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File: 432 KB, 680x400, citadel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21178776 No.21178776 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, the golden dawn of a new era is upon us.
Secure your place as part of The New Elite by acquiring at least one XSN masternode before it's too late.

>> No.21178864

60k (4 MN) suicide stack
600k (40 MN) make it stack
6million (400 MN) fuck you/oy gevalt it’s anuddah Shoah stack

>> No.21178965
File: 15 KB, 249x243, 1596278546598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halt, no FUD allowed here you crypto-jew.

>> No.21179061

In what way is that FUD?

>> No.21179109

that 4MN is suicide stack, whereas 1MN is enough

>> No.21179143

1mnlet cope

>> No.21179184
File: 329 KB, 1305x892, 1596693059400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunch of r ed ditors trying to pretend their scamcoin is the next link bisgusting

>> No.21179187

tBh I just wanted to find a way to produce a 6,000,000 number so I could shitpost about Jews and that’s how the math worked out.
In reality I think 1 MN is suicide 10 is make it and 100 is fuck you money, I just multiplied everything by 4 to hit 6 gorillion

>> No.21179291

8 masternodes reporting for duty oh lord

>> No.21179533
File: 635 KB, 828x1654, DFB80AA3-2B21-46F4-B3E5-8E45EA2D2415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to buy at least 3 right now but don’t know if I should wait for retrace or if any news is going to drop that’s going to pump it higher and I’ll miss out

>> No.21179670

Real question: I’ve seen the math on MNs and own 4.
I don’t have enough money on hand to get to a fifth (75k XSN), but I can get to about 67k.
Is that worth it? Are rewards for non-masternodes projected to be any good?

>> No.21179725

Probably no news until the dex actually launches.

>> No.21179727

Mate it it goes over 100 then 4 is make it and then some. You could probably sell 3 and then live off the passive income from just one masternode if it becomes the default dex

>> No.21179757

>wait for retrace
imagine being this guy. ngmi.

>> No.21179778

In the long run yes, what I’m more concerned about is if I can’t get to 75k, should I take the money I could use to buy 6-7k XSN and put it into something else instead (i.e. LINK)?

>> No.21179801

people were saying the exact same thing a week ago, when we were at 2k.

>> No.21179843

I mean they've shown lightning and raiden swaps not sure what else they could throw at us at this point.
I'm trying to get my 3MN too but waiting on the fucking bank

>> No.21179918

I’m planning to stake any excess I have that doesn’t fit exactly into an MN as with MN+Staking rewards it should get me to another MN anyway eventually

>> No.21179955

staking actually gives very similar returns for now so you could stake
link is always a good buy tho so up to you anon, i like being diversified

>> No.21179957

That is one ugly interface

>> No.21180017

I mean if you really wanted to, swap the xsn back to eth somehow and then get lucky on a uniswap pnd.

Why risk it though, you’ve made it already. Don’t be greedy lol

>> No.21180118

Keep in mind your other MNs earn 5 XSN a day, so 25 a day, 2500 in 100 days. You can just stack MN rewards

>> No.21180193


Release first.

Nobody is falling for vaporware no more

>> No.21180194

>Don’t be greedy lol
To be clear I’m not touching the 60k that makes up my four MNs. Just trying to figure out if staking that extra few thousand XSN or buying back into LINK (I sold most of my stack to get that 60k) is what I want to do. Leaning towards keeping it in stakenet, I still have 200 LINK which isn’t a ton but it’s enough to make me not kill myself on the off chance LINK does another 10x before XSN does, which probably won’t be the case anyway.

>> No.21180203

If you check the wallets on the website, less than 10 people have your makeit stack. We have no way of knowing who is cloudstaking though

>> No.21180267

You can either sell now for Link, or wait until this 2xs and get your Link back. Will XSN hit $1 before Link hits $24? I don't know but I don't think so.

>> No.21180510

eth integration into the lite wallet
>right now to swap you have to do some fuckery to connect your eth wallet to the dex
>devs want to integrate eth into lite wallet
pic related. they'll probably bump to 40% and tease it in the discord before month end, then spend the next 2-3 months testing for bugs/vulns, release by year end with erc20 trading capabilities.

>> No.21180554
File: 245 KB, 1080x800, Screenshot_20200809-111642_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic

>> No.21180642

addresses are not wallets. you don't know how many users are whales because of this.

holders are actively encourage to split their funds across multiple addresses, and in fact it's a requirement to have one address per Master node.

>> No.21180699

At least it's not as ugly as Uniswap.

>> No.21181000

it's... functional.

anyway who cares you're not there to do TA, this is an FA play and you're there to get your bags, transfer to your internal wallet, and ride the train to the crypto citadel.

>> No.21181211

Better do it, they dropped that the DEX is coming out for the general public to use this month.

P.s. you can join their Discord now and join the DEX before anyone else if you ask.

>> No.21181387

lol. You do know you can join their Discord and try it out for yourself right?

>> No.21181595

True, but even assuming 100% distribution, which doesn't count the developer coins or burned coins, it implies only 1500 people can have a make-it stack.

>> No.21182206
File: 23 KB, 1015x219, Screenshot_2020-08-09 Livecoin - Balance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf does Livecoin mean by this?

>> No.21182477

You added 2fa or changed your password.

As a security measure they put a hold on your account from withdrawing to ensure your funds safety. In 48 hours, you can withdraw your funds.

>> No.21183085

Real talk, should I feel safe using MNaaS since I’m a tech retard and don’t want to set up my own VPS? It seems cheap which is nice, unsure if I’m more liable to have my shit stolen somehow by running it through a cloud provider though.
I know I still get to keep most collateral in a cold wallet but I guess I’m trying to figure out the catch to using MNaaS since On paper it seems better, easier, and cheaper than running it myself.

>> No.21183195

There isn't a catch. The smart contract makes it possible for the cloud to use your coins as a masternode without owning them. The worst that happens is you lose the 150 XSN you deposited for fees

>> No.21183227

Coins stay in your core wallet. Mnaas is just runs and maintains the vps for you.

>> No.21183257

I'm 14k xsn behind is there any hope?

>> No.21183318

Get whatever you can by the end of the month anon. Shit is able to get real. Hope to see you on the citadel.

>> No.21183670


Yes accumulate and stack, youll get there, im at 8 approx and will get to arpund 11-12 in a couple of weeks and i will do stake and slowly accumulate to get to 15.

Hang in there brother

>> No.21184190

Seems like you lost your 2FA. I had the same thing happen because I bought XSN like a year ago and forgot about it. Its nbd, XSN only goes up anyways.