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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21152626 No.21152626 [Reply] [Original]

Am I gay?

>> No.21152656

You were gay before this event occured

>> No.21152686

Post your trade history. Brokerage, exchange, whatever you got.

>> No.21152712

this is a strong sell signal

>> No.21152796

Post your trade history. Brokerage, exchange, whatever you got.

>> No.21152797

How many link do you own OP?

>> No.21152825

C'mon nigga, u gay. Just wait and buy the dip.

>> No.21152906

Post your trade history. Brokerage, exchange, whatever you got.

>> No.21152904

+/- 100.

I know it's a not much for many of you, but it's enough for me to not kill myself if the price really goes to 1000$.

>> No.21152937

That not a suicide stack, a suicide stack is 10K you fucking tard.

>> No.21152966

Can I decide by myself what makes me want to die and what not, fag?

>> No.21153010

1k is suicide, 10k is making it. And has always been. Depending on what you mean by "making it," of course...

>> No.21153063


>> No.21153129

no youre just retarded. enjoy holding into a 80% loss

>> No.21153371


>> No.21153415

think they're all banging that girl?

>> No.21153532

It's a man

>> No.21153543

No. Those are her simps.

>> No.21153740
File: 69 KB, 875x891, niggafolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poornigga here, m8.

>> No.21153749

Rekt in 5..4..

>> No.21154655
File: 511 KB, 1142x849, 1588998534864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No end in sight.

>> No.21154841

I just booked an all gays trip to Vegas using travala. You are free to join us gays, just sell your link and buy Ava.

>> No.21155031

You bought 100 linkies? That's pretty nice

>> No.21155076

you are just a sap op like all the saps who rode bitconnect to the stars

>> No.21155156

You newfag don't get it, suicide stack mean it's a suicide insurance, that you buy enough to be ok with link mooning while not having at paying too much money.
Back when link was 0.11 to 0.40 we said the suicide stack was 1k because it costed very little and if the schyzos was right it would make you nice money.

Now a suicide stack can't be 1k because nobody has 12k dollars to throw at a suicide insurance and because it's not schizo talk anymore it's a legit respectable investment. Suicide is off the table.

>> No.21155213

Dude I bought 100, I didn't sell my house.

>> No.21155254

I'm not a real Link believer to be honest, but you cannot deny it's current uptrend.

>> No.21155309

So you got a sell target or you just plan to ride with us to see where it brings you?

>> No.21155404


(at least, not before 1000$... It that "acceptable"?)

>> No.21155423

Exactly...so the new suicide stack is 100. The price isn't stopping at 1k anon.

>> No.21155507

You do what you want my dude. If stacking is as juicy as predicted you could indeed never sell and get some nice passive income on top of whatever your get from your job