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21107147 No.21107147 [Reply] [Original]

Times have changed, and we must change with them.

This is the estrochad. A hybrid species: Part man, part soÿ, 100% alpha.

The very definition of alpha follows his lead alone. There is no alternative.

Lower your head in shame for this is what you shall aspire to be from this moment forward.

>> No.21107223

why does nobody shave anymore? literally is everyones jawline that bad? i am the only guy at my work without a basedbeard. only one guy with a nice beard and he's fat as fuck and like 50

>> No.21107411

I honestly feel so sorry for the zoomed. Condemned to a life of pretending to care just to get a woman.

Imagine the state of it. That briefest of glances at your BLM Funko Pops and your heavily tattooed wife, the artwork unintelligible on her sagging skin. No children to say goodbye to, she didn’t believe in children. This is it. You slip away into the beyond, your last thought being, “what was the point?”

No one sheds a tear at your Marvel themed funeral. Your preplanned Thanos ‘snap’ joke falls on deaf ears.

Congratulations, ‘alpha’.

>> No.21107442
File: 274 KB, 630x627, 1553461766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21108123
File: 132 KB, 599x455, sweden-then-amp-gt-amp-gt-amp-gt-amp-gt-swedistan-now_o_7190644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lololol, marvel themed funeral. Youv spoken volumes with this line that I've felt watching society go down a weird road.

>> No.21108168

What the fuck? He looks way better without a beard, dude should shave

>> No.21109079
File: 194 KB, 1080x1440, DSuARHIVwAAEPci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
