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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 250x250, BUIDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21156882 No.21156882 [Reply] [Original]

Is it gonna dump tomorrow?

>> No.21156932

Can't imagine why it would, but I hope so. My stack is small bc coinbase locked up my neetcoins because they hate their users. Missed a <1$ entry damn it

>> No.21157031

Everyone expects it to dump

I expect it too, but you know what that means...

>> No.21157069

of course it is. its already dumping now.

>> No.21157073


>> No.21157179

>dumping pre-confrence
isn't that bullish? it's consolidated for another pump already

>> No.21157314


>> No.21157453

obviously it will either dump or pump

>> No.21157632

Word on the street is don ravioli himself is going to buy up the remaining buidl off uniswap during the speech to trigger the biggest price spike in crypto history

>> No.21157897

excellent analysis

>> No.21158331
File: 181 KB, 1082x521, buidl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main 2 FUDs with BUIDL
The first is that buidl owners will get to vote for changes, therefore literal 4chan autist will get to vote on decisions with potentially millions/billions of dollar on the line
The second FUD is that the dev control the vast majority of the supply, which is true

but what if... the devs own the vast majority of the supply BECAUSE they are well aware they can't let autists vote on important decisions so they pretty much have a veto while we basically vote on mundane shit like logos and whatnot ?

>> No.21158824

BUIDL has the smallest market cap of all the projects present in the entire history of Edcon (2018-2019-2020)= YOU ARE EARLY
don't forget that SNX made x55 a year after Edcon 2019.
Edcon will attract many new stakeholders to the project
There are less than 960 holders = YOU ARE EARLY

>> No.21158884

With the circulating supply so low I think the amount of governance that simple autists like you and I have is negligible. The devs are smart enough to make this work, I'm sure they have thought of this already

>> No.21159102
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Ever wondered why this normie crypto investment firm refered to BUIDL as potentially "revolutionary"? or why they're getting invited to EDCON, or why the devs, who are obviously /biz/realis by the way, released a crypto with a dogshit logo that nobody would buy but us so we have a piece of the cake. Or why they just hired a graphic designer and will soon have a more coorporate-friendly website and logo?

>> No.21159146

I was going to take profit at $5 but these dips before $5 made me not want to do that. I'm never selling.

>> No.21159277

Good point op

>> No.21159299

Sounds fine to me honestly, weve got our ticket for the ride

>> No.21159349

>who are obviously /biz/realis by the way
only since BUIDL started getting shilled on biz

>> No.21159354
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>> No.21159395

It never goes down, how the fuck could you lose money?

>> No.21159405

no, some of the earliest shilling was for sure them. they have outed themselves in a couple threads. I remember someone asking how to get some traction and I said meme the devs as Mario and Luigi and they did the AMA as Mario and Wario like a week later. I know because I'm Mario

>> No.21159507

nah, i remember them writing somewhere about seeing what people have been writing about build on anyonmous message boards. and in their medium article around the same time they asked "what does pajeet shill mean"? I don't think they were being ironic. I don't think they were bizraelis at all before buidl started getting shilled here.

>> No.21159557

>We have navigated in some anon website to see what anonymous people wrote about DFOhub… What does Pajeet shill means?

>> No.21159611


>> No.21159706

>I don't think they were being ironic
yes, tech autists who have never heard of 4chan. makes sense. they basically came out and said we were shilling on 4chan anon

>> No.21159747

I tried to buy 70 buidl (poorfag) and on uniswap the transaction appears as succesful, as well as on metamask, but in reality the transaction is pending. On etherscan it says I don't have the buidl but on ethplorer it says I have it. Any help?

>> No.21159749

who said they had never heard of 4chan? what did they say exactly regarding shilling here and when?

>> No.21159847

how long ago did you make the transfer? sometimes it takes awhile. are you looking in the drop down box on etherscan for tokens?

>> No.21159882

>navigated in some anon website
>some anon website
they are feigning ignorance, this is obviously an ironic comment. even you admit they would be familiar with 4chan
>What does Pajeet shill means?
people were calling them pajeets for shilling
it's a nod to bizfags

>> No.21159885

Around 30 minutes ago. On the drop down box it still says that I haven't swapped the USDT and BUIDL doesn't show up.

>> No.21159900

if it shows up in mm i wouldn't worry about it

>> No.21159941

What I find strange is that on MM it appears as if the swap has been made, while in fact the transaction is pending. Before, when a transaction took a while MM areflected the correct balance.

