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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2117931 No.2117931 [Reply] [Original]

>some cheap, unknown shitcoin starts getting shilled heavily on /biz/
>check it on coinmarketcap
>coin already 4x'd in the last 24 hours and is at an ATH
>watch its progress for next day or so
>price either stagnates or starts dropping
I've seen this happen 4-5 times now. You'll only ever hear about these weird coins after they're well into the dump phase. Am I pretty much correct about this?

>> No.2117939

Sounds about right

>> No.2117943

See the thing is that I see posts like this and 90% of the time the person saying it is the same dumbass that says shit like, "RDD started being shilled last night when it was already 15 sats," because its from someone who just ignored the previous five threads on the same coin and doesn't realize it started being shilled at a much lower price point.

>> No.2117959

occasionally, but more often than not, the coin has already had its run.

And I think it's fucked up that anons are collectively exploiting other anons like that

>> No.2117974

This isn't some club we all belong to, this is an imageboard that a bunch of strangers talk to one another on. No idea why you'd expect honesty or everyone to play nice.

>> No.2117992

I think of it as a place where people can use the power and freedom of anonymity to exchange ideas and give advice. Not a place where everyone is perpetually out to fuck over and scam everyone else.

>> No.2117995

This is almost never the case. Check your filters and monitor the board. Frequently a coordinated pump like RDD starts here days in advance.

I got in on RDD at 5 sats on Monday night and then sold at 20 on Thursday morning. Even if your came late to the game, you could have gotten in at 15 on Wednesday and made 33% within 12 hours. If anything, we may have pumped higher if your contribution helped us break through to 25+.

It's no one's fault but your own that you're not paying attention.

>> No.2118000
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This isn't a weird coin dummy

The guy who made fucking FIREFOX is building a god damn solution to BOTH SIDES of the fucking ADVERTISING industry (pushers and consumers) on top of fucking ETH.

>> No.2118002

Wtf? So you admit that they're being shilled constantly even though they've already been pumped and dumped. Did you even think about about you just said before you typed it out? Or was this an emotional response? It doesn't fucking matter if they started at 5 sats because it continues and will continue until every last bag holder comes to grips that they won't be getting their money back. And it's been fucking up the entire board.

No one would give a shit if they didn't make 20 threads about the same coin for each one being P&D. What you do IS fucked up but that's between you, the newfag that got duped, and the few lucky fags that got in early and knew when to dump. The entire rest of the board doesn't need to constantly hear about it.

>> No.2118004

Well reevaluate it then because you're quite clearly well off the mark. Don't let idealism blind you.

>> No.2118042

Did I mention BAT, you spastic?

>> No.2118660
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>i think its fucked up that anons are collectively exploiting other anons like that

where do you think we are?

>> No.2118706

actually RDD, XBY, XVG, HMQ all were shilled before it skyrocketed at least a day. Problem is those threads were pretty much the same or worse than the ones from slow assholes that are still trying to dump their bags on a pump and dump.

>> No.2118716


XBY, DGB, RDD are prime examples of coins that were shilled on /biz/ BEFORE they mooned, then retards like OP think because they are still being occasionally shilled, that it must mean that nobody made any gains and we're getting scammed

>> No.2118724
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>> No.2118733

No, you didn't.
That was your first mistake.

>> No.2118734

there are two types of people in the world
neither is wrong nor right

>> No.2118772

Fuck off no coiner if you had half a brain you could weed out legit coins being posted by based anons from garbage pajeet coins

>> No.2118778

>you don't own nothing
so I own something?

>> No.2118789

Whats the problem? Every investor knows that there is a rest phase after a runup. Can take one day can take weeks. Who cares? All i see is people wanna be rich Quick. Yes sometimes you will ride the whole thing sometimes just 50% and sometimes you will buy at the top before the consolidation phase. Remember that you are losing the moment you close with a minus. No need for that. I believe that at the end of 2017 all coins will be worth at least $1 per coin. This includes xvg and rdd to. Take your time when you invest.

>> No.2118799


If everyone was always happy and holding hands in kumbaya circles, society as a whole would collectively be putting up the blinders to larger external threats who they'd treat as new friends

If society was all at each other's throats constantly we'd never be able to come anywhere near temporary kumbaya moments, which are legitimately valuable and the purpose of society.

Indulgence in trust and niceness is great, but too much of it weakens us all.

If you trust shillers on some online board you're a retard, but we all legitimately are counterculture and many of us want each other to succeed. Good luck