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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21100938 No.21100938 [Reply] [Original]

Open workspaces are by far the worst working environment I've ever experienced in business. What the fuck were corporations thinking when they designed this as the new norm? Thankfully I just got a new job with my own office so I won't have to deal with this shit anymore. Words cannot describe the relief I feel when leaving this absolute cancer of a working environment.

Tldr; Worst working conditions you've been in? Stories, ect.

>> No.21101304

>What the fuck were corporations thinking when they designed this as the new norm?
They were thinking that they needed everyone in plain view all the time so they can't have women claiming to have been raped in the CEO's office and get sued out the ass.

>> No.21101386

>Last year our company got contracts in Lybia and Sudan.
>Had to fly in Algeria with team
>couldn't fly into Algeria with weapons or equipment
>had to wait a week in Algeria for a boat for our arms shipment
>then spent the next two months in the asshole of Africa, running operational security for a joint pipeline venture.
>our fixer in Lybia tried to sell us out to muzzos so we had an engagement, in which one of my team members was injured
>ended up having to leave that fixer in a ditch
>got the shits more times than can count, had to sleep in tents in extreme heat and humidity for two months

>> No.21101420

Just get women out of the work force already

>> No.21101471

it's all about control, everybody sees everybody, the bosses see everybody so everybody has to fake working hard

>> No.21101496

This. At my old job, they even took down the wall in the manager's offices and put up glass walls and doors. I quit because of this open concept thing and because they shoved me and the IT manager into one of the old manager's office that was was so small that I had to get up and lean on my desk so that the other guy could get out and go take a piss.

>> No.21101518

career women are the cancer killing society

>> No.21101561

Everyone has an office where I work.
Even so people still demanded working remotely. I think more and more companies will have to adopt this model going forward.

>> No.21101964

Based if true.

>> No.21102041

Unity Resources Group

>> No.21102180

I kind of want to hear your best one now.

>> No.21102183

Designed by extraverts. I'd go postal in one of those as an intj

Ive worked in a kitchen that approached 120 Fahrenheit near the grill in the summer

>> No.21102291

I work in the industry. It saves companies money to go to open office. Same thing with unassigned spaces. More workstations/floorplate.

>> No.21102416

Not necessary anymore. We can install sensor on workstations under the guise that it saves energy. Not to mention all of the software monitoring that companies install on work computers.

>> No.21102468
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No different from trading offices, even back in the day

>> No.21102504
File: 21 KB, 1024x1024, 0548D9F3-7F42-4092-BA82-7A5C1B366A34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Mercenary Chad

>> No.21102545


>> No.21102611

Working from home saves them more but they're still against that.

It's partly money, but also so they can look over your shoulder to check you're working at 100%. Bad managers (99% of them) don't understand the work that goes on, don't know whether the output is good, bad, high, low. So they measure the only thing they understand - do you look busy and are you at work for a long time?

>> No.21102620

All time best was an antipiracy contract for a Russian Billionaire.

His kid wanted to take a big fucking Yacht trip around the Mediterranean.

Was basically a paid cruise. Cause when we pulled into ports we were off duty.

Food was amazing, got to bang legit 10s in Greece and Italy, never once had to go operational, the kid always went above and beyond to show his security a good time. Then at the end as a thanks, his father sent everyone a Omega Seamaster.

>> No.21102656

Not a mercenary friend, we don't fight wars.

We are security contractors.

>> No.21102659

Women executives designes these to build their own sitcom of drama and bullshit ala The Office.

>> No.21102699

It makes for a better work environment. You're not an introvert, are you?

>> No.21102821

>What the fuck were corporations thinking when they designed this as the new norm?
saves on furniture costs. square footage and cubicles are expensive. That's it, there's no other reason there's no conspiracy it's just an attempt at saving costs.

>> No.21102877

They are against it because they don't want to buy all of their employee's home office furniture, because they will never see it again. Some (large)companies they are paying the lease, and paying for home office furniture.

>> No.21102934

Very similar story:
> agreed to go for work drinks because someone was leaving
> only me, the leaving guy and a nigger turn up
> guy has to go home
> have to awkwardly sit with a nigger until i finish my drink

>> No.21103147

I work in an open office and it’s hell, the only reason I haven’t killed myself yet is because of the crypto hopium. Everyone can see my screen so I always feel anxious and stressed, constant small talk from working class boomers, chavvy girls who can’t count to 10 without getting confused and get abused by sociopathic HR women whenever I drink too much ‘free’ milk or say something bad about pronouns.
Moment ETH hits 2k I’m buying a 911 Turbo and doing a handbrake turn outside that shithole before resigning on the spot

>> No.21103407
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Nah man. You're a pussy. The REAL struggle is a pampered $300k+ programmer having to share an open space with other human beings for 6-7 hours a day, 5 days a week. Should be getting hazard pay on top of this, really.

>> No.21103464

Fuck me. I'm in the wrong business. Good job desu. How'd you land that gig?

>> No.21103528

Get punched, Nazi

>> No.21103714

Unironically though

>> No.21104180

>/biz/ IRL

>> No.21104333

>No different from trading offices
no women is the difference

>> No.21104473

u cant even spell the country correctly larper

>> No.21104841

Ha, look at this fucking nerd

>> No.21105259

That office looks way better than a corporate rat box

>> No.21105530

I joined the US Army in 2002
In 2004 switched from Infantry to Intel
2006 graduated my remote school for global policy
2007 went to OCS

Left army in 2013, tried working for a well digging nonprofit. But I found I didn't have the skill set to deal with coddled trustafarians.

Started taking random security courses, got my level 3 bodyguard in Texas. Took a sniping school in Arizona. Did a tracking and wilderness survival school in Montana. Did precision driving course in California.

In 2016 I did a brief stint as contract labor for the CIA. Met some other guys on that job and networked my way in to my current job from there.

>> No.21105692

I'm so fucking happy that my office is still closed, and still working from home. I don't want to ever go back! I get the same amount of work done, but can now work how I want and take breaks whenever using my own schedule. Why the fuck have we not been doing this before?

>> No.21105914

How the fuck can you get a 300k programming job and not demand an office, If a company didn't offer me an office or 100% autonomy above 100k then they are treating you like a child

>> No.21106127

Both my best and worst work experience was in open space, its literally dependant on your coworkers. I got a space with some literal bros that are anti woke shit and we thought the same about a lot of issues and it was a blast, spouting edgy and border racists shit out loud. However, any space shared with normies npc woke office drone is hell.

>> No.21106235


>> No.21106407

Hello there fellow contractor. 6.5 years army here, +2 years as a contractor. Spend a lot of time in the amazon and deserts.

>> No.21106441

damn, sounds cool as fuck man
I am a 31 year old living in my parent's basement
living vicariously through your story

>> No.21106530

When I was younger I had a job that involved removing septic tanks and cleaning out blockages in 8ft raw sewage outfall pipes. I've literally been up to my waist in shit water (wearingh hipwaiters but still, the fucking smell) having to rig up chains, pile sandbags, shovel out shit blockages, etc. I think it made me a stronger person

>> No.21106672

INTJ here. I was going to say the same thing.

>> No.21106959

unironically this. pay them the billions that we currently spend on feeding arab migrants if they stay at home and raise 3 kids each

>> No.21107388

Didn't read not selling
But that guy sure does have a sick as heckerino fixed gear in the back, amirite guys

>> No.21107725

Sounds based Anon, where can I read about this lifestyle in the modern days?