>> No.21159947
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Buidl is dead. Goodby everybody

>> No.21159966

go on uniswap and see if you can see your balance when you paste in the BUIDL contract address, that would be the most important thing

>> No.21160066

>they are feigning ignorance, this is obviously an ironic comment
What makes it obviously ironic? What makes you so sure they're larping?
>people were calling them pajeets for shilling
People were calling various anons in the early buidl threads pajeet shills (and in biz threads in general), and obviously they read them. But you're making leaps in assuming it must have been the devs themselves who were being called pajeet shills. Lots of anons are called Pajeet shills here every day lol.
>even you admit they would be familiar with 4chan
I honestly don't know if/how familiar they were with 4chan until recently. Not that many people in Italy use 4chan though so don't assume that they did before BUIDL was shilled here just because theyre into tech. I don't see these guys as the type who go pajeetposting on 4chan though, but who knows..

>> No.21160141

seems ok to me anon but im 100x up

>> No.21160175

okay Mario you've never posted here, checked your digits

>> No.21160197

Yeah on uniswap and metamask it seems like I have the buidl, but on etherscan it doesn't.

>> No.21160202

so you bought ETH at 1$ and sold em at 100$ ? Nice !

>> No.21160204

fuck it then you're good

>> No.21160272

All I know is another 10-20x and I have fuck you money

>> No.21160291

What's your stack anon

>> No.21160347

Not gonna say because people start seething

>> No.21160380

i had 504'204 buidls (was nr 1 or 2 holder).... sold them after a x2 hahahahha today i can still laugh about it

>> No.21160448

i hope u get there for all our sake

>> No.21160450

Will you still be laughing when it's at $10/$100?

>> No.21160483

ty fren

>> No.21160495

This guy gets it. But don’t be mean to him he didn’t have the buidlers vision

>> No.21160507

hahah yeah of course... i mean i could be rich but at least i got some money... now im having a 6k stack (0.26$ price) so hopefully gonna be at around 100k and im fine... its life sometimes u win sometimes u lose :)

>> No.21160529

Tbh I honestly hope he's financially secure already so it doesn't matter too much to him

>> No.21160540

btw i really like this project.... that was the reason i bought back in :)

>> No.21160589

in those times uniswap was new and u never knew if this pump & dump immedeately so i took my x2 and went out

>> No.21160592

good attitude, we will make it just in our own time

>> No.21160605

why does this shit always happen, I buy, then it plummets

>> No.21160659

don't worry anon. You bought your BUIDLS, now just put em in storage and forget about em

>> No.21160674

Should be fine long term
Wouldnt be surprised if we dump around this conference

>> No.21160680

Its only temporary senpai, ride it out

>> No.21160756

when is the next ama of dfohub?

>> No.21160758

900 baby buidl here. I hope it does dump so I can buy more. How do you guys think I’ll do with this hodl long term? I got in around $0.5-6

>> No.21160786

That's true. There was a period of 1-2 weeks where uniswap was like nothing ive ever seen before. It was 2017 on crack. You could put 2 ETH into the newest uniswap scam and within an hour you'd have 10 ETH. I would wake up, put a random amount of ETH into the latest uni shitcoin, go have a coffee and a shit, and 30 mins later come back to see i made a x3. I made so much money so easily during that little period, and strangely, BUIDL came out around that crazy time. I no longer hold any other uniswap coin I bought back then, but I never sold a single BUIDL and kept buying because I looked past the memey website and read through their stuff, and realised this one could actually be legit.

>> No.21160796

Apparently it's not waiting till tomorrow.

>> No.21160829

Really depends on how btc gonna perform... if we gonna start ta bull run then this thing can be huge if not we gonna need a couple of months / year before this really blows up... but thats just my opinion

>> No.21160855

Don't stress it. It dumped to $3 yesterday(?). It's not like this token isn't new to these sorts of dips. It dipped at 45c or when it first got over $1. It also crabbed alot at the 60c-90c range.

>> No.21160885

RIP this is gonna be under 3 again soon

>> No.21161022

I’m financially ruined

>> No.21161051


Julian pls

>> No.21161076

This dip is looking delicious. Damn I love cheap coins.

>> No.21161081


See the forest for the trees

>> No.21161244

One of us, one of us

>> No.21161261

Never trust what these anons say, save your money and buy back at $1.50

>> No.21161281


>> No.21161299

>but still buy it anon

>> No.21161310

Maybe. I feel like it has to correct a bit, so I held off from buying this dip.

