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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 556 KB, 1920x1080, iota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21094143 No.21094143 [Reply] [Original]

Will we start the bull run again?

Like last time

>> No.21094196

Yep even xrp cucks are going all in iota

> bitrue.com/trade/iota_xrp

>> No.21094249

I expect slow and steady movement until Honey which is next year. After that 20 billion market cap within a year, 100 billion by 2024 and 1 trillion by 2035.
IOTA is unironically the number 1 coin and people haven't seemed to realise yet.

>> No.21094527

Also $30 millon bought by one wallet the past 2 days.
Someone knows something

>> No.21094832

iota more like idiota

>> No.21094858
File: 87 KB, 1418x782, idiota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IOTA is unironically the number 1 coin
it's dead jim

>> No.21095307

i don't understand what this project is doing at all. how can it hit 100b?

>> No.21095347

Price movement has been dogshit i agree, but the actual work going on is more impressive than any other crypto team. Seriously look at how well coordicide is going, there will be a big move within the next year

>> No.21095386

I'd really recommend looking into IOTA, it' not just a 'shoe shop on the blockchain' or any shit like that.
The machine to machine economy is their focus, an econmy potentially worth a quadrillion, really interesting my man.

>> No.21095435

Link has more impressive work going on stop being blinded by your bags just because you bought them at ath

>> No.21095449


Just go to the IOTA website, look at the team, look at the partners.

Realise that this protocol is free to transfer and solves the scalability issue.

>> No.21095459

I was looking into IOTA earlier today. I don't own any yet (will buy in next week if it's still cheap) but I have a feeling this is the next big moonshot. Do with this info what you will.

>> No.21095505

When are they planning coordicide? I must confess that I am looking at IOTA again after they got rid of CFB and his moronic decisions.

>> No.21095518

Well i bought at 50c so i am bag holding a bit in all honesty, but not desperate.
Over 250 IF members working towards honey and inching closer and closer to solving the trilemma, they are innovating more than any company by a mile.
Also i bought link at 30c so fuck you.

>> No.21095537

I sort of understand the machine to machine economy, but can't comprehend how it can be such a huge thing

>> No.21095566

CFB is a gimp and i'm personally glad he's gone. He was too rigid with his vision and stunted alot of progress.
Coordice (part 2 of 3) releases within the next month or so and the final 2.0 'Honey' releases early next year. Already getting 1500 tps on test net of stage 1, everything is going well so far.

>> No.21095642

Trillions of sensors and autonomous machines buying and selling data 24/7, when the data transfer and value transfer can be done fast, free and securely within the same network and even in the same transaction then IOTA will take the whole market.

>> No.21095667

IOTA Foundation bankrupt in autumn 2020

>> No.21095684

In 5.5 hours there will be a community organised testnet spam

See for yourself how the progress is going

>> No.21095928

you do realize they have a spanish guy that writes everyone on Linkedin to become partners? He wrote some of our junior analysts.

>> No.21096574

After they get a working wallet LMAO

>> No.21096686

Geeq just solved the trilemma, too late Iota-cucks

>> No.21096717

Oh hey it's the faggot who shills IOTA on this board every other day. Get fucked "gimp"

You do realize AWS already controls this market and people trust AWS 1000x more than some sketchy euro-coin that's been hacked half a dozen times?

>> No.21096779

Ahaha. Sketchy euro coin. Yeah. Go on with your pajeetokens.

>> No.21096841

i bought some last dip
the more i read the more i want to buy

>> No.21096894

Pajeet detected
Not posted in weeks you soft cocked man child. People have taken notice of an emerging technology, who knew?
AWS does not do this you cretin, they are centralized middle man serivce that will bend the knee to fast, free, peer to peer (or machine to machine) open source technology.

>> No.21096921

Also NEVER BEEN HACKED. moonpay was hacjed, the tangle is 100% secure and ALWAYS has been.

>> No.21096937

do you even understand what you are writing?

