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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21161544 No.21161544 [Reply] [Original]

dad gave me a loan to buy link at 20 cents. We ended up with 100k link. I gave him an informal promise I'll give him half. But now that link has blown past $13 Im realizing this is gonna be over 10 million before long. and that is gonna be a lot to give someone over just a 20k loan.

here is what happened. he came to me telling me he wants to take mom to retire. to give him the 50k link now. he wants to get a new roof, and take it easy.

I told him that ill help him by buying some real estate when the time came and give him some of the gross to live on to do the roof, but only after link is above $100. and he joked if that's what you want prepare to get sued.

it has been very tense lately. what should I do /biz/? Before you judge me theres no way in shit you would give your dad $5 million dollars. especially if he's going to use it on bullshit like a new roof.

>> No.21161577

He gave you the initial and you made an agreement and you want to rip off your own father?
You could make a billion dollars and you'd still never really make it you miserable fuck.

>> No.21161581

if you gave him your word you're no better than a lowly pajeet for going back on that. be a man and keep your word.

>> No.21161589

What do you think money is for anon?

>> No.21161591

You know what you have to do. Use some link for his funeral

>> No.21161603


>> No.21161604

do like 1mill-500k then.
over 10x the loan.
that's crazy.
anyone would be happy with a return like that.

but if you DID PROMISE.
you hold your fucking word man.
god damn.

>> No.21161635

What level of autism are you on?
If he hadn’t given you the money to begin with where would you be now?
>stupid shit like a new roof

>> No.21161646

Just give the man his linkies, do t be an ass.

>> No.21161647

Jesus christ, don't be such a kike. Imagine trying to scam your own dad when he lent you money. I hope he takes you to kleros court

>> No.21161653

Ask yourself. Would you even be needing to make the decision if it wasn't for him?

He can do whatever the fuck he wants with his portion of the funds. You make me sick.

>> No.21161660

Pay your dad what you owe him. Just give him his half.

>> No.21161670

>>>21161544 (OP)
god "Kleros court" always cracks me up fucking hilarious. Kleros Kourt

>> No.21161680


Just give him his share, it was his money after all. Make sure to move out after the deal is done, and make sure you don't give them any contact info, too. If Link somehow goes parabolic, your dad will probably FOMO hard and will then try to claim your half.

>> No.21161706

He literally paid for the entire stack??? 100k link at .20 cents is fucking 20k investment. This has gotta be bait.

>> No.21161708

You are a filthy jew, don’t rip off your dad.

>> No.21161731

Give him the money you fuck, honor your parents if they're nice enough to give you money.

>> No.21161758

don't be a faggot op. give your old man his half.

>> No.21161765

the big problem with 'you promised' is he kept saying he won't give the loan unless he gets 50 50. So I was forced to say yes.

I just said yeah, sure, whatever. It was a very scummish thing for him to do.

>> No.21161768

not your keys not your crypto tell him.

>> No.21161772

Don't be a piece of shit and force his hand to ruin the relationship permanently.

He gave you all the money that you used, he is the one the assumed ALL of the risk and was generous enough to only ask for half of the reward.

Why are you being such a greedy nigger to him when you didn't pay anything toward the investment? All you did was buy it, he probably didn't even feel strongly about it and only did it because you're his son. This better be a larp.

>> No.21161789

>I just said yeah, sure, whatever. It was a very scummish thing for him to do.
you agreed to it you fucking faggot. don't try to weasel out of this. if you're going to be a fuckface then be a fuckface but don't look to be absolved here.

>> No.21161797

I'd give my dad 99% if he put up the loan. You're mad you made money on his money and he wants it back as promised?

>> No.21161802

Try to convince him it pays to stick it out, but if he refuses to budge to give him half as you promised.

>> No.21161822

You are a piece of shit I hope you fucking die. Without your dad you would have NONE of it you fucking moron. You disgust me. Go fucking die.

