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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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211504 No.211504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you joined a secret society or fraternity to advance your career and business interests, /biz/?

>> No.211532

yeah but all i got was this gay hat and a little tiny car

>> No.211536

shriner pls go

>> No.211543

/biz/ should start a fraternal order.

>> No.211553

I have
Its called /biz/
Located in the supr sekreet depths of 4chin.org

>> No.211559

plz initiate me master

what must I do

>> No.211586

I did. Delta Phi Epsilon, the professional foreign service fraternity. Also the Knights of Columbus for right-wing political connections.

I'm all for that idea.

>> No.211629
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>Knights of Columbus

We have the Knights of Columbanus here in Ireland, I think there's some connection between them.

KoC tend to be more middle-class catholics her (and mostly old men) but the Order of Malta are still semi-aristocratic. I'm consider trying to get in, on the basis that they're active in so many countries (I'm aiming to work abroad a lot).

Any opinion on them? Or know anything about joining?

Too bad the Freemasons here are considered pretty much protestants-only (KoC are their catholic equivilant), they'd be handy, but I hear you basically need to be Anglican to advance in Irish lodges

>> No.211634
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Your initiation is that you must short PRAN irl

>> No.211642


What should be call ourselves?

No Greek System pls, we're not all american

>> No.211649


Those robes are giving me a nerd boner

>> No.211665

Our name will be

>> No.211670

Bone and Skulls XXX

>> No.211681

Unless I'm wrong, the Order of Malta has strict requirements in terms of success before joining and commitment. Not to mention a year of preparation.

In other words, a organization you join later in life.

As a starter, I'd join either KoC or the Masons.

>> No.211689
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Fucking this

All in favour of βββ?

>> No.211695

Already exists.

No Greek system. It's pretentious and overused.

>> No.211702

Not even Beta Iona Zeta (βΙΖ)?

>> No.211704

I vote for this. This name is amazing and this guy is probably the sexiest man alive.

>> No.211719

Already exists maybe?

And no, not even that. If we're going to do this, let's be original about it.

>> No.211726

I agree, if beta beta beta is taken lets not do greek.

>> No.211724

Grand Knights of PRAN

>> No.211728


Is samefagging on purpose funny now?

Get the fuck out.

>> No.211735

IDs exist, in case you haven't noticed.

>> No.211738

falling for it-------

>> No.211744


When did they come in?

>> No.211748

Awhile ago, for the sole purpose is killing all the cryptoshilling and repetitive NEET/"How does I invest X dollars" threads.

Traffic slowed, but quality improved.

>> No.211777

>Too bad the Freemasons here are considered pretty much protestants-only (KoC are their catholic equivilant)
I thought Freemasons were just general Monotheists, though I think they do skew protestant.
Here in Canada, the equivalent of the KoC is the Orange Order. Orangemen used to control Toronto politics, but their influence has nosedived post-WWII. KoC probably had some power in Quebec, but no one cares about Quebec anymore. Nowadays the KoC are just shriners without the stupid hats.

That being said, if I do end up moving to Toronto I'll be knocking on the door of the local Orange lodge as soon as I get there.

>> No.211796

The /Biz/antine Empire

>> No.211801

Huh, just shows how different organisations are perceived differently around the world!

Here in Ireland the Orange Order have a reputation basically equivilant to the KKK in America, i.e. bigoted, intransigent racists who organise very aggressive demonstrations and generally stir shit in the North.

Some idiot on Dublin City Council allowed them to conduct a parade in dublin in 2006- they couldn't even leave their starting position because there was so much rioting all over the city.

Seriously, if you do decide to join an Orange lodge, never ever admit it if you come to Ireland, you'll probably get attacked

>> No.211803
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>> No.211805
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If we're serious about this, then let's test it out.
Who'll be the brave soul to write his/her name down first?


>> No.211814


I don't think we're mature enough to handle a google doc

>> No.211819

That is becoming sadly evident.

>> No.211824

Fuck the Greeks. If we want a truly American name, here's one:

Tʼáá Bíhígíí

It's Navajo for "each their own"

>> No.211829

Fuck this is fun.

>> No.211830

Just make sure you are the only one who can edit then have people msg you or something...

>> No.211834

Ey fug u man

We were making progress there

>> No.211833


>> No.211841

Don't worry, I'm not that dense. I'm not that religious/patriotic either, I just want to network.
Most people in Canada, be they descendents of the original settlers or fresh off the boat, know jack shit about their country's history or the history of those settlers. I spent 10 minutes trying to explain to a classmate why it's risky to wear orange on St. Patrick's Day but I couldn't get through to them. They hadn't even heard of Northern Ireland.