>> No.21097026


Image believing the tangle have been hacked

>> No.21097136

imagine buying a dying 2017 leftover centralized iot meme shitcoin in 2020

>> No.21097202

Yeah the IOT definitely isn't a thing and it won't need a dectralized network capable of exchanging data and value feelessly.
Hope you didn't put all your money in shitcoins anon because you need to buy some rope

>> No.21097340

Is IoT a thing? What IoT devices are you using?

>> No.21097354

>what are web servers

>> No.21097464

You do know a smart phone is an IOT device? Soon your life will be built on the IOT, any car you use any food you eat will all be made more efficient by the IOT.
>What is an unnecessary middle man company that is centralized.

>> No.21097496

i just bought some more
everything around it sounds like it can spread like wildfire

>> No.21097504

>>What is an unnecessary middle man company that is centralized.
Oh I know!
What is IOTA!

>> No.21097562

I will screenshot this and print it out, then when Honey releases i will take a shit on it.
IOTA FUD is pathetic

>> No.21097583

Every single prediction about IoT in the past 10 years has turned out false. Sorry, but no one cares that much about it.

>> No.21097636


This guy is the biggest faggot this board has ever seen.

>> No.21097672

this loser definitely has no background in software engineering

>> No.21097732

its led by literal retards, sonstebo and schiener are idiots. sonstebo is a short fuse mong who is also a sjw, and schiener is a cash grabbing faggot, as shown by all of his pictures he took of fancy food and being in rich places. not only that, but the wallet sucks. anyway, the point is, adoption is essential to a good price and partnerships are also essential, and nobody is going to partner with these 2 autists.

>> No.21097748
File: 67 KB, 634x634, 1586018047503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you're one of those cucked pajeets that has to shit on a piece of paper? lmao how pathetic

>> No.21097781

i assume you never tried the wallet
it is one of the best wallets out there

and think about the founders what you want, the technology is more important. and as you see, the EU funded them because of that.
don't let your attention be focused on the negative things. that will only make you lose out.

>> No.21097817

>i assume you never tried the wallet
is it an IOT shitcoin or a good wallet shitcoin? make up your mind abdul
refugees cities where we at

>> No.21097873

yes i tried the wallet, it took 2 days to send my transaction. and the people who are behind the project means a lot. if theyre assholes or idiots, nobody will take them seriously.

>> No.21097921


Bro the main wallet got hacked and people had their funds tied up for almost a year (2017)

Then they had a 3rd party make a wallet because "wasn't a priority and we don't care about users who can't figure out our mega complex wallet"

And then guess what? That 3rd party Trinity wallet? Got fucking hacked last year and people had their funds tied up for 6 weeks.

Your devs can't even build a proper wallet and you think anyones going to trust them to run the fucking WORLD? Are you INSANE?!?

>> No.21097954


They must be fun on a party

>> No.21097989

Get off my board you fucking tourist. Haven't you got an r/cryptocurrency daily thread to be posting in?
You were shillin geeq you absolute third worlder

>> No.21097995

the wallet was never hacked until they implemented a third party service. that third party was hacked, and therefore also the wallet compromised.
but almost no money was stolen because they reacted quick. never before nor after was it "hacked".
also IOTA was never hacked or attacked and destroyed, like ETC and a lot of others.

stop spreading nonsense.
the "funds tied up" was a protocol change and not a hack btw, which required a transition and therefore "reclaims".

so it cant be a m2m coin and have a good wallet? why that?

>> No.21098130

2017 'hack' was a phishing scam you brainaphobe.
2020 was a hack of moonpay, nothing to do with IOTA, it's moonpay that won't be worked with because of that blunder.

>> No.21098193

Iota or nano?

>> No.21098316

I have a stack of Both. I hate investing in safe but boring things like BTC or Ethereum... I want coins with a 100X potential, even if it's very risky.