>> No.21161847

>So I was forced to say yes.
nobody forced you to do anything

>> No.21161869

Even though this is a larp you're still a massive faggot

>> No.21161889

this. OP you goddamn coward

>> No.21161891

oral contract is legally enforceable

>> No.21161896

if this isnt a larp, you will get fucked and hard and you will not believe it now but you'll lose your family and you will lose every single FUCKING CENT of that money believe it. you are fucked

>> No.21161898
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pathetic all these newfags are falling for this larp bait

>> No.21161901

would you rather he gave you $10k and didnt ask for anything? because thats the same end result for you, only difference is your dad gets to enjoy his retirement.
i really hope this is a bait thread.

>> No.21161902

Don’t be a Jew. You can give your dad financial advice, but don’t try to fuck him out of his end of the deal. You wouldn’t have shit if he didn’t give you the initial capital.

>> No.21161917

Holy shit are you serious? How much did you contribute to buying the 100k? If you didn't contribute anything you should fucking kill yourself after giving him 100% of the Link. Your seriously going to fuck your own father over when he fronted you the $20k. You wouldn't have that fucking stack if not for him. I'm not sure what you are, a kike, a nigger or some combination of the two, but fucking kill yourself if you're not larping, because you don't deserve to breathe

>> No.21161930

Give him his half and when Link hits $100 you can use the rest of the money to lord over him, if you want to be a fucking nigger. Better than actually getting taken to court and being left with nothing.

>> No.21161933
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>> No.21161963

You made an agreement. Don't fuck over your own father ffs. Give him his half and don't pull any bullshit. We're all judging you, you no good piece of shit.

>> No.21161985

>Before you judge me theres no way in shit you would give your dad $5 million dollars.
Of course I would. Especially if he gave me 100% of the funds used to make the money. What's the point of making money if you're not gonna use it to let your parents retire and chill for the rest of their lives. You're not giving your dad 50% of the profit, he's giving YOU 50% of what HIS money made. There's so many posts here about {{{them}}} destroying the family unit and this is a perfect example

>> No.21162002

I genuinely don't understand your angle.

You knew about link but had no money
He had the money but didn't know about link.

50 - 50 retard. This is bait as fuck. If I was your dad i would have just done it without you, you are essentially a profiting middleman who clicked buttons.

>> No.21162006

You’re a loser for sure

>> No.21162019


>> No.21162066

Give him what was agreed upon.

>> No.21162068

He gets half either way. Why do you care if he cashes out now? Take your 50K and dab on him hard when you’re worth $50M.

>> No.21162096

>just a 20k loan
you stupid kike. thats a giant loan for family.

You should give him his link. You're both going to end up poor when this drops under $10 anyway.

>> No.21162102

you greedy loser, you didn't even have capital you should be giving your dad more than half as a thankyou for even enabling you to buy link

>> No.21162107


For real. Wtf is wrong with you op?

>> No.21162120

50k link is still a ton. Give him his half, you absolute ass.

>> No.21162127


>> No.21162137

Kids turning on their parents and vice versa is peak soulless degeneracy

Why even live at that point

Dog bless Americuck

>> No.21162147

You still have a chance to make this right. You are in the wrong here. Don’t fuck it up

>> No.21162150


>> No.21162160

Thought of an idea.
What if I tell him that I sold half but it is in a smart contract till Link is worth $100.
Then once I have 10 mill I will only have to give him $500k.
Think of it. He is planning to cash it out anyway right now.

>> No.21162170

Write the true crime script lmao

>> No.21162182
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tell him you lost his half

>> No.21162185
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>> No.21162204


Ungrateful & greedy ngmi

>> No.21162229

Kill yourself, kike

>> No.21162239

kill yourself

>> No.21162247

Somewhat similar boat:
>Dad gifted me stock in one of his companies in 2013 (worth $300k at the time), which he purchased using a loan of $300k from another party (the loan was thereby "attached" to my stock)
>Years pass. In early 2019, I decide to sell it, but he's the only one who can market it
>Said he could get a buyer at $600k, only ended up getting $475k after several months of him lazing about the process (whole point was to enter in early 2019 when BTC was at 3k, ended up entering in at 8.7k)
>Since he gifted me the stock originally, I agree to split 50% of all gains with him, in addition to making him whole on the original $300k -- in exchange, he continues paying interest on the $300k loan (which now is attached to HIS stock)
>Once the sale is complete, I only received $300k in the wire -- without my asking, he decides to keep $175k for himself. I asked him if he planned on sending it later, and he said he would.
>Months pass, no word on the $175k. I suspect he used it to pay off some of his other lenders.
>A few more months pass, and I discover he cheated on my mother for the past decade.
>I give him shit about it, we end up never speaking again.
>6 months later, he emails me demanding "his" $300k back, claiming I stole it from him.
>Up until that point, even with his infidelity, lies, and uncommunicated holdback of $175k, I was still totally prepared to split all proceeds

Now it's mine. It was a gift to me, I sold it, he got a $175k fee, and now the rest is all mine.

