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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21109601 No.21109601 [Reply] [Original]

Some believe that this will 40x EOY, but seeing how stagnate it has been for the past year, what makes you think that this will happen now?

>> No.21109681

no one. absolutely no one thinks this pajeet, go back to jerkin it to 4head niggas

>> No.21109716

>seeing how stagnate it has been for the past year
>what makes you think that this will happen now
you obviously have no idea what you're talking about
i recommend you binge-watch all of kevin's AMAs on the coinmetro yt

>> No.21109781

What have they done for the past year? The fact that the developer gives regular updates on YT is good, I will give you that

>> No.21109846
File: 89 KB, 830x738, coin metro xcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not the dev, its the CEO..
frankly im still in disbelief that he actually sits down and answers every single question he gets

i said this in another thread but, we should come up with complicated question to ask him, so we can check based on his answers if the project will succeed

im gonna be honest with you, i really want to refrain from shilling because i barely have anything invested atm

>> No.21109909

>im gonna be honest with you, i really want to refrain from shilling because i barely have anything invested atm
Nobody will see this thread or bother, give me the information you got

>> No.21110100

They have been communicating that they have been developing their products without putting money into Marketing.

This changed now. They are still doing test Marketing and volume also increased exponentially.

For every trade, 0.1% of fees are bought and burnt in xcm. This has been done for more than 1 Million, which is already amazing. With higher trading volume, this will happen faster. Low sellers are bought, because price rises with more volume, no one wants to sell low and higher buys are done automatically. This results in an exponentially price surge as soon as volume increases.

This Does not involve speculation and the institutional money which is coming next month.

Also they start the first world wide securities marketplace in a week. This will draw in more finance Institutes, which already know coinmetros CEO Kevin Murcko.

All in all, it's all coming together. Therefore buying now (at least with a percentage of the Portfolio) is a nobrainer.

>> No.21110138

okay, anons on here say "institutional money is coming in September" which should pump the price up (https://coinmetro.com/blog/backing-from-our-investors-and-whats-next-to-come/)), and then something about how they didnt start their Marketing fully and volume has been rising steadily which is a good sign
also USD onramp coming in September and USDC listing next week. Securities marketplace coming next week too

but i dont really care about that right now

for me the best thing are the low fees and the ceo's need for crypto to be easy to use
those things will turn coinmetro into one of the biggest exchanges in the eu, they put a lot of effort into being compliant with eu regulations and have big investor backing
maybe pair that with the marking and retards in here shilling--
if the bnb token is anything to go by, this coin will hit $1 in the next year and maybe go even higer

but personally im scared as fuck, because i don't have any funds to put into it as of today, so please no shilling anons

>> No.21110142

Forgot to mention.

Marketing will ramp up in a week. By then i expect 5 cent or more. Afterwards, Rise to 20-50 Cent End of September.

>> No.21110577

Fuck off pajeet nigger.... as soon as someone pumps this shit using lunch money threads appear on 4chan. compare your shitty shit web application with other crypto exchanges and come back...

>> No.21110634
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I'll leave this here

>> No.21110693

>Rise to 20-50 Cent End of September.
Sorry but that's not happening, fren

10 cents max by Oct 1
Coinmetro isn't a shady scam exchange like BNB, it doesn't stand chance of rising to BNB's levels anytime ever.

>> No.21110846

Why would not being a scam be a BAD thing for the price? Is BTC, LINK & ETH scams too? If the product is good, then I don't see how that's negative

>> No.21110849

10c is enough for me.

>> No.21110980

Binance has one of the worst UI's on the market. The website, support and Login process is an absolute nightmare.

If CoinMetro can be anything like Kraken, then it's going to do well

>> No.21111012

bros i might be a shill but the coinmetro ui is so fucking ugly
i mean its not the worst thing but god dammit we have random dev projects with better design

>> No.21111064

I have not used the UI so I can't speak on it, but I will take your word for it. Has the CEO acknowledged the awful UI design and will they work on improving it once investors help with funding?

>> No.21111174
File: 180 KB, 1920x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I will take your word for it
you can just look at it, here you go

>Has the CEO acknowledged the awful UI design
actually... yep, i didn't hear it directly, but another anon once said "they will agree with you if you say its ugly, and they are going to change it"
but in a livestream i watched, he said he found the unicorn.. unicoin.. you know what i mean, he said its ugly which i have to disagree with and which worries me a little

>> No.21111234

>pic related
I agree with you, looks very juvenile and unprofessional. Hope they change it

>> No.21111341
File: 362 KB, 1992x1574, EUR SEPA deposit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googled for Kraken, imho it looks way shittier than coinmetro. Saw a lot of guys pissing on the ui, but never Saw an example of a better ui.

I think it's lean, gives you a great graphical overview of your Portfolio and you can instantly buy crypto on the top left.
This Page is Designed for beginners and it provides just enough Information as required.
Have not used other exchanges since last year, but they all were way more complicated.

You just don't like it because it's not like the exchange you're using right now

>> No.21111378

is this real? that's not design, just made in a few minutes with powerpoint.

>> No.21111381

What's really ugly with the CoinMetro UI is the blue background, the white background on Kraken looks much cleaner and professional

>> No.21111394

that dashboard is fine, and it looks better without night mode enabled

>> No.21111408

CoinMetro should also add a Dark Mode (black background), a lot of Operating Systems and Websites have that option now.

>> No.21111421

that's the night mode, regular is white

>> No.21111435
File: 87 KB, 1920x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is good design for newfags

>> No.21111455

Well, then it should be real night mode (black) and not that ugly blueish background

>> No.21111476

i disagree

>> No.21111477
File: 169 KB, 1920x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is default

>> No.21111479

Yes, very simple. Trade, Send, Receive. All within a push of a button

>> No.21111513

Now it looks much better. But compare it to the Coinbase one. You see how Coinbase is more compact and easier to reach (and for the eye to see)?

>> No.21111545

and one more thing, the layout and UX is fantastic
its literally just the CSS that needs change, a few lines, different buttons, professional border-radius, make it more compact, pushed into the middle of the screen etc
just a few minor changes could change everything

>> No.21111573

I agree with everything you said, hope the devs see this

>> No.21111600

coinbase ui is confusing af for everything other than the purchase process

>> No.21111648

telegram -> CoinmetroBetaDemoFeedback

>> No.21112143

Feedback was shared with their Team. Thank you

>> No.21112188

what why, i didnt provide good feedback, was just trying to explain it to an anon
good feedback would be a mockup made in adobexd or something

>> No.21112227

It was good feedback, what are you talking about?

>> No.21112623
File: 213 KB, 1200x586, ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, is "good" feedback

>> No.21112669
File: 185 KB, 1920x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here the png version


>> No.21112713

Wow great job, they should pay you for this

>> No.21112729

its an okay job, 20 min with photoshop isnt hard work