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21172299 No.21172299 [Reply] [Original]

what price did you buy your LINK at, /biz/?

>> No.21172323


>> No.21172333

I paid exactly one thousand American dollars for exactly one ChainLink token, two weeks from today.

>> No.21172344

DCA ~$7.50

I got a 400 stack and i'm happy :]

>> No.21172362


>> No.21172384

9.69 oldfag reporting in

>> No.21172385

50ish link at $10 two days ago. wish i bought more, thinking about buying more/

>> No.21172397

Checked. Average.60c kys nufags while I cash out and fugg azns
> Inb4 that's not very cash money of (you)

>> No.21172398
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>> No.21172402

0.30 in 2017. held through the bitter winters and am now close to financial freedom at 22.

>> No.21172405

DCA ~$4

>> No.21172414

average is 1.5-2

>> No.21172417

DCA'd at an average price of £4.70
unfortunately now priced out of a suicide stack

>> No.21172419

no bullying allowed in this thread anon, thats your first warning

>> No.21172439

DCA $4.7

>> No.21172440

101 @ 10.18
Am I gonna make it?

>> No.21172446

Mostly at $0.45, but average probably around $0.60. Only have 5k LINKs because third world poorfag

>> No.21172459

You think I only bought once? Original buy was like $.80, average is probably $2.50. Will probably buy more soon and fuck up my average but whatever.

>> No.21172510


OG here, DCA at $4.50

>> No.21172524

>Will probably buy more soon
what price are you targeting? or are you just buying as soon as you have money to spend?

>> No.21172543

Not selling
We gone make it

>> No.21172564

November 2017

>> No.21172582

Got in at 9.60, then again at 10, and then just before 12.

In retrospect its a good move I think, it just keeps fucking going up.

>> No.21172587
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First at 14 cents post SIBOS, just 200 for starter because the memes were funny, a few hundreds more in the way up, still half as a joke half has "these schizo might me right lmao let's be a linky"
Bought more from 2 dollars to 9 dollars since the corona dump, seeing it as a legit serious investment this time.

If you do the average of all LINK bought I think my average price must be around 1 dollar per link, maybe a bit more.

>> No.21172601

bought 59 linkies at 8.30 like a week ago. Bought 12 more yesterday at 13.65. If more trumpbux ever come it’s going straight into link. I’m selling shit on eBay and pouring it into link. I was a cunt hair away from buying when it was $1. I’m sorry for not listening

>> No.21172606

7.77, I couldn't ignore the digits and went all in

>> No.21172610

>November 2017
no the normies aren't here yet. google chainlink and no CNBC MONEY article pops up so we're still poppin' senpai

>> No.21172613

$0.47, but only have 5K.

>> No.21172621

A dump is very likely at this point, if you're ready to hold during a dump buy but if not proceed with caution

>> No.21172634

DCA is now at 2.96, I hope it corrects, you freakin bulls pumped the price so hard my next buy in will fuck my dca big time

>> No.21172646

232 rupees sir

>> No.21172666

Got in 0.17 but didnt buy a lot, I'm still a stacklet. BUT I dont spit on what I have. Its still a blessing to hold 4 digit links stack.

>> No.21172672

5k is fine, even on /biz/ you're top 10% at least

>> No.21172718

Buy in average 44 cents

>> No.21172749
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pretty cheap

>> No.21172782
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I spent 8000 at 0.05

>> No.21172795

They were right. No matter how big your stack is, you always want more.

>> No.21172796

Invested at top of bull market had all these meme coins got railed decided to consolidate into link kept buying more as I became more confident average price 2 dollars only 3.5k though

>> No.21172806
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Linketh giveth and linketh continue to giveth.

>> No.21172835

22k stack here. saw some anons 70k stack on a thread before and felt sick

>> No.21172837

majority of my stack DCA is $2.61. been sinking a lot more into it lately though so that's probably way off now. still a very healthy return.

>> No.21172842

Will wait till $20

>> No.21172850
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Same here bro. Only 5k but it was all I had. Wish I could get more but sadly was jewed by some faggot out of a lot of money so I couldnt get to 10k.

>> No.21172860
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25 cent average here

>> No.21172864

Bought link during this time.


>> No.21172866

Same, just to check there won't be a big crash and this isn't some pump and dump

>> No.21172871
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Bought at the dip in March at $3 AUD

>> No.21172892

0,45$ - 13,5K stack

>> No.21172893

$7. I brushed off BTC in 2008 and LINK in 2007 and want to kill myself daily.

