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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21168359 No.21168359 [Reply] [Original]

Stakemarines, report in.
What's your stack? What's your predictions for the month, with the DEX being released?
I'm still short of a single MN sitting at 10k trying to scrape together the last bit up to 15k.

EOY prediction: 5$

>> No.21168422

Dex $5
Raiden $20
Hydra $200

>> No.21168442

How big is your stack bro? Going all in?

>> No.21168552

Im around 10k aswell, came in late and was priced out of MN. Dont to bothered though staking loon profutable and combine it with some accumulation in the future MN will be in reach.

>> No.21168590

$100 EOY 2021
Hydra in 6 months

>> No.21168599


That will obly happen in insane bull market.

Im gonna set up my core wallet today and im nervous as fuck. Withdrawing from livecoin is giving me jitters.

Im all in btw if were strictly talking crypto

>> No.21168622

I think with hydra in 6 months we may well surpass 100 USD by the end of 2021, by a good margin too.

That's the plan here as well. Limited funds just mean a longer timeline untill MN

All in baby

>> No.21168677

Two masternodes reporting sir

>> No.21168761

God I'd be so excited if I had that

>> No.21168860
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if it doesnt pump again im buying 4-5 nodes with a loan, lel

>> No.21168893

With good enough interest it honestly might not be a bad move. Though I wouldn't because FUCK loans.

>> No.21168915
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im going to make so much fucking money off of my stakies it doesnt even matter dude

>> No.21168972

Is it priced in now? I'm thinking of buying more.

>> No.21168988

DEX: $1+
RAIDEN: $10+
HYDRA: sky's the fuckin limit.

>> No.21169089

How often do you need to backup core wallet

>> No.21169117

For real though. Why do we do about taxes. In the Uk all staking/mining rewards have to be taxed as income upon receiving. Ie I should be paying income tax on my 9xsn per day right now. Do we have to make an excel sheet and tie the price of xsn to usd or what?

Should we be setting up an LLC?

If this really takes off, and link goes to 1000. I don’t know what the fuck to do. I’m trying not to swing trade and just hold coins. It’s gonna be easier for cashing out I think.

Don’t wanna get fined for not declaring anything for years tho. Especially ones like this that give rewards

Thoughts bros?

>> No.21169145

I honestly dont know, i'm pretty retarded when it comes to taxes.

>> No.21169188
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>> No.21169218

>What's your stack? What's your predictions for the month, with the DEX being released?
DEX is far away

>> No.21169227

i think so, to be safe i would start the excel sheet it will be a lot easier to add one by one now than try to add who knows how many at once if the IRS decides to be shitty

>> No.21169274

Hail Hydra
Sieg Heil

>HYDRA: sky's the fuckin limit.
It indeed is.
Imagine binance but now the underworld flocks to it.

>> No.21169360

Hydra is years away

>> No.21169365

it's not.

>> No.21169460

I think it can be out by the end of 2021

>> No.21169570

Oh boo boo you need to wait a year to be a millionaire. Oh no man whatever will you do.
Yeah I think I’ll just start a spreadsheet and then keep it updated. Wonder if there’s a way to automate it. Then when we’re trading at $50/xsn I’ll file the taxes cause I should have enough to cover anything

>> No.21169936

I'd just get the fuck out of northern EU, fuck those kike texes and regulations

>> No.21170170

>source: trust me

>> No.21170240
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>> No.21170263


>> No.21170403


Kek has blessed this thread and its underlying asset.

Is DEX this month 100%? It seems that /biz/ and market think so atleast. I hope it gets delayed maybe the price will dip got 1.5k coming in during late august and it sucks balls if that only will net me 3k.

>> No.21170845

Hydra in 6 months? Riiiiiight