>> No.21161329

August 30th

>> No.21161336

lmfao imagine selling before they announce vitalik partnership at edcon

>> No.21161431


you are an anon, so what you're saying is don't trust you. okay done

>> No.21161734

I got 5k ready to buy if/when it reaches a low

>> No.21162228

Regarding SNX.

Is this the only play that offers exposure to synthetic assets?

>> No.21162703

i sold 1k build in the middle of this thread and its been dumping since. sorry guys i think i spooked people. ill buy back tomorrow

>> No.21162726

same. sold some in order to get panic going and buy back more at a lower price

>> No.21162876
File: 49 KB, 200x200, 1ed2ed_d21b5a4dce50411b9644d4eba3fc094f_mv2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently buying the dip

>> No.21162905

Guys what if we actually pump tomorrow? Is that actually out of the realm of possibility?

>> No.21162978

no not at all

>> No.21163003

lmao some peoples sells already got bought up. swingies will rope off such a low cap project with big news coming up.

>> No.21163009

No, especially considering that we are dumping in anticipation. The conference is being priced in

>> No.21163014

lol your gonna be buying higher

>> No.21163038

based 30 eth buy. someone knows

>> No.21163055
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>> No.21163057

lol back up to 4.20. julians btfo

>> No.21163070

who is this julian you speak of

>> No.21163085

Ffs I wanted to buy more. Dump it again you greedy faggots

>> No.21163087
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Good question

>> No.21163107

kek. swingies can get fucked

>> No.21163112


doesn't matter now. he's been dealt with >>21163087

>> No.21163120

Juliano Fudderato sleeps with the fishes

>> No.21163149

Didn't swing, just was hoping for a bigger discount to add to my stack. Damnit.

>> No.21163169

buy now m8 we're legging up to $5 tonight

>> No.21163187

Waiting to see if weak hands sell that "pump" then I'll buy.

>> No.21163209

I hit the buy button the second things started moving upwards and lost some of the discount, fucking sucks.

>> No.21163276

I still have hope that someone with a fat bag who doesn't browse here will dump.

>> No.21163370

i can confirm the number 4 wallet browses this board, he was flexing his stack yesterday. one day theres gonna be a massive dump from that guy

>> No.21163414

Tomorrow during the presentation while everyon is distracted

>> No.21163435

50% possibility but i think it will dump at least a bit on the conference. either way i sold for DTH which is pumping now so I've made a few bucks

>> No.21163475

that guy sold ages ago you dumbass

>> No.21163602

Nope just checked etherscan he still has 121,444. also he couldn't sell without a 68% loss due to low liquidity. so hell wait till this thing gets rollin.

>> No.21163623


>> No.21163660

$4.31 let's gooooooo

>> No.21163716

I’ve never seen a coin which consistently has its dips bought back up so quickly

>> No.21163727

T. Julian

>> No.21163729

sorry i'm just showing up, but who the fuck was scared of that dip that got eaten up fucking INSTANTLY
holy shit how bullish can you be

>> No.21163763

not only eaten up, we are pumping again. 11 hours till their presentation

>> No.21163798

i'm holding the lowercase cheaper "dfohub" token did I get scammed

>> No.21163835

this is the proper contract, if you bought v1 you can swap to v2

>> No.21163929
File: 87 KB, 1271x388, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy ?
meh he bought at 1$ a month ago and hasnt thouched his buidlies. even if he sells that's just one dumb guy, plenty of whales have shown support for the long run

>> No.21163936

lowercase is the correct one

>> No.21163945

you planning to try to swing any or do you think it's too risky

>> No.21163980
File: 600 KB, 500x750, 1596180756042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only bought since $0.50
might take some profit at 50m mc just because I need some money

>> No.21164017

nice meme friend

>> No.21164231

Man, I hope the conference goes well tomorrow.

>> No.21164372


it's prerecorded

>> No.21164502

15 dollars end of conference

>> No.21164575

stop getting me excited

>> No.21164652

if we get to links ICO price we are at 11.42, 15 is totally doable if the eth dev fags get curious or one influential shiller starts shilling and probably both of those will end up happening

>> No.21164734

Thats my wallet. I wasn't the one flexing, it was the anon with 114k.

>> No.21164876

but the lowercase one is a much cheaper price...I think it's a scam copycat token

>> No.21164899

Kek so now we know the top #3 and #4 non-locked wallet holders post here

>> No.21164944

you can swap v1 for v2, so if it were a lower price, people would buy it and swap it. it will die off once the swap amount drops off a cliff

>> No.21164957

dont dump on us minnows senpai

>> No.21165004

I bought 680 yesterday and I'm ready to throw 3k more at it. Is it safer to just do it now or wait until after the conference in case it dumps?