>> No.21172954

>No Meme intended
Last time I bought was yesterday. When we were 2$ lower.

>> No.21172973

holy shit witnessed

>> No.21172977

Oh, it's me again.

>> No.21172982

very few have stacks over 30k
they are those who made money from eth and had tens of thousands to throw around

>> No.21172986

Bought when I heard of it at around $4. And then a little bit here and there. Still thinking of buying moar but only if I get lucky with shitcoins. Not putting more of my wagie money in it.

>> No.21172997

I doubt. There's a reasonable amount of them, in the hundreds probably.

>> No.21173053
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I wonder where this guy is now

>> No.21173161

20-40 Cents, after Sibos 2017 it dropped even lower, but i kept my bags, sold 1/3 of my stack yesterday tho, feelsgoodman. Still over 60% in.

>> No.21173213

Thats not me, but I literally have 100k link. Ama.

>> No.21173236

What did you do yesterday?

>> No.21173260

How do you keep from withdrawal? How long do you plan on holding? 1k linklet here

>> No.21173267


1:What will you do with all that money now that you have made it?

>> No.21173281

amazing how they make fun of people buying the top. You literally need these people to pump your link

>> No.21173296


DCA @3.05 USD

>> No.21173310

bulk at about 50cents or so

then some at $2 I think

got to 43K, sold down to 25K over that last few years probally at about $3 each ,,,,,, if that

>> No.21173312 [DELETED] 
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you could buy 10k link for 1.5k usd
its not unreasonable that people spent 10k+

i myself have only 11k, average is roughly 0.40 cent, each mcdonalds pay check each month went into link

>> No.21173337

2: How much did you have at the most, and at what price did you unload how many linkies?

>> No.21173347

A faggot I met on a /biz/ IRC channel in 2016 sent me 4k link to get me into it, now hes demanding a part of the profit but im dodging him

>> No.21173348

Played some board games with friends, drank gin and ate pizza. My girlfriend and I are getting Big Macs and Champagne tonight to pay homage to Sergey

>> No.21173350

Initial 1.70, bought up to 4, back down to 1.80
bought 5
Sold 30% at 4,
bought back at 2.50
bought at 6
bought at 7.50
bought at 10.30

I will probably only be buying up to 50.

>> No.21173362


I just keep buying after I found its value.

>> No.21173405

Never selling is not a meme. I'm staking my 100k in my node and living off the rewards, once staking is out

Nothing new. Maybe work a little less, spend more time walking, focus on spending time enjoying the beauty of nature. Security feels good.

I took out a loan to buy link in 2018. I had 200k, but sold 100k to pay off the loan, pay off all my debt, and our mortgage. Don't regret it.

>> No.21173411

I managed to swingtrade my stack from about 6k link to 12,5k, then lost half so I had only 6,5 stinkies left.

>> No.21173415

.77¢ in 2018 i bought like 11 linkies.

And then i bought sub $2 during coronachan crash. Currently hold 125 linkies. Not even a sucide stack

>> No.21173425

20-45 cents and I would still consider myself a linklet (8k)

>> No.21173437
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Oh my god

>> No.21173446

bought the covid dip $2-$4, have known about since $0.28 but only held eth. Decided not to miss the next eth if I don't have to, I mined eth at $9 but buying if you have money is way faster.

>> No.21173462
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>I took out a loan to buy link in 2018. I had 200k, but sold 100k to pay off the loan, pay off all my debt, and our mortgage. Don't regret it.

>> No.21173469

ah no I was wrong

I purchased 35K link on the Nov 29, 2017

so 17 cents each

my average buy price was about 23c and average sell price about 2.40

>> No.21173475

Well done anon, KeK bless you, and good luck on your way forward.

>> No.21173481

DCA 1€
only 1.3k (kill me, i just started working for the first time, thanks to falling for the uni meme)

>> No.21173512

Thank you brother. I honestly owe my own freedom to biz, and memes. Im not going to have to spend my life slaving, and I'm very nearly free.

>> No.21173516

>never selling is not a meme
>sold 100k

someone cannot be trusted...

>> No.21173519

6k for 2 eth at presale then accumulated from ~12c after sibos dump to 65c.

>> No.21173525
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Holy fuck checked

>> No.21173565

Average buy in of $2.70. Feels alright, wish I had bought more at $1.70 but I really can't complain or be too upset right now.