All that said, OP, your dad sounds 100% justified. Give him his share.

>> No.21162292

Unlike that one anon who's friend thought he was somehow entitled to LINK winnings you definitely owe your dad what was agreed upon.
You shouldn't need a written contract with the man who created you.

>> No.21162298

Imagine not wanting to make it together with your father that trusts you enough to give you money to invest in internet funny money (his probably boomer view on the subject). And not only that, but he wants to help your own mom to retire. I'm investing with mine and I cant wait for us to get there together.

>> No.21162341

just make it clear he won't get any of your millions in the future because he sold early, but youre scamming him by not giving him his half

>> No.21162356

I wish you'd gotten trips so I could make a triforce joke.

>> No.21162364

Hope this is a shitpost.

You should have been a white crusty stain

>> No.21162368

Just kill yourself

>> No.21162374

imagine falling for this copypasta in 2020

>> No.21162402

You are an absolute fucking faggot OP, give him all your link then KYS

>> No.21162430


>> No.21162436

Pay up dweeb

>> No.21162445

I can't emphasize enough how powerfully sad I feel for you, money is not happiness and you probably will never find it. Someone that doesn't keep their word, greed, resentment, etc. I feel sorry for you. Good luck.

>> No.21162465

You would have nothing if it were not for him giving you the loan. I hope he sues the fuck out of you or you kill yourself you pathetic faggot

>> No.21162469

>Before you judge me theres no way in shit you would give your dad $5 million dollars.
You are a complete piece of shit and you know it and just admitted to it. Why are you like this? Did someone hurt you and now you spend your time trying to get back at the world? Choose to not be a shitter and you'll feel better and live better.

>> No.21162507

First response is most logical, checked

>> No.21162514
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Holy fuck this is some epic bait

>> No.21162515

Is this an update? I remember flaming the fuck out of you for trying to rip off your father in the previous thread you posted about this.
I think you present a better case here this time around. Maybe give him 10% per year? He clearly doesn't understand the scale of what's happening right now but that would atleast allow him to chill in his boomer castle for a while and rent some whores to suck his dick while he watches NASCAR. Just a thought.

>> No.21162550
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>> No.21162565

That being said, (assuming this isn't some gay larp), you need to atleast explain to him that by the time you give him his next 10% cut it's going to have atleast tripled in USD value.

>> No.21162602

Half of that stack is his. He loaned you money and that was the price

>> No.21162617

I hope he takes you to court.
He will win.
You will be forced to give him 100% of the money.
You will then have to somehow pay lawyer fees.
You will not only be broke, but most likely in debt.
I hope he then also disowns you.
I hope it gets media attention that you are the biggest faggot in the USA.
And lastly i hope when you realize how financially and socially ruined you are, you livestream your suicide.
You are king faggot.

>> No.21162626

You're a massive cunt OP and your dad will take half since if you were that broke there will be no way in hell for you to substantiate that you could afford the link in the first place and his story will ring true.
Also unless you cash out now, unlike him you won't afford a lawyer worth shit while he has a house to mortgage and get a real gun to rape you for the crypto and the legal + court fees.
Btw, because the amount is substantial, it's going to big boy court over possiblybyearsband you will find your wallet significantly lighter

>> No.21162658

OP im sorry

But, even if you bait 10 dozens of caucasian incels that post into a mongolian basket knitting imageboard into holding a jparser token, their retail buying power isnt nearly enough to stop the colossal correction that is going to occur.

You have to options:

1. Watch your investment bleed ~25%
2. Take profits and rebuy later to increase your stack!


>> No.21162670


OP got a LOAN you retards. a $20k LOAN. he owes his dad $20k, nothing more.

