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2116033 No.2116033 [Reply] [Original]

Algo trading

Really hope some of /biz/ algotraders can answer these questions for me.

In a thread a few days ago some anons were talking about algo trading. I'm finishing up my bachelor in CS and would like to learn how to start with algo trading over the summer before I start with my masters. I read the page on investopedia about algotrading, but the comments in that thread made me suspect it can go much deeper than described there. So I have a lot of questions, would appreciate an answer on any of them:

As I understand it you need to create mathematical models and write expert advisors that utilizes these models to do favorable trades. Are there standard models available on which to make variations? Where do I get ideas for making these models?

How much knowledge do I need of the stock market?

Could I start out in a small niche so that I can make something useful quite quickly?

Also, is it viable to sell algorithms that you make in metatrader4? I don't have much money myself, so even a very successful algorithm wouldn't make me much if I just used it myself.

And lastly, is it a good idea to take a course if I want to learn fast(er)? The programming part is obviously going to be easy for me, but everything else is new territory to me. Any opinions on algotrading101 for example?

>> No.2116364


>> No.2116431


>> No.2116450

You can't beat the market, buy and index fund and hold.

>> No.2117884
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There are tons of "open source" strategies out there, especially mt4 stuff, but you're going to find that most systems are garbage most of the time.

You need to know a lot about the stock market. Contrary to popular belief, algo trading isn't about following moving averages. It's about exploiting inescapable inefficiencies reliably. You aren't going to find a magic indicator, you've got to be clever about finding, isolating and exploiting opportunities. That's why they call it "quantitative."

There is no such thing as "getting into algo trading quickly" It takes years, mostly because you'll have to build most of your tools from scratch. As you already suspect, that's actually the easy part.

Do not underestimate how difficult it is going to be to create robust and reliable strategies.

Selling strategies isn't really viable. If you had something worth buying, you'd do better just to start your own fund.

Any course you find is just going to feed you the same crap you'll find in a book like "all about high frequency trading."

Hope that helps.

>> No.2117990

you're asking about systematic trading rather than algo trading - though there is some overlap algo trading is focused on the execution of orders, systematic trading may well incorporate algo trading but is focused on developing a trading system to generate alpha so will perhaps incorporate an element of forecasting etc..

you probably should learn a bit about market microstructure, you should read educational material relating to the exchange you're going to trade on, you'll perhaps want to learn about classical time series analysis as well as ML techniques like HMM (as referenced in your picture - though go get a proper book such as the Murphy book cited. Bishop is also good. Other decent ML books are available for free online -Hastie, Barber, MacKay)

MT4 isn't a good idea, it is usually offered for use in conjunction with bucket shops, you'll be paying up too much crossing the spread and it will erode most edges - in the end most people 'trading' using that sort of thing are just overfitting their training set to noise and getting lucky for a period of time.

>> No.2118015

Anon don't bother, this isn't me talking down on you, it'd me being realistic

Even barely successful algo trading firms require armies of PhD's in multiple topics

Bachelor's in CS, that's great for building these systems, but that's the easy part. You need domain specific knowledge. Basically to do this alone and be successful and have it be worth the effort, you'd need:

-Master's in stats and machine learning
-Tons of free time
-Lots of spare capital, I mean lots, millions to trade with at minimum

>> No.2118018

develop an algo to buy the powerball. same shit.

stop wasting your life.

>> No.2118022

Sorry I left out, you also would probably need to be PhD level (i.e. capable of PhD though not necessarily have bothered to do it, but highly capable) in machine learning and stats. Not just master's.

AND on top of that you'd need lots of general stock trading knowledge, not just math

>> No.2119455

Thanks for the responses everyone, will consider them all.

>> No.2119628


You seem to know a lot about this. I have a PhD from a top university in Applied Mathematics. I picked up an M.S. in Computer Science along the way as well as my work was so closely related. I was doing machine learning research in the 90's. I've been fascinated by the markets for decades. And I'm retired. Does this explain why my informed trading system works so well? Could there really be predictable patterns in market data? Who knew? This isn't a big secret and it doesn't require and army of PhDs to accomplish. I've done it all on my own. That is all.

>> No.2119703

Could you give a short rundown of what your system is like, just so I get an idea of what kind of effort and what kind of thinking goes in it?