>> No.21173584
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Was a bit late on the ride but got in at about $3,8 i think.

Man, I love my 1k Link.

>> No.21173590

dropped 10k in and got 70k right before bitcoin SV became public then i transfereed all my coin to bitocin sv for 300$ a pop and got 32 of em then it fell to 90$ then i almost killed my self. but now im back and in hugeeee profits even tho i mnot a millionaire im still happy to be where i am because thats what its all about. maybe i wasnt ready to be a millionaire back thenand osmething tells me i wasnt.

>> No.21173604

$4. Only bought 100$ worth since I'm just a new/poorfag.

>> No.21173605


>> No.21173612

$4. Only bought 100$ worth since I'm just a new/poorfag.

>> No.21173651

Bought 1k link at $7.40 during the dip in July. 1k is such an uncomfortable amount to have. I envy the 10k+ers

>> No.21173654

$4.08 USD

Just had a sudden urge to buy some. I have read biz since 2017 and it just felt like a good time to get in. Now we here

>> No.21173700

>tfw 3rd worlder has the same size stack and entry as me

>> No.21173709

What the fug

>> No.21173724

Based time traveller poster

>> No.21173728


>> No.21173731

First buy was May 2019 got like 1k at a dollar, I have since bought at dollar 50, 2 dollars, 3 dollars, 4 dollars, 6 dollars, 8 dollars, and 12 dollars, and will continue to keep buying. Not a poorfag so I have enough money to reach a 10k stack probably (fuck I wish I was here in 2017, let real life suck me away), so that's my goal. pnk looks tempting but also shilled and I legit don't know if it's more likely to 10x than link in the next year, plus it feels more fun to go 100% all in like an autistic faggot

>> No.21173737

0.40 usd avg
Sold 1k link for 2.50
3.9k link left

>> No.21173754

sophisticated bot-fud attack on biz right now. look at all the link threads and you'll notice "MOST" replies seem to intentionally give off a "nu-linker" vibe to try to nigger-shoeshineboy-stock tip you into thinking its time to sell.

seriously, check it out.

>> No.21173766

I got in late and reading $7.40 as a dip is still unreal to me that feels like a couple days ago

>> No.21173793

I remember chainlink being shilled at 70 cents thinking y'all are crazy this wont ever get pass $2.50 it did and I bought it hit $6 and j said wow this is the top and sold my 1000 link and then it just kept going up and all I have to say is chainlink is definitely super inflated but it's crazy how much it's gone up

>> No.21173806

between $0.11 and $0.40

>> No.21173808

Nah that's my post. For some reason it posted twice. Maybe my internet connection fucked something.

>> No.21173830

280 at 14AUD

>> No.21173853
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>girlfriend knows he has link & how much
anon I...

>> No.21173857

I average $1,19.
I bought pretty early beause
>wow another shitcoin but the meme pretty great TBHB
The it crabbed for months, not like a shitcoin at all. And I read more about smart contracts. Bought more because
>lel maybe its real or at least its still pre-exit scam maybe can still make something
Then finally bought a last batch around $2 due to
>that meme showing Sergey register smartcontracts.com about same time Satoshi email maybe he Satoshi

So yes, I am probably going to make $1MM basically from memes. The memes are real.

>> No.21173888

0.1456, 0.1674 , 0,2234 , 0,2702 , 0,3244

>> No.21173890

Here's the big question, it's not what price did you buy in, but what price will you continue to buy in at? For me, I put in another $100 at $10.03 right before the moon

>> No.21173906

P. O. M. P. E. E. T.

>> No.21173935

Is 9k alot? 0.4 2018 here

>> No.21173940
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for some reason retard posters piss me off the most. its clear that this guy is quite literally a completely uninformed idiot who couldn't even describe to me what the function of the LINK token is, or how Arbitrum works..
and yet he espouts this absolute garbage. i dont know why it bothers me so much.

>> No.21173948

I just bought a ton of it at 13.50 and now it’s crashing fuck my life!

>> No.21173974

Token not needed.

>> No.21173990

Kekd and chekd

>> No.21174269

It was the first crypto purchase I’ve made since 2017. Hearing about the BTC halving brought me back.

>> No.21174285

Someone who gets it

>> No.21174297

$0.17 first stack, 0.40 average topkek. I have so much money

>> No.21174328

Crypto is still new most of these things will be outdated in a few years the goal currently is to not care about what's shit used for but if it's being talked about and if they are getting notable investors I hope you keep staying a marine

>> No.21174472

Are you chasing pump and dump shitcoins?

