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21122316 No.21122316 [Reply] [Original]

What most of you don't realize is that the oldfags are trying to hide the fact that a 3 digit stack is enough to make it. Imagine holding like a cuck for years in muh secret club only to have the newfags still make it. I'd be bitter too. Enjoy frens.

>> No.21122345
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>> No.21122416

I do believe linklets can make it. But it will just take longer and they'll need to have iron fucking hands, potentially even needing to wait through a second crypto cycle. But if you have patience, you WILL make it

>> No.21122508

i was told during the huge bull run that link will require diamond hands. I went all in because it was so cheap at 20 cents and the reward wasn't big enough with the other shit coins. There is nothing that will shake me and im at a 2,5k stack. All the new linklets are going to sell and I will be there to pick up those bags.

>> No.21123013

Agree, thats the real reason they won't make it. They didnt have the nerves to pick it up when it was dirt cheap and just hold. There's no way these guys currently reeeing about only having 200 links won't sell at 20 for a 2x