want to own a home and deal with maintaining it, not unless I got married. I kinda want a car, but that's it.

>> No.2118358

I'm a longshoreman who's 40K in debt

The first thing I'd do is pay of the debt. Then I'd get my hands on a house and live in it, while renting out rooms to other people. Also a normie car.

I'd still continue to work at the longshore until I reach membership, in which case I'll leave (If things ever go south again, I can always go back to the longshore and they'd act like nothing ever happened because I'm a member)

Probably would go into real estate and day trade cryptos on the side

>> No.2118509

Pay off this house

Buy vacation house in Cape Cod

Buy vacation house in ADK

Rent both out 1 week at a time over peak vacation times, saving time for me to use it

Invest the rest in stock/businesses

Also, I'd really like to own some sort Drone Delivery Service, Seems like its the future of delivery but still in its infancy and needs some shit worked out. All those amazon packages need to get delivered somehow. If that isn't possible, I'd just buy a bunch of Fedex routes and hire plebs to run it.

>> No.2118611
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rent or buy a nice tour bus and take my music on tour. compromise no artistic integrity, but still consistently dump money into promotion so that i can grow in popularity and have fun when i feel like playing live, but never have to worry about making any money from it. hire eggman to be my hypeman.

>> No.2118640


Same idea. I will genetically modify my children and invest in futuristic bio-tech to expand our mental and physical capabilities; I would like to get a calculator plugged directly into my brain so I don't have to do math in my head like an idot; Human brains are not great at math.

>> No.2118768

incorrect. normies think bitcoin is a means to buy drugs or illegal thinks on the darknet. none of them realize the money they could make from trading BTC/Alts. once they find out about coins rising 4x in days they will surely join the party, albeit late.

>> No.2118877

>just live off my staking gains
Good call.
Instead of converting to USD and taking the tax penalty, use the crypto asset AS the currency and only pay taxes when you buy something.

>> No.2119091

Autist confirmed