>> No.21174567

>I was a cunt hair away from buying when it was $1. I’m sorry for not listening

Know that feel anon. Actually placed an order at 70cents and forgot about it. The order was never hit. Did end up with 25k worthless fucking BAT tho. Could have easily been a link stack. Suicide is starting to look like a good option.

>> No.21174651

33,904 LINK at 23-50cents

>> No.21174794

You do not belong here

>> No.21175155


>> No.21175277
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$0.14 initially, very fortunate timing.

>> No.21175319

Once at $10.12
Then again at $12.68

>> No.21175321
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>those trips
>blue link id

>> No.21176062


>> No.21176119
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>> No.21176170

$0.10 but everyone after said it was $0.11 so maybe it was idk. It was ~$3500 for 35,000 BLOCKS ...46 and ...47 bitches

>> No.21176222

Link was suppressed and undervalued. Unlikely to see a big dump right now. People are just learning and remember what we felt like when it clicked for the first time

>> No.21176369

Don’t tell him kek.
I like to read those relationship destroyed threads.

>> No.21176376
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>> No.21176416

I was late to the party on link (and crypto in general) not buying in until the march crash. Mainly because during the last cycle I was a poverty-tier NEET. I'd say average buy-in was $4.00. Link hovered there for quite some time.

>> No.21176432
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Market Buy PLUS Tip, goyim

>> No.21176460

Depend on how high link grows, if you manage to get 5 millions out of your stack I don't think you'll have too much regrets.
Lifestyle wise 5 millions and 50 millions is pretty much the same

>> No.21176466

Just under 6. That 1k stack I'll never sell, but I probably won't buy more.

>> No.21176467

I’m embrassed to say, but I got in at around 22c.. unfortunately I didn’t buy much I was an intern at the time making no money. At least I have more than 1k link though.. I’d be lucky to at least hit six figs next year.

>> No.21176495
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10 for 10.50, sold at 13
Thanks for the combo meal /biz/

>> No.21176503
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>> No.21176504

How certain were you link was gonna succeed? How much of it was a bet?

>> No.21176571

.50 cents on average. I only ever held 10,000 at most. Sold them all except for 1,000 in march during the flash crash. I don't feel to bad about it. Made huge profits off both link and antshares, and have done well. You can't kick yourself for what could have been. Too many people have gone broke gambling it all.

>> No.21176596
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Bought 1267 LINK at around $0.50 sometime in 2018. Been hodling since then. I don't fully understand the tech, just the basic use case. Bought it because all you beautiful anons shilled it so relentlessly on here and made so many great memes. I just wanted to be part of the excitement.


>> No.21176696

Based nigger. Keep scalping those lunch monies.

>> No.21176829

At Christmas 2017 i gave my mother and stepfather 300 link, i gave my dad, stepmother and sister 150 each, did this to get them into crypto. They still didn't get into it, but I am happy for the gains it did 'em.

>> No.21176904

I’ve gone from $10k to $220 now without losing more than $1k in any trade.
Give it to me straight anon, what am I in for when I get cucked big time.
Honestly, I could never make myself go all in in any single coin, there are just so many of them. I buy a 5-10 eth bag of each promising project and sell off my initial when an influencer pumps it.
That’s why I never reached a mil I guess even when I’ve been in the game for over a year now.

>> No.21176925

5000 at $0.27 average

>> No.21176960

0.20 but average around that time was 0.40

P.S. Now I bought STA at 0.3 and again at 0.8

Good luck. We are all gonna make it frens :)

>> No.21177077

Same here anon. Bought most of my stack at 50 cents but I got a better job and have been buying every paycheck and now my averages is 3.03 and makes me sad

>> No.21177498

I bought between 0.2 and 0.6 —15k linkies. We‘re all gonna make it

>> No.21177760

23 cents

>> No.21177871

Under a dollar, DCA. Not sure exactly

>> No.21177886

Probably just cashed out considering the dip today lol

>> No.21177944

stop spamming your eth token scam with "free advertising" on the internet. just go buy ads like everyone else you you fucking kikes

>> No.21177980

Nice bro, good for you

>> No.21177990

Average of about 79 cents, the average keeps creeping higher because I buy more once a month.

>> No.21178041

100 @ 2.12

>> No.21178061

Why even live. If you’re not larping go all in pnk.

