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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21172793 No.21172793 [Reply] [Original]

10k stack feelin cozy how bout u bois

>> No.21172862
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the longer you hold it the more the price go up

>> No.21172942

This shit is primed to take advantage of the defi explosion, prob is people cant find them because the volume is incorrect. When they do refund, insta top 100.

>> No.21173307

100k with 40k in balancer/uniswap pool
Feeling comfy anons

>> No.21173566

what kind of roi you lookin for pool return? how long?

>> No.21173751

when's the balancer refund?

>> No.21173959

Gonna keep it there for a while.
I bought my 140k for $200 at release, swung it a bit for profit near the top a few weeks ago, and am just holding it till probably EOY at this rate

>> No.21174173

Best place to pick some up?

>> No.21174236

>Sold 46000 sta for 1eth, now worth over 13eth
Feels bad man

>> No.21174345


>> No.21174366
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60k reporting in, never selling. Will start pooling at 10$

>> No.21174409

Can someone explain the pool thing? I’ve held coins before, but what’s this pool?

>> No.21174455

Look at the videos.

>> No.21174483
