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21177771 No.21177771 [Reply] [Original]

lot of defi twitter talk that CRV release could set off the next big bull run. Trying to decide best approach to take advantage of this. To me, the most obvious winners seem likely to be CRV, YFI, and AAVE. On top of that, the founders of these projects appear to already have good relationships and likely are coordinating unofficially behind the scenes.

1. Curve.fi
This one is obvious, but not easy to get exposure to at this time given that CRV will be distributed base on liquidity provided to the curve platform over time. No uniswap offering or auction. Tokens will be claimed on curve and are apparently vested where there is a continuous slow release rewards tokens for past liquidity. This will presumably prevent the early investor dump or "uniswap bots buying it up then dumping" other platforms have had issues with. Conversely, there likely is to be very little liquidity available for buyers when released and expect price to run up to at least 300m cap first day. This will be high risk to speculate on early

>> No.21177780

2. YFI
Curve AUM appears to have benefited greatly with release of YFI and use of the curve y-pool on it's platform. While not official, there appears to be a close relationship between the devs of these platforms. Expect APR's of YFI to jump significantly with release of CRV as the CRV y-pool farming rates will now be included on top of the already 30-40% yCRV vault returns. This will cause a surge of AUM on YFI platform with increased fee rewards. Seems likely that YFI will be one of the most direct winners beside curve itself when CRV is released.

A lot of people with other assets will want to farm CRV without losing exposure to the underlying asset. Most obvious method I see is putting up LINK, WBTC, or other asset up for collateral then either taking stablecoins and directly depositing on Curve or using AAVE credit delegation or Link yvault on the YFI platform. The YFI yvault platform seems to be the easier of the 2 but presumably higher risk of smart contract bugs. Also, yVault will be cheaper for smaller investors as the gas costs are subsidized by all investors. Also, yvault will automatically manage collateral ratio to prevent liquidation so no need to withdraw from curve manually if underlying asset drops in value. Overall, AAVE seems to be the best platform currently for this. This also will feed into YFI further increasing its AUM. The AAVE founder and Andre of YFI apparently are close friends so expect more "symbiotic" relationships between these platforms.

SNX will presumably benefit simple from the "high tide lifts all boats" concept although not familiar enough with SNX platform to extrapolate any direct benefit.

MTA may get hit hard if CRV takes off as everyone will bail on their liquidity mining efforts which lag significantly behind curve despite farming MTA incentives

>> No.21177856

Heard of this but will probably have no real shot at getting any because I'm a poorfag, so I have no choice but to stack up on YFI.. Good post though, Anon. Do you know when exactly the release is?

>> No.21178058
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wow some actual high iq biz discussion. I share pretty much the exact same thoughts, just waiting with my yfi bags.

>> No.21178213

I’m the OP on my phone now. “Early August” is what they’re saying so maybe early as tomorrow

>> No.21178481

Thanks & bump for exposure amongst the sea of shit in the catalogue.

>> No.21178959
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>tfw you will retrospectively got CRV tokerinos because you´re providing liquidity.