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File: 42 KB, 1366x269, bandinvest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21091142 No.21091142 [Reply] [Original]

Just follow the trails of a BAND seed investor & stay patient. Band Protocol will be going crazy soon enough. Promise.



>> No.21091473

Heard some crazy rumors. Big win iMO, a lot of room...imagine market cap of Link. 5x for sure

>> No.21091541

The Plan:
1. $LINK sucks in all disposable income from the internet's lowliest, most extreme incels. We drop "bread crumbs" on forums frequented by incels.
2. Link pumps violently. Due to the brainwashing, negligible profits have been taken. The risk of an incel exiting with massive profits and using the money for change are slim.
3. The Zeus Capital plan goes into effect. Have you ever considered why this report has been allowed on twitter? Why have no other hedge funds been allowed by twitter to execute a short-selling ad scheme? Zeus Capital has all of you united against a common enemy, creating another emotional incentive not to take profits, some of you are even putting additional money into $LINK to "bankrupt Zeus Capital"
4. Part 4 is the final portion of the plan. You are all throughly brainwashed and will ignore this post because it threatens your fragile worldview. The rug pull will happen. The worst crypto crash in history, down 75%, it will be revealed to the public that the backers of this project were nazis and russian hackers. $BAND will become the market leader in oracle technology. We were never going to allow thousands of incels to wander the globe with fuck you money. I don't care if you believe it or not, screen cap this post.

>> No.21091625

You are still on testnet lol. Useless piece of crap, copy paste, chink scam. You are fucking Tron/Neo, bad for crypto market. Expect VC to dump this shit to ground.

>> No.21091652

I saw same comments on other threads too, fuck you chink.

>> No.21091706

several companies that have partnered with $LINK have more recently partnered with $BAND. This is because $LINK is an inferior product.
your pride will cost you money

>> No.21091734

What's better about Band's tech? I'm interested in learning and will pick up some if you convince me Band can do something Link can't

>> No.21091824

VC's are staking bro
1 BAND will very soon be more worth than 1 LINK kek

wait for it.

>> No.21091883

$BAND has superior scaling with lower fees and it has more software engineers than $LINK. $LINK's partners are slowly adding $BAND then I expect they will co-exist or $LINK will be phased out due to high cost

>> No.21091900

Yeah look into Kava

>> No.21091901

Band will takeover soon Link.. as Link is just promo stunt and Band is working on real life solutions for the upcoming DEFI avalanche

>> No.21091919

But what enables that? Every other project claims they scale best, for example. What about Band enables better scaling?

>> No.21091978
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, bandbased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Band is much more scalable than link due to the cosmos SDK, data request turnarounds are done within 3-6 seconds

- Band is much more flexible & customizable Currently with chainlink data providers pay 50% of their revenue in fees, that's not sustainable at all

- band is permissionless & 100% decentralized, at chainlink nodes are chosen by the team which is the most centralized thing there is

Various Projects that chainlink has "partnered" with now integrated with Band for example Elrond, Icon, Matic, BetProtocol, Waves which leads me to the assumption that chainlink does a lot shady PR stuff besides actual tech integrations

It's sometimes hard to hear the truth but this is it.

Band is invested by Binance & Sequoia (3.3 assets under management) They only go for the billions, not the millions.

>> No.21092028

Kava is little project handled by an ex sales of fnatic and two poker players/ Good Luck with that in the long run^

>> No.21092064

You forgot to add that NO ONE uses band today or in the near future. It was added to coinbase so that VC’s can dump their bags. The same VC’s that are invested in coinbase. Always follow the money and results. BAND just makes a bunch of promises which resulted in having to pivot twice already and yet still does not have a mainnet. Let’s talk about TRUTH!

>> No.21092136
File: 3.67 MB, 3602x3570, Band.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Band is used by various bigger layer 1 solutions and has already 15 times the amount of partnerships than Chainlink 11 months after their ICO. That time Chainlink had literally nothing so relative seen BAND is far ahead and has so much more upside given the better tech with more scalability, faster tx and much cheaper costs. Guess why all these projects decided to integrated with BAND and not with Chainlink? ;)

Mainnet is live with staking, oracle integration coming very soon, chainlink staking is nowhere to be found kek

VC's are staking bro, you can even check their Wallets.