>> No.21162673
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>> No.21162707

Either this thread is bait or OP is of 101% yiddish descent.

>> No.21162723

Kill yourself

>> No.21162724

who cares op. your dad's money is your money further down the line

>> No.21162752


>> No.21162764

Give him the 50k LINK, you said you would. 50k LINK is more than enough to live out your days comfy.

>> No.21162775

>i'll give you half
>nooo i can't give you half dad!

>> No.21162776

just give him half of the LINK you entitled faggot.
make sure you give him some info to make sure he doesn’t accidentally delete it off his computer


>> No.21162792

Kill him

>> No.21162795

I remember the initial biz post. If this isn't larp, this has to be filthiest fag kike ive seen. Don't be ziocuck and give your dad his half of the money now or prepare for Kleros courts

>> No.21162805

so literally you and your father are jews. i'm shocked. (im not)

>> No.21162849

Did u not read the conditions of that loan u fucking twat? He gets 20k IFF they split all profits 50/50.

>> No.21162873

You know most loans carry interest, one would have a crazy interest rate you could somehow manage convince a bank in the first place when you told them you were throwing it all in on cryptocurrency.

>> No.21162883

lol if your dad thinks he can sue you then he's probably gonna win. id part ways with the link bud.

>> No.21162894

he will have to give all earnings to his dad + 20k from the initial inversion

>> No.21162904

you entered a contract and now you want to break it because it went well for you. You're scum, trying to screw over business partners, you'd have the complete opposite opinion if you were in his position. What a joke. Then on top of all that, he's your own father?

almost makes me want to sell my links to avoid being in the same category as you

>> No.21162910

newfag here and even I know you're a confirmed faggot for saying something as dumb as this.

Pay your dad his goddamn money

>> No.21162925

I hope this is a larp op otherwise kill yourself.

>> No.21162935

If you agreed to 50/50 then let him take out his 50% now. You still have your half. He's prob the smart one for selling haha, you'll hold til .01.
I bet he'll go all in on XRP with his stinky linky gains.

If it's just a 20k loan, give him the 20k+Interest+A big tip from the gains since he lent you 20k...

Other option is to be a petty piece of shit and hopefully he'd disown you.

>> No.21162959

Take out a loan on aave for his amount in usd, give it to him and then make him sign that he can't come for the Other half. Simples. Still a dog op

>> No.21162977

did money and greed turn you like this or were you a scumbag before link started mooning?

>> No.21162986

Oy vey the first famial casualty of link
Many such cases soon. Sad

>> No.21162989

wow i remember you from last fucking june posting about how you were thinking about scamming your dad. crazy how it all comes back around. hope he takes you for every penny

>> No.21162996

His dad is fucked.
Will depend on the state as to automatic dismissal eg value over $500 with no written agreement but the terms are vague, the timeline too long and there's no proof it wasn't a gift.
OP is reprehensible if he doesn't help his dad out with a roof for shelter though, not to mention give him a million for putting him on the planet

>> No.21163004

Just fucking give it to him retard lmao you're going to give him half later anyway you're going to end up with the same amount in the end regardless

>> No.21163039

literally just KILL YOURSELF

>> No.21163042

My mom is kickinge out of the

>> No.21163064

>not to mention give him a million for putting him on the planet
nobody asked to be born retard.

>> No.21163089

You're an ungrateful dick. Pay your father.

And when you have millions look after mom and dad.

>> No.21163108

No one asked for you to be born, that's for sure. Fix this for us?

>> No.21163115

Dude, you have 5 fucking million because of a loan your Dad gave you.
Even if you give your dad half and LINK goes to $100 you have $50 million

Just give your Dad his money

>> No.21163128


>> No.21163148

parents have children because they think it will enhance their own lives. nothing wrong with that. stop acting like you're some kind of martyr, retard.

>> No.21163236

Give your dad his 50k LINK you POS

>> No.21163261
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wew what a nigger

>> No.21163271

Give your dad half you grub, who the fuck cares you greedy piece of shit. You wouldnt be here if he didnt decide to blow in your mum

>> No.21163280

OP is a faggor

>> No.21163290

Pay your dad you colossal faggot, you had an actual deal!

