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File: 620 KB, 703x499, 51019CE4-7357-41ED-9B32-115D07D4709B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21148597 No.21148597 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is a meme started by 4chan to lead people to financial ruin. The original old fags were IDF (Israel Defense Forces)members stationed here to quell nazi rebellion online. Soon they realized they could create useless ethereum tokens to scam anons visiting 4chan who had hopes of crypto gains. These old fags bought $100k+ of chainlink EACH ($100k of chain link at $0.17= A LOT OF CHAINLINK) for pennies on the dollar and now are selling it to idiots for over $8. There’s even an agent that goes by the name of “42” (a spiritual pure number corrupted by the kike who uses it as a pseudonym) . This agent tries to control the narrative within his Saturn indoctrination / chainlink cube worship threads..
Now these “oldfags” that we are supposed to respect are trying to get people to lose even more money after the 2018 bloodbath. Chainlink is a specialized collection of Oracles, companies don't need this. They will just create their own private blockchains with Link network(token not needed). Sergey himself already said that LINK tokens arent needed to use the network. thats right. it's still unclear when and how the LINK token will be used if private networks are an option, and not to mention the massive allocation of LINK not locked up but in dev control (2/3 of supply).There is no need for tokens if chainlink isn't even needed to run the nodes.
Don't fall for it, chainlink its a meme to fuck you over.
This is a 4chan meme to siphon money out of the hands of the already desperate. There is a common pattern of heavy shilling when this pumps, and after early 4chan whales have sold, silence for months. generally, this happens 1-2 times a year
Stinkies compare Sergey to Jesus, they worship Saturn and endevour in other blasphemies (like telling anons to put sharpies how up their anus to get free link which is never sent) which marks their impending doom (and financial ruin)

>> No.21148637

Can we get that chick to do a reading of this like the other fudpasta?

>> No.21148658
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i'm going to rape you nico

>> No.21148713
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Give me the fucking microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you no linkers running your mouths.
Every single day you come out here, you make the same damn posts. "Am I going to make it" this, "LINK fud" that.
Well guess what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna take my mouse
I'm gonna click on the post number
I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I said I'm gunna start typing in the reply box!
I'm gunna call you a faggot
A dick gobbling queer
A disappointment to your ancestors
A redditor
I'm gonna solve that captcha
The one with the fire hydrants
The one with the stoplights
The one with the bicycles
The one with the cars
The one with the busses
The one with the CROSSWALKS
I'm gonna click submit
I said I'm gonna click submit!
I'm gunna derail the thread!
Send all you shills back to /r/wallstreetbets and fiat currencies!
That's right, I said I'll send you back!

>> No.21148854
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>> No.21148862

nico pls step on my dick with spiky shoes I will do anything, I will even give you my laughable 1073 link stack

>> No.21148951
File: 160 KB, 675x791, 1596439066929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one more post, nicoposter, and I swear to God i'm going to send you to the fucking gulag.
I am sick with rage.

>> No.21149006

nico is so fucking hot aaaaahhh take me linkies you little slut

>> No.21149448
File: 455 KB, 500x290, mm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides KEK

>> No.21149686

topkek, someone please do a vocaroo impression of this

>> No.21149690



>> No.21149723

This is probably true.
I still got some Chainlink(tm) though.

>> No.21149742

ok nigco

>> No.21149795

Holy shit kek.

>> No.21149919

There are also thoughts who don’t want you to GAIN anything and make you SELL they will buy on the dip and gain huge CAPITAL trust NO ONE even this fag here that’s all technicality and wordy