>> No.21092522

$BAND is on cosmos, $LINK is on eth. $LINK bet on the wrong horse and they do not have enough skilled engineers to transition to a new system

>> No.21092604
File: 33 KB, 464x440, クソレズ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$BAND is on cosmos

>> No.21092665

$LINK had a critical failure in March that forced many of its partners to find a more reliable alternative, that alternative was $BAND. Tough but you should accept it

>> No.21092866

Show me any network transactions or actual proof is usage. Chainlink secures over 1.4 billion TODAY. All I see are infographics but no actual network usage from band.

>> No.21092910


Paid fucking slant eye chink fucks get off this forum and go shill your bullshit to people who have an IQ less than 80 , so transparent

>> No.21092937
File: 95 KB, 817x382, team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me stay away. never trust chinks in the cryptosphere

>> No.21093007

>everyone I don't like is a chinese paid shill
Take your meds

>> No.21093031
File: 28 KB, 680x261, CE1230F0-604D-402C-BCC2-9239DAA65B53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no

>> No.21093054
File: 62 KB, 680x510, 9FB9BEE1-2AA5-4B94-9CC7-5E997A5A6820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that BAND has ZERO users

There are NO smart contracts securing value that use BAND oracles

>> No.21093084
File: 953 KB, 1125x2068, 4F709A3C-4F9F-4834-96E0-1FB11F0D5C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Band has a highly professional team. Announcements of announcements, and telling people to hype the coin on social media.

Can you imagine sergey or Ari Juels telling people to hype up chainlink on twitter? It wouldn’t happen because they’re a professional team, unlike BAND

>> No.21093134
File: 1.02 MB, 1125x1983, 1D51EF0F-7EC7-46DD-9288-29900CDED07D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAND also has highly questionable tokenomics. They have staking rewards despite BAND not being a blockchain, and despite no smart contracts using BAND.

The staking rewards are not based on proof of stake verification (like a blockchain token), and they are not based on collateral and fees for smart contracts/nodes (like chainlink will be). So what are they based on?

The answer is that the staking “rewards” are based on freshly minted BAND tokens. So you lock up your BAND tokens, nothing is done with them, they are not used to verify blocks, they are not secured in smart contracts. You just lock them up for no reason and BAND takes non circulating tokens and distributes them.

The question is why? What does this accomplish other than getting idiot moonboys to buy in for “muh staking”?

>> No.21093143
File: 117 KB, 1029x1280, 20200713_234341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Band sirs oracle

>> No.21093158

Unprofessional team*

>> No.21093166
File: 138 KB, 1280x1280, 20200713_234339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink big money oracle but Band better so more money please invest

>> No.21093222
File: 271 KB, 720x1212, Screenshot_20200713-224325_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In response to a question "Why would someone use Band instead of Chainlink" on the Band community telegram. I was banned for this effortpost.

>> No.21093705

cringe autist screed. I would have banned you too

>> No.21093769

If you invest in Chainlink solely for Oracles. You hedge by having exposure to competitors like BAND.
Do you guys ever picked up a Finance 101 community college book by any chance?

>> No.21093957

that's what I did, I shilled it to autistic <80IQ cult members kek

>> No.21093982

You don't trust a CTO that has more skills than Vitalik with a double honor degree from MIT?

nobody can help you i suppose

>> No.21094008

Band has 15 times more Partnerships than Chainlink 11 months after their ICO, let that sink in. Chainlink had 2 exactly.

>> No.21094038

that's a community dude in the screenshot you pleb

>> No.21094089

likewise, 4chan autists from the chainlink cult don't belong to society

>> No.21094192

Link owners on biz sre the niggest die hard fans, you cant reason with them, its like your asking to fuck there mum. Band promotes the use of multiple oracles, both link and band are needed in the crypto space and will work together on projects. I myself are stacking both LINK and BAND and i will continue to dump money into both. Both will be around for a long time. You can lead a horse to water but you cant force it to drink.

Swallow your pride link marines and dont be dumb and buy into band also, or lose out on double profit

>> No.21094263

lol that fucker spartan black is just dumping his investment on you

>> No.21094529

How? They are staking, their Wallet is public. Pleb.

>> No.21094548

One of the best replies so far....respect!

>> No.21094601

we're making our own society, with yachts and asian hookers

>> No.21094691

>m-mobius will win sir
>u-unibright will win sir
>e-eng will win sir
>r-rlc will win sir
>b-band will win sir this time it's different
are you gonna call it digital air or something? when will the badly ripped off link memes start being posted? you already have the retarded logic and broken English spam shilling down so far at least
good work, retards

>> No.21095353

Ivy League schools are actually the worst