>> No.21178183

Got here late Dec 2019...Already started a pnk stack

>> No.21178252

If it got to 1000 so suddenly and that made you a millionaire. Won’t cashing charge you a lot of tax because it wasn’t held long term?

>> No.21178288
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Sub $1 nigs

>> No.21178717

Post tits.

>> No.21178783

$11.45 not memeing:(

>> No.21178854

I have spent probably thousands of hours researching LINK. The fact that SWIFT ran a PoC with them was enough to trigger my interest, and I probably spent 500 hours researching before I was convinced it was the real deal. I put my house on the line to take out a loan to buy 200k link. It was a hard few years, the uncertainty. I could have literally been made homeless if it had gone wrong. I sold the 100k stack to pay it all back, and pay off the house and ended up with 100k for free. But it was by no means a certain bet.

>> No.21178931

Post wallet larper

>> No.21178976

I tried to buy at 50c but coinbase wouldn't confirm my account. Logged in today for the first time in over 2 years and bought 10 linkies. If I bought back then I'd have 200 hundred for the same price.

>> No.21179211

154 linklet here. I bought they under $10, aprox 9 USD. I used my ETH profits to take some. I am a linklet, but i stay comfy.

>> No.21179440

I'm from the future. 1 LINK costs 2019 oz of gold. Sirgay is the current vice president of U.S. alliance of free countries. I'm 47 years old and unironically I'm set for life today, in the past some anon gifted me some LINK in exchange for a picture of a sharpie inside my butt, I never bought LINK. Thank you /biz/.

>> No.21179661

2-4$ most of my 800+ linkies.

>> No.21180301

I started my portfolio with $3,300 and a few of the biz favorites a couple years ago, including LINK. I believe I bought in somewhere around $1.00, but I only have 500. Every single other investment I made based off the popular biz coins at the time have either plummeted or crashed completely. LINK is the only survivor and yet at this very moment is ~doubling the value of my initial investment. I made peace with the money a long time ago. I'm either going all the way to the top, or all the way to the bottom. There is no other.

>> No.21180380

5k at 17 cents November 2017. Was mad about the performance during that bullrun.

>> No.21180675

Gratz anon!

>> No.21180779

I bought linkpool shares when it launched. Imagine thinking all link tokens are fungible.

>> No.21180863


.48 cents DCA. Original stack at 17 cents

>> No.21181008

Nice digits...DCA’d at ~.20¢
Got my biggest position at an intraday low of .17¢

>> No.21181512
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>> No.21181708

newfag here. Bought my first LINK at 6.18. Stacked majority of them at 7, with a few more hundred at 8$. Haven't bought anymore since then because I ran out of money. But I am still at a 2x in a month so I can't complain.

>> No.21181758

Bought 8.22

Sold this morning at 12.87

>> No.21181770

£3.90 - £6.00

What is a suicide stack?

>> No.21181817


>> No.21181836
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agreed and agreeeed

>> No.21181843

I never bought link. I just found out about it a couple days ago and it looks like I'm too late. I'm a poorfag and I wouldn't be able to afford more than a couple dozen link at this point.

>> No.21181848

bought 90% of my stack at 40 cents
then the rest when it was 1.50 before it crashed

>> No.21181867

Mind fuck lmao. Does it not ever mess diff you how much link others have on here?

>> No.21181880

>500 hours
I am also an oldfag linkie but how is there really enough 'content' to LINK to do 500 hours worth of research? I spent five hundreds hours total to complete my final year of ChemEng. You really telling me Ari Juels, Sergey, one whitepaper, and a proof of concept has enough content for 500 hours? Or are you one of those saturn/gematria/prophecy schizos?

>> No.21181944

The absolute chad portfolio

>> No.21181987
File: 309 KB, 663x900, 77803793_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Chainlink is a "solution" to the oracle problem that offers to fix it by aggregating unverifiable data from numerous oracles into a single unverifiable median. As far as I can tell this doesn't address any fundamental issues with oracles, rather it proposes to make unverifiable truth into a consensus problem.

It's 51% attacks all the way down."

fucking retards lmao, youre all gonna bagsit with a bunch of bullshit tokens

>> No.21182004

25 cents 2682 link . I was a dumdass for not buying more.

>> No.21182060

yeah, need to hold over a year or it gets taxed as short term capital gains

>> No.21182165
File: 1.37 MB, 2149x2445, 1595492963818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 10 yesterday at 10 dollars.

