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21123774 No.21123774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So my girlfriends friends sister just killed herself.

She’s crying and I don’t rly care and had to fake being sad. I’ve just been checking my charts.

What does this mean and how can I profit from this?

>> No.21123817


Nah probably just autistic.

Sorry bro.

>> No.21123833

no youre normal because womens problems arent worth crying about

>> No.21123860

That probably points toward sociopathic tendencies, most people feel at least a little sympathy for that.

>> No.21123868

just an autistic schizoid loser

>> No.21123873

my girlfriends friends sister brothers stepdad estranged daughter as well
i think ur just a homo for even thinking about it

>> No.21123876

based... emotions are a weakness soon your gf will subside into a depression with the uncontrollable empathy of mortality and hopefully become immune too these pedestrian like emotions and then join your quest too own 10k link

>> No.21123878

nah you're not who gives a fuck about some tangentially related person committing suicide, what does that have to do with you

>> No.21123879

I don't think anyone really cares about stuff like that, they are just acting to make others feel better in their suffering. and you should act too.

>> No.21123889

Nothing to see here folks.

>> No.21123906

are you sure your not really fucked up about it bro
you did post on the bamboo growing forum about it

>> No.21123917

It's your girlfriend's friend's sister. Did you even meet her?
My college gf's roommate killed herself and I felt nothing.

>> No.21123920

Depends how well you knew the friend and sister... you should be there for her though and offer emotional support

>> No.21123960

Yeah just the tism

>> No.21123962

I made over 10k today off DEXT and TRADE and I’m employed nigger. I’m a success!!

>> No.21124064

Ok I’m in the same boat as you. I’m doing the sad gig pretty good. I think

>> No.21124518

don't be ashamed of your power.

>> No.21124565

gf's friends sister is so attenuated even normies wouldn't really care (except in pretend as a means to virtue signal on social media)

>> No.21124602

I wish it was stronger but I’m better than most ppl

>> No.21124776

Well if you didn't have any sort of relationship with her, why the fuck should you expand any emotion towards her death? People die everyday.

>> No.21125081

Totally agree

>> No.21125107

But if I don’t fake the sad she’ll sperg out so I’m just smoking cigs w a Solomon face lol.

>> No.21125258

Was she likeable

>> No.21125290

Probably not.

>> No.21125396

that's pretty f'd bro if you cant feel any empathy

>> No.21125436

why would people feel bad that someone unlikeable died
people die every day
death and taxes

>> No.21125451

I wonder this, i used to have a lot of emotions but after my ex gf was awful to me and cheated I seem to have little feelings now.

>> No.21125697

Its not just somebody who died, youre all deliberately skipping over a very important detail: she killed herself. Not worth the emotional drain

>> No.21125722

That's like your neighbor's ex gf dying. Who cares.

>> No.21125757

If anything its taking a toll on you by having to worry more about your gf's well being. If you like her and keep her satisfied then it's all good.

>> No.21125809

It’s pretty fucked up but it is not bad if you didn’t cry. If you didn’t feel bad for her or her friend that is troubling to say the least.

>> No.21125860

Nothing wrong with not crying and being sad in troublesome/depressing times. I am sure even though you don’t outwardly show emotion you obviously still care for your GF and how she feels otherwise you wouldn’t be posting this thread. Besides crying in despair isn’t something men should do, it’s weak and a man should be strong. What your gf needs is a strong man to comfort her not somebody to cry along with her.

>> No.21125935

I kind of found it annoying y she was crying so much. I heated up some fried chicken so I’m set rn

>> No.21125955
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>> No.21126067

Not really.
Since you were not close to her.
It depends on relationship you have to them.
Did any of you guys cried when 60 people died in Jordan because of bombing?
What are you a psychopath?!
Oh but wait...don’t you feel cringe when you watch cringe shit on YouTube? Don’t you get emotionally connected to movies and cartoon? (I am not saying crying, saying you will feel disgusted or angered or satisfied if a bad guy get justed etc)
If you do any of these, you are not a psychopath.

>> No.21126098


You ascended, but not far enough

>> No.21126169

You can only stretch yourself and your own emotional energy so far. Saying it like that sounds like some hippie shit, but it's like...

>Your sister
>Your girlfriend
>Your girlfriend's sister
>Your girlfriend's friend
---cutoff line for giving much of a fuck---
>Your girlfriend's friend's sister

You're still obligated to pull a sad face and provide support for your girlfriend because it's a closer connection for her and she's having trouble coping, but no, I don't think it's particularly sociopathic of you to feel a bit disconnected. There are only so many degrees of separation that someone can be expected to have a strong emotional reaction to. Now, you *should* be sad to be seeing your girlfriend suffering - if you don't give a fuck about her being upset, then yeah, that's kinda sociopathic. But as far as the girlfriend's sister's nephew's cousin's former roommate goes... I feel like it'd be more worrying if you were bawling alongside your girlfriend over it.

>> No.21126212

I mean as long as it doesn’t affect me I’m fine. If I could load up on Halliburton before a war I’d do it and feel comfy

>> No.21126246

I guess that the thing when she cries for too long I get annoyed and just want her to leave me alone

>> No.21126286

I'm a psychopath and I do not like when my gf is sad because I love and care for her, albeit in my own psychopath way.