>> No.21163355

Fpbp. You would have nothing if it werent for him. Selfish fucking slimey jew of mind you have OP

>> No.21163388

Even a Jew wouldn't try to swindle his father like this. They respect family.

>> No.21163391

fucking degenerate.

>> No.21163446

It’s not your money, you ungrateful fuck. You should be grovelling at your old mans feet for all that he has done for you. So you give him $500,000 and then he wonders why you are living on a fuckin yacht. You are being a selfish idiot. You are going to waste all of your money away doing something stupid with that attitude anyway.

>> No.21163468

1) a deal's a deal. Don't get greedy after the fact. No excuses.

2) are you still living under his roof? If so that's awkward.

3) unless there's some written agreement, then your father is entitled to zero money. That's the law. He's entitled to his original investment and that's it. From a legal perspective you can just give him back his 20k and there's nothing else he can do. Any competent lawyer will win that case.

>> No.21163492

commit die

>> No.21163522

You’re a filthy bastard of a son

>> No.21163546

Wow this is how white people treat their elders?

>> No.21163554

You're ripping off your dad whom you will never have another of..you will one day miss being able to talk to him let alone make an awesome business deal with him.

>> No.21163611

Give that old man 50k Doge.

>> No.21163645

Tell him to fuck off and let him know you're ready for court. Nothing in writing so they best he'll get is 20k. Think of all the lousy shit he did to you. He should be happy you're giving him the loan money back to begin with. Wanting more makes him a greedy piece of shit. Dumbass boomer. It's technically yours anyway since he's going to get the rona and die soon, inheritance.

>> No.21163667

Give him his fucking share you fucking jew.

>> No.21163676

Wow hope your temporary pleasure is worth becoming an actual irriademable human shit stain. You don't deserve a single shred of respect. I hope you turn to drugs and blow all your stinkies away to escape the weight of your sins. Then you'll end up broke without a family to turn to have fun begging for pennies on the street you filthy wretch of a human being. That would be a position fitting for a person like you.

>> No.21163682

Imagine one day you're able to see if your son will be an absolute piece of cunt jew shit like you so that when he busts a nut he can choose what sperm makes it.

>> No.21163766

Are you having a stroke? Maybe try writing that again in a way that makes sense.

>> No.21163805

Give him the 50k link man

had my old man been here and I would gladly have sent him half of my portfolio to help him retire and enjoy life.

this life ain't worth it man 50k 100k link shit makes no difference in the long run, be a fucking human being that is ur father give him the 50k especially if you guys already planned on sharing profits.

>> No.21163892

Pasta larp
Please disregard
Sage goes in all fields

>> No.21163896

give ur old man his half dipshit, familia es familia

>> No.21164002

fuck your retard boomer dad. Keep the money and start a new life. His fake boomer contract will get laughed out of court

>> No.21164003

It was a verbal agreement so it doesn't mean anything dumbest. Give him back 20k. If he sues you the judge will throw it out as soon as he sees theres no contract. If he doesn't throw it out for no contract he'll see the 20k you gave him back as a settlement.

>> No.21164055

I 100% would give my dad half. You are a kike and a faggot. I hope he ends up with all of it, and disowns his faggot son. Consider killing yourself.

>> No.21164065

If he didn't agree at a date or at a price you would give him back half he's a dumbass.

>> No.21164159
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you're so far gone there's no fixing you.
you've forgotten the face of your father, you're a husk of a man filled by greed and arrogance.

>> No.21164187

Not sure the dynamic here, but it sounds like you both need to be barred from the citadel until you can act like grown ass men.

Btw, if your dad took the gamble on you and could afford a 20k loan/loss then surely he can buy himself a roof and you're being a dramatic child for not seeing that angle. Tying to keep you honest is not a mistake since you just cry on the internet all day anyway.

>> No.21164324

How do you figure the asshole deserves 650k for doing nothing but giving his son a loan? Fucked up to begin with since he should just give him the money instead of being a fucking kike. He doesn't get to complain about shit since he's the one that forced life on op, an innocent soul that was up until then free from the constraints of life. His father owes him big time and trying to steal and threaten his son over money op made just shows you the kind of cunt he is. Typical boomer scum. Fucker can't catch the coof fast enough.

