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21174448 No.21174448 [Reply] [Original]

And all that is needed is the reset and deflationary collapse of all asset prices. Everything is inflationary and even people with good jobs can barely keep their heads above water. Clearly XRP is part of this reset and with its connections to gold and silver, you could have a reset where we go back to what prices were in 1913, and then you have made it with your 10k stack of XRP at a price of 2$.

>> No.21174468
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>> No.21174489

Why's Jeb dumping it into the toilet then?
What about the endless de-risking?
Yeah but this applies to every other crypto right?

>> No.21174547

What does this mean im brainlet terms?

>> No.21174588

when Xumm takes op XRP will be gold
>B..b..but tokens
ever had a sanctioned currency-exchange in your pocket? one that can pay your mongolian buddy within 7 seconds, while your in the USA?
making Paypal, Swift, Western union obsolete?
if the median invester is willing to put in 400 dollar without a real use, I am sure the median conZOOMer will load their Xumm app with 200 bux that way you could fill the capacity with 60.000.000 people on a global market.
I wouldn't be surpriced to see 2 billion users in 2030 and by then you still have about 25% of capacity in escrow

>> No.21174595
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>> No.21174598

Maybe he has to, or maybe he doesn’t care. I mean the guy isn’t going broke. Maybe higher forced are at play that make him because if XRP is part of this new system you can’t have infinity money and has to dump to even out the playing field some for the new system

>> No.21174608

Forget stablecoin, say it with me...

>> No.21174630

What kind of confidence would he be giving Stellar hodlers if he kept his xrp

>> No.21174633

maybe maybe maybe, dude u got scammed.

>> No.21174654

Like with silver and gold. Most people don’t realize that the dollar value of silver going up does not matter and isn’t the same thing as a stock price going up. Silver and gold are just savings. Brainless think ooooooo silver will 10x to 200$. Well so what? If you have 200 ounces of silver and it’s at 200$ that’s 40k that’s nothing IN THE CURRENT FIAT PARADIGM. But you hold gold and silver for transfer over to the new paradigm. Now that new paradigm might still be in dollars but prices will crash. So basically now that 40k in silver which is nothing in today’s dollars becomes like owning 40k in 1940 when the avg NYC rent was 40$/month.

>> No.21174680

I don’t even own much dude. I have link. I’m just throwing this out there that if XRP is the standard it might not need to moon in current dollar terms to actually make it. Everything is inflated beyond normalcy the dollar is worthless. If XRP is going to be big. It may not need to moon in dollar terms in order to make it, maybe all you need is for prices to crash 97%

>> No.21174860


>> No.21174969

You know, I’ve thought about this. I remember watching trump a few months ago talking about an inflationary rise followed by deflation. I’ve always assumed XRP would be the stable currency in the sense it shoots up maybe around $10 and just stays there as everything becomes dirt cheap.

>> No.21175096

Trump didn’t say it. Thomas Jefferson said it.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."

>> No.21175609

>ongoing trade war with China
>media running anti-China pr
>BTC mining heavily controlled by China
Trump orders a range ban on the entire country stopping all out/inbound Chinese IPs, boom btc is fucked even with vpn re-routing the congestion and slow speed will cripple their efforts

>> No.21175712

so what does this mean for someone like me holding physical silver, gold, and silver/gold mining stock?
assuming this is true need I bother with buying crypto?

>> No.21176052


XRP might crash too dummy