>> No.21182274

Fuck kikes
Fuck niggers
Fuck chinks
Fuck spics
Fuck euros
Fuck trannies
Fuck women
And fuck jannies

>> No.21182316

i didn't and I don't need to and I will never ever buy

>> No.21182390

I originally bought at $3.50, but I've bought more since then. Average is probably $6. Only managed to get 650. Hope it's enough to make it.

>> No.21182657
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>> No.21182716

This didn't age well

>> No.21182815

at ath, why?

>> No.21183173

204 @ $6
kill me

>> No.21183958

It was a long time ago

>> No.21184089

I can get 150 more LINK right fucking now. Should I do it?

>> No.21184155


>> No.21184170

$0.49, 2830 link. Feels comfy.

>> No.21184262

>I took out a loan to buy link in 2018
unironically absolutely retarded

but gz

>> No.21184347
File: 348 KB, 1080x2280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption

>> No.21184478

Checked. Trips of truth from future anon. $1000 usd 2 weeks from today confirmed

>> No.21184520

.22c for 1k Link.

>> No.21184533
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>> No.21184542

>buying in at $12

Yikes. At least you can say you can buy a PS6 when it launches in 8 years

>> No.21184560


>> No.21184666

$.32 DCA 2017-2018

>> No.21184672

cheapest i bought for was about 17 cents and I just bought some a few weeks ago for like $6.

>> No.21184824

Where does 2k put me? As a 2017er it's pathetic but now it feels above average

>> No.21184858

$0.23. Never selling.

>> No.21184914


I've been ignoring LINK for too long. Solid project, good team, and unbelievable hodlers. Even if it dumps in the next two-three days, I know that like 70% of you won't sell. If you know you know

>> No.21184951

42cents average

>> No.21184966

I bought in at $0.71

>> No.21184995

Ranging from 89cents - 3.32 Recently bought at 13.00 for Family.

>> No.21185085

So I put my links into defi. My wallet doesn’t show up on etherscan anymore. So wouldn’t you think there are a bunch of 30k+ token holders?

>> No.21185113

Somewhere between 30p and 50p. I bought a single solitary 1 Link for £10.50 this afternoon to round up the stack to an even number.

>> No.21185149

is the sun hot

>> No.21185176


>> No.21185232
File: 6 KB, 127x180, 1596580393674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$8, not selling until $81,000

>> No.21185432

>Recently bought at 13.00 for Family.
what in the fuck

sell right now if you want to keep your family intact

>> No.21185561

I'm surprised to see so many people here that bought at higher prices. I got in at 30 cents but only got 4,000 link. Biggest regret is not getting more, but I won't complain about 4,000 since that is apparently a big stack now compared to nulinkers. My plan is to cash out half when it reaches 1,000 and keep the other half in to grow since 1,000 is fud.

>> No.21185578
File: 9 KB, 300x169, 300px-You_Wouldn't_Get_It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21185591

7.98, and i even held on when it dipped to 6.5 not too long after

>> No.21185722

I'm literally the only person ITT who bought the pre-sale ICO for 9.5 cents

and I'm also the only person who no longer has any. 73k LINK sold at 30 cents. Pass the rope guys

>> No.21185734

This is my favorite message board

>> No.21185769

Average net cost was $4.40 but I had a lot of Link below $2. But I sold it when link hit around $3. Then I bought back in months later.

>> No.21185924

>tfw put money into link, BTC, and ETH, but put the least in link
Might sell everything and wait for a dump before putting it back into link and ETH.

>> No.21185973

Post proof

>> No.21185979

>the trips
>the ID


>> No.21186092


1200 links total, sold 400 today.

>> No.21186284

Oct. 2017 for .44 USD

>> No.21186332

it never went to 0.05. I've been here since day one. Bought 73k for 9.5 cents in the pre-ICO. Sold them years ago. Fuck me right

>> No.21186659

Still here bobo

>> No.21186798

Probably fingerbanging some chinese poon in San Jose;)

>> No.21186906

$0.50 and sold at $1
$2 and sold at $3.50
LINK is overpriced right now, lots of dumb money flowing in.

>> No.21186961

Just some of my buys

>> No.21186997

DCA'd to $1.20 AUD, or roughly $0.80 USD.

>> No.21187117

Checked kek

>> No.21187212

I paid 50c December 2017, I only bought 2.1k though and I sold 700 at 3.8

>> No.21187318

In hindsight should have bought in earlier but honestly happy I bought enough as a meme when I did.