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2114849 No.2114849 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom is convincing me to go into trades instead of going to college

>> No.2114859

do it and invest all your earnings in crypto

>> No.2114877

What trade are you thinking about going into OP?

>> No.2114888

Rare coming from a boomer but good advice.

>> No.2114890

your mom sounds smart

>> No.2114893

I really loved working electrical but I herniated my back falling off a scaffold. Don't anything for other people, just do what you want.

>> No.2114894


>> No.2114924


I'm a college graduate, I did Computer science and it was a complete waste of my time. I can program but i fucking hate it and now i'm a truck driver because i'm unemployable for anything outside my field.

Do a trade and you can make good money fast, invest in property, rent it all out and retire at 40. Most people hate their job, just do it for the money. Trades are good money with low stress and its easy to be self employed.

>> No.2114932

Go through a Union and you'll be set. There's also tons of work and side jobs you can take to get extra cash whenever you want.

>> No.2114934

I want to do computer science now due to my back. I'm learning python online before I go into school for it is that a good idea?

>> No.2114945

Your mom is better than my mom

>just go to school and get that biz degree honey

What a joke of 4 years of my life, literally could have read a textbook and my free time to learn what they teach in those classes. fucking unreal.

>> No.2114967

I just always wanted to study Finance tho...

I feel like trade work is kind of pleb-tier

>> No.2114985


Learning python cant hurt, but It would be better to find the course syllabus and work on whatever they are planning to teach you before you get there.

Though honestly most of what you will learn will be through your own initiative and research. Professors are there to guide you through your project ideas and give feedback and advice. They wont spoon feed you code like a little baby.

>> No.2114989

Do what you want. I don't think some trades are, I wouldn't do construction no matter the pay.

>> No.2114998

Thank you, I'm pretty nervous about it. I plan to learn it on my own. Then go to school.

>> No.2115009

>What a joke of 4 years of my life, literally could have read a textbook and my free time to learn what they teach in those classes. fucking unreal.

Yep. College education is outdated. If you have the self motivation you can learn anything in your bedroom with a couple of books and an internet connection.

>> No.2115017

Why not both?

Graduated with dual degree Mechanical Engineering & Accounting and run a custom cabinet company. Cleared 630K last year and I own 35% of the company. All I do is sit in an office and talk to clients.

A word of advice though, never go into the trades without a mentor/family connections. You'll never make it. Trades are only good with the connections. You won't get connections as an outsider too quickly, it'll take years to establish yourself. Better off literally buying a company.

>> No.2115030

I'm currently learning advanced math and computer science. I plan to still get a degree for connections.

>> No.2115036

Fk. Is this really the case?

Feels like people say this for most majors too though.

>> No.2115047

Don't do either just crypto trade, THC is a really good option right now

>> No.2115049


My main advice would just be to stick with it.

You don't need to view learning a language as some huge task. Even if you spend 20 minutes every day you will see a lot of improvement over a few months.

You only fail if you quit.

>> No.2115051

My uncle is a foreman I basically worked with him. It was nice. Without connections I agree people don't get far and your pay is capped.

>> No.2115065

Thank you is it normal to be confused at first and not know what you're doing?

>> No.2115104

Even when you're good you will still feel like you don't know what you're doing. Its just your mind playing tricks on you, don't worry about it.

There will always be people much better than you and that's ok because there will be many people worse than you too.

>> No.2115113

>still talking about college as though the main point isn't to get a degree
No shit you can learn things on your own time, that's not going to get you past the basic bachelors requirement that's on the majority of applications unless you're lucky(ie your dad is the on the board of directors) or you're applying for something not worth it(ie McDonald's)

>> No.2115114

Most of the knowledge I got from my degrees was from just a few classes. But the credibility I get from clients from having graduated from my 'public ivy' with these degrees is invaluable.

As long as doctors and lawyers are falling for the education meme it's important to have the worthless pieces of paper on the wall in the office. Have even considered doing an executive MBA program to push the business further, but I'm not sure it's worth the time.

>> No.2115115

Absolutely, but you will overcome it by the time if you just stick with it.

>> No.2115124

Should I start with a project for a beginner? I've been reviewing most of the theory for some adventure text game. Can you get a job through just solo experience?

>> No.2115138

Thank you, Ive been studying it for a few weeks. I have atom and python installed. I plan to make a game soon, basic like a text adventure.

>> No.2115178
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Reminder that, unless you've got a full-ride scholarship, college literally isn't worth it.

>> No.2115181

Oh I agree, but watch people like me get into directorial roles in a few years.

>hey Anon, new batch of grad apps came in today, what should we pay them?
>oh of course, silly me, they'll be co-op'd interns on a 10k stipend a year, excellent choice sir!

>> No.2115186

>Should I start with a project for a beginner?

yes, If you're a beginner you should start with a beginner project.

>Can you get a job through just solo experience?

Short answer is yes, but it depends on many things. Who is employing you? What is your portfolio like? etc. Its a big world, lots of things are possible, there aren't many hard rules.

>> No.2115217

Get welding certifications and write your own ticket. Not glamorous, but you'll make a shit ton of money.

>> No.2115240

>Mom is convincing me to quit while I'm ahead and start looking for another job before my gambling habit takes over my life

I've made £200 after investing £200 in three weeks.

tbf £100 was the last 2 days. I was holding ETH for a long time

>> No.2115242

>Taking advice from someone that saves anime foot fetish images

>> No.2115298

top huek

>> No.2115353


Don't want to shoot you down, but this is likely confirmation bias. If you are still making similar gains in a few months time, then you have the ability to say that.

If you win at roulette 5 times in a row, it doesn't make you a gambling genius..

You might be on to something, but simply look into the processes you go through when trading, and ask yourself..Could anyone else do this? If the answer is a fairly obvious yes, then you won't win in long term..Everyone would be doing it otherwise g.

>> No.2115357
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>not saving anime foot fetish images

>> No.2115477

Of course I'm still going to look for another job

(I quit my current one because the stress is fucking me and there is no raise in sight)

and she's probably right but it does make me think like why the fuck am I wagecucking when I could seriously do this shit and make much more if I'm careful

I don't see how any neet with an average intelligence couldn't make a profit off memecoins

It's playing with fire and I've lost a fair bit here and there too after dumb mistakes but seriously the market is growing so quickly right now you just have to pick the right coin at the right time, analyse the charts, watch biz shill things and pray

my plan is to work my way up to $1000 then cash half out to pay my debts off and keep investing the rest and periodically banking a small saving each month because the market could always crash completely and I don't want to leave all my assets in crypto.

It's still a gamble, just got to make the right choices. Even if I make $20 a day for a month I can achieve that.

>> No.2115564

End of day as long as you're content or even happy with you day to day life, then fuck anyone elses input. Do what's right for you.

You're right, it is playing with fire, and also there is money to be made. Just make sure you do know what you're doing fully and do let a few wins curb your mindset. Be eternally pessimistic until your record proves to you otherwise. It's the best mindset with these unexplored territories.

In juxtaposition, also be optimistic about your potential. Most people want to do well, and to them that is financial sucess. Most people don't put in the effort. Most people don't enjoy the journey, they have a goal I.E 1million dollars in which they think they'd be happy if they achieved it.

>They won't. Live for the day, plan for the future, enjoy the present. Ethos which /biz/ hates

>> No.2115901

Your life senpai
I'd do finance desu. Solid career opportunities

>> No.2116436

Did you at least get sweet disability bux?

>> No.2116669

If I could do it over again I'd learn a trade and get working asap, then start community college at night for certs or the first half of a bachelor's degree (after reassessing my goals depending on how I feel about the day job).