>> No.211842

Okay, let's be serious.

We need to decide a name.

So Greek System is out (though I do like Beta Iona Zeta, but whatever)

So what other kind of name can we give ourselves?

Should it be grandiose or snappy?

>> No.211843

>naming a /biz/ fraternity after one of the least financially successful society of all time
>literally traded away most of america for some shiny beads
that's about right actually. I vote for this.

>> No.211848

Yeah that's fair enough, it's a different scene over there.

I'd imagine Canadian orangemen are probably a lot less insane than their Norn Iron counterparts

>> No.211861
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Alright, since letting everyone use it was clearly a bad idea because a few individuals can't be trusted with being serious about it, let's try it another way.

I've left my email address in the fold. Send me an email with your:
>Email address
>Field of Study/Work
>Current Occupation
>Okay to Contact (Yes/No)
And I'll add it to the list. You can view (and comment) on the list here:

I assume that there are people here who sincerely want to do this and won't have a qualm with this.

It has to be humble, yet professional.
I'm in favor of just calling it "The Consortium", unless you guys have other thoughts.

>> No.211881

I actually like Ałgáádeitʼááh -- it means "agreement" or "unity". Sounds better too.

>> No.211879


>> No.211886

>4 users online
>only one contact up

Well don't all jump at once

>> No.211893

Consortium sounds a little too grandiose for what we want. Bear in mind we are essentially a collection of semi-respectable neckbeards.

I don't have better suggestion to hand, though

>> No.211900

I was just looking at the Orange and KoC websites. It's nothing but fat, grey hair old guys. Neither of them look like a particularly wealthy group though.

That's what always put me off about these fraternal organizations. Wouldn't someone who is only 20-30 years old stand out?

>> No.211901

Haven't gotten an email from anyone else. No need to rush, plenty of time.

I'm open to any and all suggests. Just throwing something out there to get the ball rolling.

>> No.211912

Yeah this is what I've always thought about people like the Masons.

Surely it'd be weird hanging out with guys who are basically the same as your dad

>> No.211917

who gives a fuck about the name. start drawing up a roster and a goal.

name comes last seriously


roster, goals, sayings, networking, etc

>> No.211927

>I've left my email address in the fold
Sorry for my tech-illiteracy, but what is "the fold"?

>> No.211928

feel like we should make a legit private group on some social media outlet or something.

not sure how you all want to do this but I can set up an email account and people can funnel me their emails. we can make some sort of group somewhere (facebook,linkedin, google group) and go from there

>> No.211935

Agreed, i'v got a few investment clubs/groups i'm head of in FB so a group there would be good.

>> No.211942

In my experience, it's also dependent on location.

Lodges, Councils, Chapters, etc., based in smaller locales are (as one would expect) less influential and have fewer local members with real weight than those that are located in urban centers or the really old ones with a long history. Plus, I'd imagine it's also a trust thing. You gain more access the longer you're in and show that you're dedicated to the organization in question. It's well known that top-level masons are the ones who donate a great deal of cash towards the fraternity's coffers.

>> No.211939

facebook is not as good because not everyone has facebook and it isn't as beneficial as say linked in.

>> No.211979

Still waiting for more emails guys. Let's try to at least get to 5, which is a somewhat respectable number.

>> No.211999

I would but I'm starting my college next year.

>> No.212005

I made a secret club once. We made mud pies and explored our neighbour's farms and barns.

>> No.212023

What's your email address?

>> No.212032

See the fold: >>211861

(It's where the name usually is. You should be able to copy it)

>> No.212051

Might as well. Never too early to start.

>> No.212179
File: 968 KB, 1280x720, 1383194369188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you haven't figured it out, the email is leblanc.marcel@yahoo.com

I'm going to go take a bath. Let's see if anyone else signs on in the mean time. Or if we can get a name brainstorming sessions going.

>> No.212306
File: 273 KB, 400x300, guy incognito.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone makes a private linkedin/facebook group I'm all in.
Post my info on a random 4chan thread? I love you guys, but I'm not sure if I trust you guys......

>> No.212309

Can't make a group until we have a name.

>> No.212656

>random info

All we've posted is stuff that would come up in a single search on LinkedIn.

It's all online anyway, there's no big secrets here.

>> No.212659
File: 10 KB, 1024x1024, mzl.ojgtvfnz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd prefer LinkedIn if we're going to make a group at all.

I presume you can make groups completely private (and possibly unsearchable) on LinkedIn?

>> No.212670

Instead of a private group or whatever, just have a codeword in the personal statement. Two atypical words which would go unnoticed by most browsers.

