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21172273 No.21172273 [Reply] [Original]

You idiots think the government would ever just allow you to just trade millions without KYC? Enjoy running that moneylaundering "masternode", surely the police won't be knocking on your door the second the dex is opened. Literally will get shut down before it's even released, enjoy the exit scam.

>> No.21172329
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>why yes, I have 10 masternodes

>> No.21172451

Meanwhile Monero is doing well since 2014.

Low tier fud, you had your chance to buy cheap. This motherfucker will be a 100$ EOY 2021. Buy while you can or stay poor

>> No.21172879

their wallet is a rootkit, the DEX will be completely underwhelming, shitty UX no one will use it, the dump will be magnificent

>> No.21172902

you had 2 years.

>> No.21173455
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Haha right? There's literally no exchange centralised or decentralised where you can trade without KYC. It's just not possible

>> No.21173624
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What government are you referring to pajeeger? There will always be a crypto heaven somewhere in the world, that's where I'll be living like a king.

>> No.21173630

Oh man skadoosh is seething.

>> No.21173712

Just let them get rekt at this point. The dump at 0.6 will be glorious as the huge sell walls come from year old bag holders.

I agree also on the ui. Looks like fucking aids.

>> No.21173756
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i am bathing in the bitterness.

do what little you can to suppress the price, niggers. It will be of no use to you.

>> No.21173991

xsn is garbage, its haussed and its going to be pumped and dumped, like everything else. Just buy and gtfo, repeat.

>> No.21174153

>there is no exchange without kyc

Ever heard of Uniswap? LOL. Literally the WORST fud ever

>> No.21174189

Uniswap is complete garbage, hence XSN is here to steal all their volume

>> No.21174194

>agreeing to yourself

:D this guy lol

>> No.21174223

It is, but I didnt talk about that. I was disproving that shitty skadouche fud

>> No.21174279

The coin and the wallet offered are a farce, seriously how can people honestly think that purchasing masternode based coins are worthwhile? Lets break it down because I am seeing it all over 4chan and reddit
Number #1 -Issue with Master-node coins.
We have a coin with a ridiculous supply to pay out these supposed master-node holders which at any point if a whale decides he has had enough will sell and crash the value of the coin on the open market, as we have seen in the past this always leads to a group of whales destroying the market price for the sake of rebuying the coins or moving onto their next ponzi scheme. How many middleware service node coins have you seen where the coin gets locked up for xyz amount of time just to be dumped to oblivion AFTER you've locked them away. The precursor to this move is poorly worded hyped up moonboys trying to do you a favor and spam every social media page...Seriously I've been in crypto since 2015 its all the same, look at Dash coin for christ sake...Stake ETH on a trusted service or go into stocks if you want dividends.
Number #2 -Staking and TAX ( YES TAX)
Depending on your countries taxation rules and specific crypto rules you will get burned I promise you, especially if you're an american. How do I know this coin isn't a security and wont send me to jail? I own these coins they give me a return everyday no matter how small and now I have to calculate ontop how much I owe tax man EVERY SINGLE DAY??? Are you kidding me? its like you want risk my own financial safety to boost your coin! Heavy research is required around tax law I would honestly consult and pay for a lawyer/accountant to navigate the purchasing of any staking coin.
Issue #3 -Where do I buy this from?
Well this is clearly an obvious one, I buy it from the most underground shady 2009 looking exchange website that has no 2FA NO support team NO trust from the community as a whole.

>> No.21174314

Issue #3 - Cont
Only place I have ever found this PoS(piece of s***) coin was from terrible exchanges, if it were on some reputable exchanges like bittrex or coinbase then I might give it some thought but no some random 4channer said I should buy it off Coinallscamnetwork; I think I will stick to real exchanges with real coins that have partnerships with already established financial networks like XRP like LINK like BNT. Seriously next thing you're going to tell me is transfer ETH to uniswap then buy BRR token it has good pumpamentals and will make me richhhh$$$$.
Issue #4 -The team, who are they?
Nobodies thats who, next!

Long story short : You're a fool if you buy this scam and probably - NO, certainly - a nazi f**k

>> No.21174592

ITT: overleveraged redditors seething that someone dares to question their pony. Wallet is malware, and team is selling coins as we speak. Good fucking luck.

>> No.21174628

XSN is not even getting in on the serious trading places, why the heck do you think you can only buy it at such a few places? Use your brain, for once.

I will only trade this, no way in hell im keeping this as a long term investment.

>> No.21174682

Yeah, if Livecoin were to delist XSN tomorrow, the coin would be worth about $0.00 that second.

>> No.21174715

You didn't buy antshares on shitty exchanges for a few cents, right? You bought NEO when it was 100$+

This is exactly why most biztards will stay poor

Fuck off you copy pasta fud pajeet. You had your chance to buy :D

100$ 2021

>> No.21174751

If XSN was on Binance it would be at $10 already and most would be priced out

>> No.21174752

>1bnb has been deposited to your account

>> No.21174788

What about buying Raiblocks on shitty exchanges before it turned into Nano. Being on shitty exchanges is where you get in on something before it goes on the big ones and x10 in price

>> No.21174874
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>implying by the time raiden is integrated stakenet dex wont be on its way to becoming THE primary crypto currency exchange

Stakenet is going to swallow you cucks whole

>> No.21174893

Don't buy this, it's going to zero. Just walk away.

>> No.21174900

Checked and truthpilled. These poorfag fudders will stay poor with their 2017 #whenbinance mentality

>> No.21174901
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fully agree with you anon, they have a discord group from which they shill this every day,

not all is lost faggots, you have still chance to make it, dump your XSN bags for OCEAN, 1$ in two weeks and TOP20 coin EOY, has good partnerships, PhD team, and the whole prospect looks promising, especially now that tech companies getting heat from gov about sharing their user data. Also they have AMAs where you can ask specific questions.

>> No.21174948
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Shit guys, he's right, it's dumping!

>> No.21175054
File: 175 KB, 828x1667, 64408D0D-856C-4300-A621-27E3A77305A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon zoom out it’s even worse