>> No.21165007

>but the lowercase one is a much cheaper price...I think it's a scam copycat token

lowercase is V2, uppercase is V1 that's not supported any more. Check Coingecko, liquidity on each pair etc

>> No.21165020

>Is it safer to just do it now or wait until after the conference in case it dumps?

Curious, why would it dump after getting exposure?

>> No.21165030

I'm holding as long as possible. I think this will go $1b+ market cap.

>> No.21165041

the scammers who started this must run here with that ARTE logo

>> No.21165061

how legitimate is edcon? they have less than 1k followers on jewtter

>> No.21165135

I dunno either but some people have been saying it might

>> No.21165147 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21165202
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I just looked for a second, and Chainlink's CMO is tweeting about being in this thing with Vitalik, so that's encouraging

>> No.21165218

just look at who is speaking

>> No.21165235
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x6672, Screenshot_20200808-224510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the biggest dev conference of the year

>> No.21165255


semi-erect at DFOhub starting to exit stealth mode

>> No.21165361

Waiting till after the conference is a lot riskier, if it doesnt dump your screwed, but it's your choice

>> No.21165497

i bought back and now have more dth and build

>> No.21165748

i just got in motherfuckers, pump it to 20 dollars end of the conference

>> No.21165788


$1000 EOY?

>yfw that'd only be $3b mcap

>> No.21166157

Who is this Julian people keep talking about in these threads?

>> No.21166222

He's sleeping with the fishes, anon. You don't need to worry about him no more.

>> No.21166228
File: 1.40 MB, 480x480, 1584316747200.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21166461


a coward and a fraud

>> No.21166474

So you are going to promote your product on an conference. Yet you sent in a picture of yourself with a neckbeard rocking an iron man suit. Why? And a other uses a fox with sunglasses profile pic. Is dis Zoomer logic?

>> No.21166566

>Who is this Julian people keep talking about in these threads?

He and his discord of special needs investors caught a couple bubbles, and thus decided that they weren't just lucky but clearly in fact geniuses and the masters of the universe. So they tried to crash the price of BUIDL back when it was $0.45. They dumped huge bags while spamming /biz/ with FUD, and then waited to scoop up cheap bags.

They then watched in horror as their dumps were bought up instantly, and the coin went to 0.60, and then 0.75, and then $1, and then $2...

He's managed to buy back like 7-8k of the 65k+ he'd amassed but has been seething ever since. If this coin hits $15, he'll have pissed away a million dollars.

>> No.21166585

yei i bought the dip finally !
first time buyer btw

>> No.21166687

oh man, this is a fucking glorious story. Thank you!!

>> No.21166714

he posted his pic in a previous thread when called out

>> No.21166817


anyone save it? seriously hilarious shit lol. the king himself

>> No.21166890

Link to buy? Isn't it a Uniswap one?

>> No.21166907


you have to manually enter the address in uniswap


>> No.21166917


>> No.21166936

Have you seen Vitalik's presentations?

>> No.21166939
File: 183 KB, 720x593, 1595977924098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LULZ that's friggin' hilarious, thanks anon.

>> No.21167394

is this real?

>> No.21167573

It sucks that I just have 560 buidl

>> No.21167604

how does 560,000 dollars sound?

>> No.21167615


>> No.21167626

I have 680. Feeling late as well, thinking of dumping 6 eth into it to get a 1240 stack but not sure...

>> No.21167713

Sounds great,but I doubt it will go up that much.

I'm also considering to buy more,but it's risky to buy the pump. I hate beeing late to the party

>> No.21167729

its in the archive somewhere, if you feel like scrolling the build threads, cant be too many

>> No.21167741

It's only at 12m marketcap. No one who knows about this project is late to the party

>> No.21167872

This is early to the party. DFOhub didnt have an unfair presale, so its in price discovery. Anons on the ground floor. We are the presale.

>> No.21167878

You know this is a scam right?

Buy Kleros.

>> No.21167925

>late to the party
we are 30% of Links ICO price

>> No.21168001

Ok frens,you're probably right. Still not sure if I should buy more now or wait for a dip.

>> No.21168122

How/where did you discover BUIDL so early?

>> No.21168291

Anyone knows what time their presentation at edcon is?

>> No.21168310

12:05 est I think
check edcon.io

>> No.21168320

Around noon, I'm guessing UTC.

>> No.21168405

Where can you watch jt?