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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21117367 No.21117367 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21117382

Suicide goes brr

>> No.21117415

money go rbb

>> No.21117465

pumpamentals failed

>> No.21117766

RIP shitcoin, you were shit.

>> No.21117767

And the devs are just whining and complaining about how people "just don't get it" in the discord.

I'd feel bad for you BRRainlets if you weren't so invested in a fucking ponzi.

>> No.21117877

I already dumped this shit when it was at 0.01 but I stayed in the discord to watch the retards talking about weak hands it's fucking hilarious

>> No.21117900

And now they literally removed the discord.

God damn this is some good schadenfraude.

>> No.21117929



>> No.21117949

I'm getting equal entertainment seeing what my 3eth could now get me on uniswap, I'm telling you bro I think I could get into the top 50 now

>> No.21117969

We told you this was an obvious ponzi from day fucking one.

>> No.21118015

At least I only lost 1 ETH.
Didn't expect them to rug at such a low price.

>> No.21118049

They rugged early because they were getting butthurt about everyone obviously calling them scammers.

>> No.21118068

Exit scammed. They pulled the rug.

>> No.21118090

>sold all my par this morning to try and get the brr bump this evening to reinvest back into par before the weekend
>par moons x8
>brr rugs

kill me

>> No.21118128

Just learn from this, anon. Never, ever trust the words "deflationary".

>> No.21118173

What the fuck is ponzi

>> No.21118185

i thought brr was a shitcoin, i just wanted to ride the bump one last night
didn't think the devs would exit at such a low price given it went to 1.5c the other day

the lesson learned is don't trust shitcoin scammers to exit with half a brain

>> No.21118191

It was a known pump n dump, the dump just came about 5 days early.

>> No.21118236

Even the website is gone?


These fuckers didn't even want to spend the extra $10 a month to keep hosting it? lmao

>> No.21118277

I might buy the domain once it's available again and put a memorial page to the top 50, poor innocent mongos

>> No.21118459

>He bought a coin called Brr and didn't expect to get dumped on
This fucking board man. You would all be making it if you weren't such retards.

>> No.21118528


>> No.21118559
File: 230 KB, 500x913, 1557546503791_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile everyone fell for the DEXT FUD

>> No.21118920

lol so devs just dumped? fuck happened

>> No.21119035

A scam.

>> No.21119321

How can you be surprised by this? crypto isn't for those who invested in brr..

>> No.21119376

There are some special people that are buying thinking the coin is taking a dip lmao.


>> No.21119473

my god.. how do we get these people off biz?

>> No.21119511

i sold when i realized the 'dev' was a gook muh 'historic' token burn lmao it was the same as the day before

>> No.21119529

The pictures of the devs were definitely plucked from some university facility website. It was really just pajeet 1 and pajeet 2

>> No.21119628
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Dumped and bought WAIFU with my gains

>> No.21119789

Hahahah I was expecting this but not just yet. Damn only took out my initial could've had like 2 ETH more but shit happens. Didn't honestly expect anything else.