>> No.21164422

I have seen this pasta before

>> No.21164440

me too anon

>> No.21164558

You have 5 mil that you wouldn’t have had without him. He’s your father man, that’s some jewish behaviour. And for him to threaten litigation, I mean I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

>> No.21164646

I bought an 8k stack and used my dads money to buy a 2k stack. We are so excited together and it’s really amazing to even know that I’ve given my dad back tens of thousands of dollars. OP, You need to work out your issues with your dad. You should both be planning on retiring from this. It should be about family and not greed. Why do you sound so greedy? Family is everything

>> No.21164650

baka embarrassing

I can't wait to arbitrate this on kleros

>> No.21164673

Just hire a hitman for 50k usd and erradicate that shit. Or you could just assume that without the initial 20k you'd have nothing and give him his part. Try

>> No.21164717

No man, you had an agreement with him.
If he wants the money right now, give him the money right now.

You had an agreement, don't cheat that bullshit with your father.

>> No.21164752

LMAO I'd unironically buy all in Kleros to put OP to death

>> No.21164768

>dad gave me a loan to buy link at 20 cents. We ended up with 100k link. I gave him an informal promise I'll give him half.

Without his loan, that you promised him 50% of the LINK for, you would have 0 LINK.

It's too bad that he's being shortsighted, but that's his right. Cash him out you greedy fuck

>> No.21164809

So what? It was his condition and you agreed to that. That's it. Give him hist part, don't hold that shit.
Did he do something wrong in the story beside giving his condition before a mutual agreement? No.

That's like having someone building my house and me refusing to pay because "That's a lot for less than a year of work... Maybe I should just give 20k$ to each person who worked all year long but not as much as we agreed!"

>> No.21164827


Please god be a LARP

>> No.21164832

>he is the one the assumed ALL of the risk
He as well assumed ALL the RISK. You DID NOT.

>> No.21164888

I'm not gonna say "Kill yourself" like everyone is.
I'm actually going to come to your house to kill you and give 100% to your father.

Just give me your address.

>> No.21164985

On this story it's different because the father is still an asshole for cheating on the mother and not be honest with the kid.

On the OP story the father is a really nice person, trusting his kid with shit he doesn't even fully understand and want the money for his wife to retire earlier. You can feel that the father is the carrying kind.

>> No.21165011

I hope it does go to court and Dad gets the the lot minus a 10% finders fee

>> No.21165069

fpbp + chekt & op is a fagkt

>> No.21165140

Pay your dad asshole, thanks to him you have what you have. The thought you even made this thread confirms you are a piece of shit dude.

>> No.21165149

But seriously how is your dad supposed to fight you in court? You're a millionaire. Just hire a good lawyer and never speak to him again.

>> No.21165295

You're going to be famous like that kid who offed his entire family over a Bulgarian e-whore cam model.

>> No.21166365

you're scum.
I think you posted a few months back and you were scum back then.
Pay the 50k.

>> No.21166517

12 gauge.
roof of mouth.
don’t make me wait.

>> No.21166609

Your dad made you, first for real and then financially. Let that sink in and then pay up little one

>> No.21166754

Id have expected nothing else from filthy jew LINK holders.

>> No.21167008


The man that was my father is not even on this Earth, and you had someone that believed in you the way that the man that is not on this Earth believed in me.

You legitimately have something that I don't have, you have this man on this Earth, and I have the ma in my heart and in my memories.

I cannot respect the man that will fuck over somebody that believes in him. You are a fucking coward.

t. 1+million link

>> No.21167073

He threatened to sue op. He's a piece of shit who deserves nothing. Op has no duty to pay for his father's retardation. What has his father ever done for him besides thin one thing? Family is nothing but a millstone at best, and living hell more often than not. When I make it I'm just going to stop talking to my family completely. If they bother me I'll pay some goons to fuck them up a little. No serious harm but enough to land them in the hospital for a good week or two.

>> No.21167079

Just give your dad the 50k linkies. Hold your remaining 50k for as long as you'd like. You are bound by your word. If he chooses to cash out now too early, thats on him. Without his investment you would have nothing.

>> No.21167118

you should cash out 20k and pay your debt back

>> No.21167169

His father gave him the starter money.