But if her sister died I would feel nothing about it. Her good friend almost died like a year ago and I got really annoyed she was sad about it. Idk I find crying people so fucking annoying. At least my gf knows im a psycho so that works.

>> No.21126305

Your girl friends friends sister is literally a stranger unless you know her personally it is absolutly normal

>> No.21126328

I cried when my grandmother died.
Dont give a shit outside my parents, siblings and maybe a cousin or two.

>> No.21126346

Hard to know from a post on the internet. You should go to a physician.


>> No.21126357

>no compassion
Actually gonna make it

>> No.21126370

Dude I feel the same way.

Scientifically it’s just a low active amygdala so you don’t feel anxiety but I feel that. I did all the shit like skin animals as a kid and kind of fit the description but don’t like to be seen. So idk what I am

>> No.21126425

Sociopaths are the ones who cry, anon.

>> No.21126439

You knew the risks when you got a girlfriend. They cry. That's just what they do.

Some bad shit could go down in your life and have you up at night thinking about it for years, but hey, you didn't cry, so everyone thinks you're a robot.
Your girlfriend has a bad day, she's going to cry about it with the wailing anguish that you keep reserved for the death of your parents or the beloved family dog you grew up with - and then a year from now, she'll barely remember it because she'll have cried the same amount over a variety of other similarly insignificant things since then.

Sorry to go off on an /r9k/ redpill/blackpill/whateverpill tangent, just saying in a long winded way what everyone already knows: women process things differently to men and it involves a lot more crying. You just gotta live with it. Just be the good boyfriend for tonight and she'll be back to normal within a week at most.

>> No.21126440

No, you're quite alright, just a little autistic tendencies with limited ability to express emotions. Unfortunately there's not really a way to make money out of it.

>> No.21126452

you are probably like me, i too skinned animals, killed shit, tortured kittens and all that, although i was very young I don't do that anymore.

I don't want to be seen either, I trust my girlfriend when it comes to this. She would never tell anyone. She is the only person in the world who knows.

Keep yourself hidden, because society has a very skewed view of psychopaths. They all think we are serial killers.

Also, I do not like or get along with people like myself. There can only be one.

>> No.21126492

You're a normal guy. Just be with and for your girlfriend and that's it.

>> No.21126599

No, you arent supposed to care if its someone you didn't know personally. If you were a sociopath you'd be able to commit or observe any heinous act and not be disgusted or traumatized as a result.

>> No.21126637

See that’s the thing we would trap Animals when I was a kid and I’d ask my dad to let just starve in the cage instead of drowning them, like we normally would do before I skinned them.

I wanted them to have a more humane death ( they never starved so we had to drowned them). I guess when it comes down to it I don’t like suffering but am ok w death.

>> No.21126769

I did see a dead guy in highschool and loled when someone shook his rigor Morris arm.

>> No.21126799

>says the n-word
pick one

>> No.21126842

>refers to the word "nigger" as the "n-word"
>not a cuck
pick one

>> No.21126846

Most people ignore death, and get sad when faced with the reality that people die.
They start crying not because they miss their friend, but because they can't ignore this truth when this happens, and thinking of their own death makes them sad.

A lot of people also fake it...

However for some of us who endured the BTC market crash and bear market, we lost our emotions due to traumatic events. If you are in this category you will need to focus on recovering your emotions by focusing on your inner child.

>> No.21126894

What are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.21126944

Wtf is this backyard Freudian analysis.

Losing money in a market crash is not a form of trauma you lacking-resilience-effeminate-little-bitch. Do some man shit and shut the fuck up.

>> No.21127002

you are indeed a sociopath
and not the cool manipulative kind, the dumb autistic kind
smart move here would have been to console girlfriend, get some great sex in the process and earn points in her eyes which pays dividends in the future

>> No.21127023

That's my secret business.

>> No.21127330

find the carcass, sell her organs whilst shes still fresh

>> No.21127396

It's ok to not give a fuck about your girlfriend's friends but if you do not care that your gf is sad then you clearly don't care about her on an emotional level and you're with her purely because of sex/physical attraction. Keep this in mind if you're ever going to propose to her. Pro tip: do not propose to her.

>> No.21127470

There are really only two type of people in your life. The people who you give a shit about and the ones you dont.

The idea that you should care about everybody is fucking stupid.

>> No.21127510

So the sister of a friend of your girlfriend KYSsed? If you didn't know her properly then who gives a shit?

>> No.21127563
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I probably wouldn't care either desu. To me that's no different than seeing somebody die on the news. I'm not gonna fucking cry every news story where people die, id have a shitty existence if I did. Your girlfriends friends sister? Give me a fucking break OP and anyone else who suggests this is sociopathy or psychopathy, you guys are fucking dumb.

>> No.21127602

You're just an asshole. Do you at least hold / stake Suterusu?

>> No.21127665

At first I thought it was your girlfriend's sister and was about to call you an autist. But nah I wouldn't really care about that either.

>> No.21127718

You don't have to care or be sad, but you can be empathetic you spastic.

It's not difficult to say "is your friend okay" or "that's a shame"

>> No.21127838

Where did you come from?
There is a massive influx of people like you lately here, but you will certainly never belong here with that attitude.