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21113017 No.21113017 [Reply] [Original]

>sold trustswap at a loss
>it moons
>sold dex tools at a loss
>it moons
Am I the worst trader on earth?

>> No.21113066

That's how I feel anon.

>> No.21113090


all you have to do is not sell man

>> No.21113101

ask yourself what these two scenarios have in common OP

>> No.21113144

I need to lock my laptop up and not look at charts all day. Dex tools had been dumping relentlessly all day so I took a loss. Then I check uniswap and it went to space. God FUCKING DAMNIT

>> No.21113179

I was a weak handed little bitch who just wanted to cut my losses. I also got wrapped up in the fud.

>> No.21113240

You either day trade or you find a young project you believe in, invest in it and forget about it.

>> No.21113275

you are too young to post here

>> No.21113295

Look at the bright side, now taxes owe YOU money, son

>> No.21113312

i think you gotta hold for a week... but if its PND then your fucked. gotta find the balance

>> No.21113355

It's not a coincidence, A whale is waiting for a certain amount of coins before pumping the price and you were there to provide for them

>> No.21113357

>nobody here ever sells too early or too late ever

>> No.21113923

pray tell us anon, what coin do you plan to sell momentarily

>> No.21113956

I sold my mana after 2 years into eth and then eth dropped $20 and mana pumped another 15%. Cant time this shit i dont care what anyone says, its just gambling. Buy and hold, when you sell it, no regrets.

>> No.21113993
File: 9 KB, 300x168, Bogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He sold?

Pump it.

>> No.21114220

Happens to the best of us

>> No.21114234

>didnt buy STA
It moons and breaks 1$ eoy

>> No.21114339

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I think it's the impatience and then just bouncing from one project to another. It's hosed me for sure. Trying to get better about just holding one and giving it a little time.

>> No.21114793
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This thing was slowly descending through out the day and I didn't want to take another loss so I sold. Then it mooned to 10 cents in like 5 minutes flat.

>> No.21114816

haha, yep...sounds like my luck lately

>> No.21114827

*take an even bigger loss. I had a pocket change tier loss with this.

>> No.21114885

We just need to learn that if something is a solid project with good fundamentals it can recover from even some of the most severe dumps. Trustswap went from 31c to 16c due to a coordinated discord whale dump and then shot back up before the end of the day.

>> No.21114941

This is literally me. Five times now I've sold something that mooned. But everything I hold just dumps. Sometimes the pump I miss out on just takes hours to happen after I sell.

>> No.21115750
File: 128 KB, 533x400, Well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally called TRUSTswap. Why didn't you trust anon?

>> No.21115803


>> No.21115919

OP, you are an impatient child, hopping from one shitcoin to another, desperately trying to get rich quick, thinking you are smarter than everyone, when really you are a brainlet. All you have to do is find a project with solid fundamentals, that solves a real problem, and hold it. There are many projects like this, but you are just too stupid and lazy to dyor, and for that reason, I have absolutely no pity for you.

>> No.21115987
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Agreed. I deserved this.

>> No.21116075

at least you didnt sell you sucidie stack during 2019 dump from 4,5$ to 1,69$

>> No.21116101

I sold my bags exactly 1 day before it mooned. Bought bag at higher price. fuck me...

>> No.21116128


>> No.21116134

For trustswap or dex? At this point I'm going to wait for a trustswap re entry point since this is looking like a longer term hold.

>> No.21116163

Just buy SXP and hold until 2bil mcap. It's THAT easy.

>> No.21116221

I sold XOR at $27 after crabbing over a week and the next day it went to $54

>> No.21116308

It mooned and dumped because you sold and bought.

Try DCAing over longer periods of time. When you sell 1 token, it goes up slightly to punish the seller, and vice versus.

>> No.21116352

Never sell for a loss. Ever

>> No.21116355

And it spiked above 100 this morning. It's at $77 now. I was thinking of buying in at around $27, but I thought it had pumped way to much so gave up. This is crazy...

>> No.21117210

bought 2080 xor at 0.59 cents 5 eth total dumped down to 0.37 , panic sold and lost 2 eth with 3 eth left and I've lost a chance at having a 225 eth gain , IT wasnt meant to be because I have an underlying problem with patience and until I get my patience in check this will certaintly keep happening

>> No.21117250
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>tfw bought STA

>> No.21117535
File: 301 KB, 1000x1000, C73CD866-67BA-4588-B58D-78D4197473CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean the loss is not realized until you actually sell the coins.

>> No.21117620

Dont look charts daily if you don't are a PROFESSIONAL trader. If you are a normal person, just buy amounts to hodl and thats all. That's is the "secret" you have to follow. You know, if you look charts all days, you are a day trader, and day traders have 9/10 chance to be fucked.

>> No.21117689

>hodl uniswap shillcoins

>> No.21117770

I will not hold these coins, but each one each one, a bet is a bet and a dollar is a dollar.