>> No.21098750

iota x100 easily possible

>> No.21098803


>> No.21098921


A hack is a hack, if theyre willing to pass the buck then they're incompetent. They need to own it.

This is a useless vaporware, and you need to go back to keddit to shill your bags. Oh wait they hate you too. Better go back to your biscord circle jerk

>> No.21098949


>> No.21098964

they owned it
did you even check how much they owned it?

they literally are paying back any losses (who else does that), hired security experts to the team and have created a new software (Google for IOTA Stronghold) that is secure af.

how more can someone own something up?

>> No.21099040

Moron opinion because you know your original FUD was wrong.

>> No.21099048

/biz/tards won't ever learn. I mean they're basically scared of a DLT which has the potential to solve the crypto trilemma + is feeless, what more do you need to make most DLT projects obsolete.
They're scared so either they should get into IOTA asap before main net upgrades hit or they get shit on.

>> No.21099068

> A hack is a hack
Retard. Let's say there is a bug in Electrum and people lose bitcoins because of it... Would you say Bitcoin was hacked?

>> No.21099458

good comparison
he will not come back from that anymore

>> No.21099476


Aint no one buying your shit coin bitch, now leave

>> No.21099973

Seething pajeet.

>> No.21100646

Think of an universal language every maschine is able to understand and send data, information, value, orders and contracts to each other, in a decentralised and securely and secure way, at no fee besides the pow. And even pow can be outsourced to more potent devices, allowing even the weakest sensors to participate in the economy. Right now, tons of conversions are necessary for single machines to communicate, while iota will provide a simple language every decides is able to speak and understand.

This allows for machines to interact, which will be a key element of the coming 4th industrial revolution. Every bit of data can be shared and monetized on a data marketplace, incentivising companies to participate.

Colored coins on the tangle (coming by eoy), are the equivalent on erc20 tokens on ethereum. Big difference here, you can't create tokens out of thin air, but need to recolor iota tokens l, which doesn't lead to an inflation of useless tokens like with erc20, but lead to scarcity of the main token, as supply is fixed to 2.8bn (with sub units similar to satoshis. One miota, the unit you can purchase on exchanges for .33$ has a subdivision of 1 million iotas). Colored coins allow for a mermaid of use cases, like digital ownership. You can peg currencies, art, property, everything to a colored token and whoever owns this token has peove of ownership.

And quite basic, iota is by now the only dlt which able to send data in a decentralised way without fees! which makesit unique to all otjer projects and allows for use cases where traditionally blockchain fees male these impossible.

Hope that helps.

>> No.21100694

>shills geeq, thinks they have the right to call other coins shitcoins.
You leave mahmood, not shilling anything, i hope you dirty beggers don't get in on time and i can dump my stack on you losers when it's $10

>> No.21100779


those bags must be heavy. what've made 25% since last year? Or dont tell me you bought at $5 lmfao

>> No.21100792
File: 46 KB, 600x662, 2EEE880E-3075-4047-BEE4-B8C7D28D04A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal trash Kek can’t believe people still talk about this.

>> No.21100910

t. doesn't understand iota

>> No.21101031


t. mega bagholder

shoo shoo hansel

>> No.21101399

*Mega bagholder that bought at 7 cents

>> No.21101494

"quantum positioning system blockchain" HAHAHAHAHA~ not this scam again ( -_-' )

>> No.21101576

Bought at 50c already said i'm a bagholder above. Only 20% of my portfolio.
Bought ETH at about $8, LINK at 30c, BNT at 25c. I've made more right calls than you ever will pajeet.
Are you NANO bags heavy reddit?

>> No.21101606


>> No.21101616

>Quantum resistance is a bad thing

>> No.21101812

Funny how everyone shitposts on the 2017 status but ignores any comment or post which refers to its current state. Posting here is useless as no one is interested in discussion or learning, but solely abour proving the others wrong.

>> No.21101876

Exactly. It will soon be like pretending Amazon is still just a book store