>> No.212674

So what would our goals be?

>> No.212683

Hookers and blow

>> No.212686

I think that's probably a bit TOO subtle, the whole point is that we can network

>> No.212690

To create a dominance similar to IVy league schools

>> No.212695

That's interesting.
But then that is an American thing.
What could I (as an Eastern European who sometimes does shady things) be interested?
My interests have never gone beyond the borders of Europe.

>> No.212720
File: 1.24 MB, 480x271, 0BxPsGn3mSp6ySWIxZ0xwdFhWYXM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 4chan, i suggest going to /b/ and saying whoever rolls dubs first gets it.

a serious name wouldn't really be in keeping with the atmosphere here. in fact, if it is so ridiculous that only people that frequent the board would even consider membership, it's better.

that's my opinion anyway.

>> No.212722

whoever rolls dubs first chooses the name, i mean.

>> No.212735

A band of merry men

>> No.213148


>> No.213167

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.213171

If you want to network with 20 year old's go to University.

>> No.213175

Bread and circuses, ideally.

>> No.213181


>> No.213251

Also, dragon dildos.

>> No.213262

Fuck hell loooool: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al5UJq4UNC2bdGtiLVVEV1gxbFl2aWlBTklra2NZRGc&usp=sharing#gid=0

Whats the name though?

Are we the new Anonymous?

>> No.213266

Why don't we make our own secret society?

>> No.213277
File: 14 KB, 429x320, 1394159404640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and now to Fox News, for a special, insight segment..

>''They come from a secret, underground, internet website'
>'They have been manipulating stocks for over 9000 months'
>'They often plaster other websites with dragon dildos, macro images of Penn Jillette, and a scary looking Ron Paul'
>'Some call them basement dwelling NEETS, but to most, they are known as....THE CONSORTIUM'

>> No.213323
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Soon we will be controlling all leading positions in politics, finance, business, military, etc

A global elite since we're from all over the world

>> No.213326

top lel

>> No.213362

Well there's dubs and "the consortium" again. Guess you're stuck with it.

>> No.213367

So, let's make an LikedIn group?

>> No.213366
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>> No.213395

Fuck serious, go for
The Assortment of Base Fellows


The Zonked Interfusion of Brethren
(ZIB) flip for obvious biz

>> No.213406

Why does biz have IDs, when did this happen?

>> No.213411

That's what I'm here for. Sorry if i drag your board down. Just trying to figure shit out.

>> No.213413

Because autism.

>> No.213419

you just did, so what's the name

>> No.213426
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>> No.213434

A crypto pump n dump group would be cool, along with general finance stuff.

>> No.213438

Stratton Oakmont, but with some sort of /biz/ twist on it.

>> No.213484

I'd be up for it, but what are you doing.
Why is there a list of everyone up in the public.
This basically destroys the point of it being a secret society.
I could just save the names and in 10 years if one of you hits it big, I can use the names to search your shady dealings out and fuck you over.
Come on, guys.

>> No.213487

lol exactly, just make it a private google doc and invite the people that email you, whoever the organizer guy is.

>> No.213600
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Organizer here.

In response to the suggestion about keeping this secret the document is now only accessible to those who have signed up (only 1 new person in the last 12 hours).

The name suggestions we have so far (including one emailed to me) are:
>The Consortium
>Bone and Skulls XXX
>Tʼáá Bíhígíí ("each their own" in Navajo)
>Ałgáádeitʼááh ("agreement" or "unity" in Navajo)
>The Assortment of Base Fellows
>The Zonked Interfusion of Brethren
>Stratton Oakmont (but with a /biz/ twist)
>The Denarius Society

Personally, I like that last one that one of you guys emailed.
In any case, I'm all for making a private Linkedin group once we have a name.

As for the objects and purposes, I've drafted something. See if you guys approve:
>To promote good fellowship amongst persons studying or engaged in the practice of business and finance
>To help, aid, and assist in the realization of the ideals of its members and of their individual enterprises
>To create and develop a spirit of loyalty to the fraternity
>To pursue profit and success, including hookers and blow


I confess that I chuckled at this. At least a dozen old people would be scared shitless if it was anything like the original Fox News report of Anonymous.

>> No.213605

Let's get some legit people in here, no NEETs so far so looking good.

>> No.213616

The Bizerberg Group

>> No.213632 [DELETED] 

What is the purpose of our group?
maybe it's easier to pick a name then.

>> No.213762


If any of you have any associates that would be interested, consider asking them.

