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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21094700 No.21094700 [Reply] [Original]

Kate from AKRO is doing an AMA on KuCoin's Telegram, don't miss out frens.

What Does ARKO Do?
>AkropolisOS is a developer-friendly and easy way to set up an upgradable DAO & customize it depending on the business needs. Compared to AragonOS or other DAO frameworks - AkropolisOS is aimed at developers, not end-users. In the case of Aragon et al, users without programming skills can set up simple DAOs, but adding new functionality/logic will be hard. With AkropolisOS, users/developers can build DAOs with complex business logic and upgrade/add new functionality as it evolves based on their needs - in a secure and simple way, just by adding new modules.
>Sparta main benefit is pooling of funds (higher yield compared to individual deposits) & undercollateralized loans. Most projects in the DeFi space provide only overcollateralized loans (~150% collateral), thus their target audience is mostly speculators (taking loans to trade) or tech-savvy people (available to utilize flash loans for arbitrage). We give people the opportunity to actually take a loan for their needs, not speculation, and incentivize them to do so along the way with automated liquidity provision, bonding curve, passive yield from different DeFi protocols and liquidity mining.
>Delphi is an easy one-stop curated access to DeFi yield options, gas-saving and superior UX/UI for users. Another benefit is that you can perform automated Dollar cost averaging with Delphi, a popular investment strategy from the world of personal finance and the greater crypto community that has yet to translate over to DeFi.

>> No.21094827

Telegram link is considered spam.
t [dot] me [slash] Kucoin_Exchange

>> No.21094844
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Direct from the AMA

I was waiting for this question :) ADEL is a governance token specifically for Delphi. ADEL is an addition to AKRO token - AKRO is a governance token on a protocol level, while ADEL is a governance token on a product (Delphi) level.

There will be no sale of ADEL, people will be able to "farm" it using Delphi. This way we believe that Delphi users will be active in Delphi Governance. Farming ADEL is pretty easy - you would just need to supply liquidity via Delphi or stake AKRO there - this will give you both AKRO & ADEL (though different coefficients would apply as we want to bootstrap specific pools).

Thats a fuck you to the fud saying ADEL will make the AKRO token useless.

AKRO will grow stronger than ever anons

>> No.21094883
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Even though you don't deserve it, I'll continue to spoonfeed you fags.
Tell us more about Delphi
>Delphi is an easy one-stop curated access to DeFi yield options, gas-saving and superior UX/UI for users.
>It’s a DeFi yield farming aggregator that offers synthetic savings and high yield “accounts” aimed at DeFi-curious users that may not have deep technical knowledge or understanding of Ethereum and crypto.
>Another benefit is that you can perform automated Dollar cost averaging with Delphi - invest periodically (weekly) in an effort to reduce the impact of volatility on the overall purchase. The purchases occur regardless of the price and at regular intervals. DCA effectively removes much of the detailed work of attempting to time the market in order to make purchases of equities at the best prices.

>> No.21095002

Get in before it's too late.

Are you planning to launch staking for AKRO? What will it look like?
>Yes, users will be able to “stake” AKRO - though it’s not staking in the usual meaning, users are not securing a node or something like that. AKRO staking will mean supplying liquidity to specific AKRO-only pool on Delphi - and depending on the timeframe & liquidity supplied, user will farm both ADEL & AKRO. Also more details and incentives updates in the coming days. Keep an eye on it

>> No.21095052

What features or improvements are you planning to add to your products in the near future?
>Major things we’re working on are:
>*GSN support in both products - it will help users reduce txs costs as they would be able to pay in asset they are sending (e.g. DAI).
>*Fiat on and off ramps
>*For Sparta - we’re researching different risk scoring solutions which will help lenders calculate risks of undercollateralized loans.
>*For Delphi - adding DCA out of specific pools, Set your targets and DCA on a recurring basis from a pool of your choice.

>> No.21095397

Really hope it continues pumping with the mainnet release. Don't see why it wouldn't desu.

>> No.21095541

I'm already balls deep in this. It's an amazing project, holding at least for a year.

>> No.21095908
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>> No.21096108

That telegram became a shitshow. There seem to be some great questions, but there were thousands within seconds.

>> No.21096183 [DELETED] 

It always dumps before mainnnet then continues organic growth, be very happy it only dropped 20%

>> No.21096202

sold this shit crypt for reserve.

>> No.21096272

lol good luck with that anon

>> No.21096346

how to buy akro?

>> No.21096503

This is why I bought AKRO by the way. Imagine if the only way to get YFI was by staking its precursor, this is exactly what ADEL is.

>> No.21096543


>> No.21096925

what's a make it/suicide stack for this? got 30k to invest but I feel like I already missed the boat on this

>> No.21097021

100k suicide, make it 1 million

>> No.21097109

AKRO and AAVE are literally going to be the top defi gainers

>> No.21097128

expect it isnt you can earn adel by providing liquidity or by staking akro in akro only pools, its literally like making arko-eth pool on uniswap lol

>> No.21097388
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Comfiest hold of my portfolio. So glad I listened to past week’s anon and got in.

>> No.21098314
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TFW got rekt by ampl and only had enough for a 40k stack

>> No.21098322

so a copy of YFI then. meh.

>> No.21098372


I only have 10k anon. :(

>> No.21098529
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