Original poster has every right to delegate his fair share of the link profits, but clearly it is totally in his best interest and I'm not even just speaking financially to let his father do what he decides to do with his share of the gains.

His father clearly doesn't understand the true value proposition of decentralized oracles, but how many of us can actually say that we have family members that will give us starter money to take this type of gamble?

>> No.21167176

>Before you judge me theres no way in shit you would give your dad $5 million dollars.

of course i would. its familly.

>> No.21167232

>its familly.
OP clearly doesn't understand that when you make it you also bring joy and excitement to your family. That's clearly one of the aspects of making it. You live your life and you live your life to the extent that you see in your true will and vision, but you allow those that you love to live out their own according to their true will and vision. Honestly, I would never want to do business with a man that I know has try to pull a slick one on his own father. That person is not trustworthy.

>> No.21167289

I'm guessing his family and like most of ours did nothing good for us but made growing up hell. I couldn't get out fast enough. The only reason op should pay the cunt anything is so he can rub it in the fat faggot's face that he sold the fucking bottom just before take off. And for what, a fucking roof? Even other financially retarded boomers will be embarrassed for him.

>> No.21167304

When link goes to $1000 the very first thing I'll do is give my dad $5 million dollars.

>> No.21167352

You're a douche.

>> No.21167379

You are why we can't have nice things in the world. I don't care if it's your dad or a homeless nigger, a man honours the spirit and word of his agreements.

>> No.21167405

how about for lending him 20k with a promise of half the returns you fucking ungrateful fuck

>> No.21167725

How fucking kikey can they be. 600k for a $20k loan? Fuck that. I could see if he's a turbo jew charging 5% interest so OK three years he gets $30k and can be considered dead to op. If it were me I'd bunch the check up in my fist and give him one last good punch to the gut and drop it on the floor in front of him as he's doubled over trying to catch his breath. I'd probably spit on him too for good measure, just to make sure he understood the message.

>> No.21168069


Yeah no fuck you. Could be 1 dollar loan with 1 billion dollar repayment, he fucking agreed to half of the total Link. He is a bitch and I hope his father DOES sue and takes the entire stack.

>> No.21168070

gas the kike

>> No.21168167

You seem like you have past issues stemming from your younger life and your father. Believe it or not, most families aren’t like yours but it doesn’t change the fact that OP is still a faggot for trying to swindle his father out of his money.

>> No.21168181

you made an agreement, he took the risk, you got free money and now you want to get out of doing what you agreed to. You should've been an abortion. Yes he has legal grounds to sue you since you backed out on an agreement that he had a fiduciary interest in.

>> No.21168221

I want to congratulate you on this exquisite bait. It's like the fine wine of trolling.

>> No.21168232

Stop being a greedy bastard and give your dad his due.

>> No.21168316

You had an agreement and he doesn't want to gamble his money. Suing youbin an asshole move but you are also actibg like a prick. Give him his and continue making gains with yours.

>> No.21168338

It's not like the stupid fuck will even know what to do with it. Say op sends it to his metamask, then what. Now op should charge him out the ass to show him how to make an eth wallet, how to keep private keys safe, how to receive tokens, how to set up coinbase account, how to transfer from eth to coinbase, and also how to pay short term capital gains because when irs checks the wallet he sent to coinbase its going to show him holding for a few days tops. That is if he actually does it right and doesn't fuck up o transaction and lose 'his'half. Maybe op charges 100k each thing he spoonfeeds boomer retard father. If he does not like the cost then he can learn on his own. I'm guessing he doesn't like to be on the other end of the deal his son is stuck with so it'd be funny to have the tables turned like that.
But seriously how is he going to go from receiving the tokens to paying for a roof? No way his retarded old ass can figure it out.

>> No.21168355

Honor your fucking promise you goddamn nigger.

>> No.21168520

Do americans really???

>> No.21168555

I can't relate to this as a goy

>> No.21168981

If not larp then wtf. I have the opposite situation. I wouldn't let my mum risk her money but I promised her half of my 30k stack when it started to moon because of the guilt of cock blocking her

>> No.21169797

you sound like a jew

>> No.21169825

Unless you signed a contract it's not binding. Don't pay the parasite boomer a penny. Keep everything. G