>> No.213805

hmmm yeah i did...interesting....

how about

Illicit Heirs of the Ponzi

or in short (IHoP)

the IHoP, notice the o is lowercase to differentiate ourselves from IHOP

that's my bid, I think /b/ might be the place to get a truly absurb name though

>> No.213838

Denarius Society is a winner for me.

I presume by Denarius you mean the biblical term for a day's pay, right?

It fits pretty well, I'd be very much in favour of it

>To promote good fellowship amongst persons studying or engaged in the practice of business and finance

This is the best one I think. You've got to look ahead to this being found out- we don't want some creepy-sounding shit with all our names on it.

Basically, the group is about /biz/nessmen giving each other a hand, networking etc. Nothing untoward about it, just a few /biz/ users helping each other out, conversing, etc.

>> No.213840

Or actually, maybe The Denarius Club instead of The Denarius Society?

What do you think?

>> No.213845

Yes, I'm hoping that this will be somewhat professional. And by Denarius, I think it means the currency used by the Romans & what you said.

As for Club or Society, I suppose we'll vote on that later.

>> No.213847

I think Denarius Society is perfect for what we want.

People in it will be referred to as Denarians.

>> No.213852
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Or Denarii I suppose. The plural of the currency.

To the three guys who just requested access, see: >>211861. Going to need details before we add you. Then you'll be given access and can join us on Skype.

>> No.213855
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>not killing and molesting children to earn delicious jew gold in the name of the yella keeng

>> No.213858

Brotherhood of Mammon

>> No.213891

What are the requirements to join?

>> No.213895
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The now 4 people who have requested access to the document.

Again, it's closed unless you want to join. To do that, send the following information to leblanc.marcel@yahoo.com
>Email address
>Field of Study/Work
>Current Occupation
>Okay to Contact (Yes/No)

This isn't hard people.

>> No.213899

Your dick must be at least 15cm in length.

>> No.213960
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you know reptiles don't have penises right?

>> No.214030




>> No.214060

being that I have been using 4chan all my life if I ever own a buissness and am hiring, if a person has good credentials and alludes to using 4chan I will automatically hire them

>> No.214085 [DELETED] 

Hey faggot, I want in

>> No.214094

Then send me an email with information.

Trust has to start somewhere. If you can't do it, then no go.

>> No.214246
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>implying you could afford to hire another autist with poor social skills.

>> No.214299

i don't think most people on 4chan are like that.
some certainly, but few and far in-between.

one some of the japier boards maybe.

on a large scale, i like to think 4chaners are slightly more "aware" than others.

>> No.214307

That used to be when /biz/ first started an a flood of NEETs from /r9k/ and /adv/ flooded the board.

Most of them left when they realized that the committed posters were serious about talking business, finance, stocks, etc. And had a very low opinion of non-motivated NEETs.

Now it has some dignity to it.

>> No.214316

>you will never join OoM
>tfw you have to suffer shitty pleb fraternities, Masons and that faggy owl shit
>tfw American

>> No.214389 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 658x370, Freelancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while /biz/.

Official US commercial importer's manual: http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/newsroom/publications/trade/iius.ctt/ius.pdf

Harmonized Tariff schedule: http://www.usitc.gov/tata/hts/bychapter/index.htm

Customs ruling database: http://rulings.cbp.gov/index.asp

Rules of thumb for trading:

1. The Chinese always cheat. Somehow. Always. It's so normal for them they don't even understand when they are doing it. The only realistic way to keep from getting fucked is to build up guanxi. If you don't know what that is or how to get it get the fuck out of China.

2. Deals with Arabs are virtually always lucrative, and they are honorable in how they deal with those who have polite manners. However cutting a deal with an Arab takes forever, and rushing it generally doesn't work, so have time on your hands before you even try.

3. Keep your shit on the DL from big corporations, they will try and muscle you out if you let too much slip. Wal-Mart is especially bad about this.

4. Latins often have soft handshakes and avoid looking you in the eyes. This is a sign of respect because it shows a lack of aggression. Rough handshakes and prolonged eye contact can be deemed offensive in some cultures.

5. The EU is a tax and tariff minefield. Advanced techniques like triangulation through former colonies may be necessary to export to here.

>> No.214475

How do you look particularly wealthy?

>> No.214653



>> No.214667

a secret society from 4chan needs to be secret

My vote is members are identified on a public key private basis

>> No.214672

>tfw in top tier fraternity at a SEC school
GG nerds

>> No.214714

the basement consortium
> ^

>> No.214889

I like this one, the Bizantines was good too.
Not a fan of the Native American ones, really pretentious and not in a clever way, its like those 20 something white chicks that wear headresses and get molested at raves when they are high thinking that they are culturally enlightened or something.