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21167531 No.21167531 [Reply] [Original]

Again US Military Cyber Defense Officer shilling BRDG to be adapted by businesses application.


>> No.21167588

Not clicking on that. What’s in the link?

>> No.21167616

Linkedin link from the US officer asking his contacts to check out a Bridge video

>> No.21167640

I was in the army. It’s literally just a bunch of faggots who had kids with some slut and now are trapped in debt. All the free thinkers who aren’t yes men get out.

Fuck that link.

>> No.21167681

It looks very legit for me. The guy is since 18years US Army officer, 500+ business contacts and has 3 different posts to his business contacts to check the technology

>> No.21167690

>All the free thinkers who aren’t yes men get out.

lmao IET washout confirmed

>> No.21167723

Lmao anon
Respect the service

>> No.21167746

Nah, I just needed a surgery and didn’t get it even though I just passed SFQC. Never got the surgery until I was two years out. Fuck that place.

>just finish the course anon we will get you that surgery
>if you quit now the surgery could hold you back
>just wait till you get to your next duty station
>just wait until you die anon

I literally had to throw a fucking fit in the VA ER to get the surgery two years later. Fuck the army.

>> No.21167774

Where do I find more information on Bridge?

>> No.21167830

Bridge Now On Uniswap

Uniswap Link to Buy:

Token Supply Distribution

Bridge Protocol Information

Bridge Overview Video: https://youtu.be/UzF8n0oPJi8

Bridge 3.0 Github Docs: https://bridge-protocol.github.io/

Bridge 3.0 Announcement: https://medium.com/bridgeprotocol/bridge-identity-platform-3-0-released-532cd1e72b4b

Bridge 3.0 Neo News Announcement: https://neonewstoday.com/general/bridge-announces-cross-chain-support-for-neo-and-ethereum-in-version-3-0-of-identity-platform/

Bridge Website: http://bridgeprotocol.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BridgeProtocol

Bridge Integration Partner (Aver): https://goaver.com/

BlockchainBrad Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af4pDN19rp0

ChicoCrypto Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F2_IfG3fCc

CryptoZombie Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr0nVzC0MzE&feature=youtu.be&a=

>> No.21167860


... wait, how did you end up needing a surgery? I'm curious now

>> No.21168062

It was a pilonidal cyst that I got from being dirty as fuck all the time. They are located next to your tailbone. It abscesses multiple times.

Basically they knew if I got the surgery I wouldn’t be able to function for awhile and the attitude there is so fucking rotten that they put their egos before their health.

We’ve been in Afghanistan for 19 years. The whole thing is a scam. Even the fucking SOCOM generals don’t have the balls to tell congress to fuck off. But that’s the reason why they’re there. They are men who want to be led. Brainwashing is powerful. Especially when you can threaten a man’s family and livelihood if they say “no more”.

My son will never enrich psychopaths.

>> No.21168107

Off topic

>> No.21168130

I should also add that was my second surgery. First surgery was a different issue, but everyone acted like I was a piece of shit. Yet I outperformed then and was more intelligent then most (expert infantry as a private)

>> No.21168144

Army chad reporting in

>> No.21168152

>My son will never enrich psychopaths.

He probably will, you know

>It was a pilonidal cyst that I got from being dirty as fuck all the time. They are located next to your tailbone. It abscesses multiple times.

The ol' Rush Limbaugh. What the fuck, though, that should've been a fast medical review board and then surgery or even a discharge.

>> No.21168162

Went to take out his drivers license and broke his back.

This is why we need $BRDG.

>> No.21168315

Well. We can try our best, but I know what you’re getting at.

>medical board
I literally did everything I was supposed to. Met with a surgeon before moving to my last duty station and he literally said “well you’re going to a new duty station in two months. So they’ll have to take care of it.”

By the time I got out, honorably of course, I was so disillusioned. It’s seriously no surprise people blasts there heads out all the time. The country (elite psychos) rape people of their young adult live, force them to fight people that will NEVER ACCEPT our way of life. There is no endgame...it’s just to keep the war machine going.

And now that I’m in communist college I really just think this world is so fucked lol

>> No.21168335
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>> No.21168437

>The country (elite psychos) rape people of their young adult live, force them to fight people that will NEVER ACCEPT our way of life. There is no endgame...it’s just to keep the war machine going.

Probably more basic than that. I read long ago an interesting posit that older high-status males might actually be instinctively driven to get young males killed, to lessen competition for breeding.

The Lucifer Principle's a good read if you're interested in mass psychology, and unlike worthless academics it's written by an objective success in applied mass psychology, an ad executive. Strong recommend and it can be found on libgen, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.21168591

Good bridge discussion guys

>> No.21168598
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That’s an interesting take. Looks like an interesting read. I’ll check it out soon. Funny how Islam went straight for his throat lol. I wonder if he names his own people in the book too

>> No.21168630

I mean I watched the video. How is bridge implemented on a large scale? It has to be scalable and adopted by the masses for it to work right? Sorry I just saw the army logo and I immediately distrusted it.

>> No.21168752

>I wonder if he names his own people in the book too


If you want another rec, The Millionaire Fastlane changed my life, not that it's a work of genius but the "producer vs consumer mindset" thing genuinely reoriented my life for the better. Like, I could not have succeeded financially if I hadn't read that book. And everything in "How To Fail At Everything And Still Win Big" by Scott Adams worked for me, better than I could have dreamed. Those two combined, in terms of practical impact on my existence, probably top everything else I've ever read.

>> No.21169019

The more I’m reading about it. The more it sounds like a good idea. It’s interesting to say the least. Might as well scoop some coins anyways since they’re so cheap.

Good recommendations for sure. I’m especially interested in the first one. Since leaving the army I’ve had three companies. The first one failed and I went into debt. The second two were successful. Currently finishing a IT degree. I want to take the money I make in IT and open a bike shop one day. Beyond that I have access to capital, but I’m kind of lazy right now because college is just depressing. I’m just regurgitating shit and proving that I can do algebra over and over again.

What do you do?

>> No.21169561
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>> No.21170131

They offer a market place. There you can do KYC/AML (Verily who you are) that is a multi billion market. We do KYC daily for hotel booking, banks, DeFi, email verification and so on). They offer SSI (Kind or portable identity, that you as user can show just what you want without identifying yourself or disclosing your data) as well, that is a new technology,

this means you do your KYC and you can use your SSI to do business and buy stuffs. A very silly example. Let’s say you do a complete KYC to open a bank account. You can use your SSI just to show that you’re over 18 and US guy to do some gambling or access some adult content or to buy stuff online. Those sites don’t need to know who you’re, they have just to know that you are allowed to do that. By now, usually you have to show or send your ID to do it

>> No.21170191

Great, and they retain like 100BRDG In their smart contract per KYC check

And they are a US based company, NC