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21089674 No.21089674 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on this board who think $1 million dollars is "making it"

>> No.21089712

I dont need to live like a king I just dont want to wage slave for the next 20 years of my life. 1 million is enough for that.

>> No.21089723
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>1950: $1 mil = $1 mil
>2019: $1 mil = $100k

>> No.21089752

1000% fucking this.

>> No.21089774

For me it is. If I put that into a dividend yielding ETF I could live of the dividends and wouldn't have to work ever again.

>> No.21090608

normalfags are truly strange. in truth, even $400k is making it. if you can't escape the consoom mindset with $1MM, you won't escape it with $10MM either so you're fucked either way until you work on yourself

>> No.21090655

Literally this, live off passive income. 20k a year would be enough for me even, I live a very frugal life.

>> No.21090824

1million dollar is enough for 50 to 100k per year doing nothing, your money is workin for you. Majority of wage slaves dont make that much in year. So yes 1mil is enough for making it.

>> No.21090858

No shit it's worth less than 50 years ago but it's still enough if you're not an absolute retard who buys pointless shit.

>> No.21090902


one is making it, the other is hitting the "lottery"

>> No.21091005

1$ mil is still "making it" in a sense that you can live frugally like a poorfag but you don't have to wageslave for it.

to properly "make it" as in becoming a richfag without having to wageslave you need at the very least 20m, 50m would be better

>> No.21091130

$400k isn't shit. That's like $16k/yr max using the 4% safe withdrawal rate. You definitely didn't make it if the guy taking your order at McDonald's is making more than you. That's not even addressing consoomer lifestyle. The cheapest place outside of the ghetto is going to be about $700/mo for a small house in a small town. You got $146.15 a week after rent according to what you call making it. Better give up on making it and start a business or pick up a job. After food that's maybe $90/wk. If you have a car you're down another $500 at least. Gas isn't free either. Assuming a tank lasts a month that's up to 768.8 just for gas and insurance. Gonna need oil to do your oil changes. Life is not cheap and $400k won't do shit for making it, as it giving you financial independence. When we talk of making it we don't mean still waging or running a business. Most of us have interests, hobbies, dreams. If you want to wage or run a business there is no need to make it. You have everything you need for happiness right now.

>> No.21091173

I'm a stoic minimalist, $1 million is more than enough for me

>> No.21091176

Your dreams have been ruined by the brr-machine the fed have been running 24/7 for the past months. Dollar will be worthless and americucks will pay the price

>> No.21091178

Living like you are poor isn’t making it

>> No.21091209

>Living like you are poor
Great insight poorfag

>> No.21091230

You can make do even more if you wagie only part-time to supplement yourself with more income. It's not as ideal but waging only a few days a week is soooo much better than working full-time.

>> No.21091236

You are the poorfag if you think you can live comfortably off 1M. Clearly you have never had money or had to pay for anything.

>> No.21091251

i think that as long as you don't have to wagecuck you've made it, regardless of the lifestyle

>> No.21091257

Most of you have bullshit. Your "interests" and "dreams" are pure fantasy that you daydream about for aesthetic purposes but wont actually put the work necessary to successful. If you need millions in the bank before you can pursue your passion it is not really a passion.

>> No.21091259

living like the average person without really working for it? sounds like making it

>> No.21091281

being able to tell employers to fuck off is also a good deal

>> No.21091286

We just have different definitions of making it, then.

>> No.21091320

This. Might as well get neet bux if your only aim is to not have to work.

>> No.21091373

i see "making it" as a threshold, after which you don't have to wagecuck and you can keep a decent lifestyle.

1m is bare minimum, the more the better of course, but everything above it is "making it" imo

>> No.21091392

The real reason most people want to "make it" is because money is a status symbol. Whether they intend to flaunt the money or keep it hidden people on here secretly see a big number in their portfolio as a way of increasing their self worth and proving that they arent a loser

>> No.21091399

So doesn't even count housing? top lel

>> No.21091413

You really have no idea what you are talking about. I brew with electric boilers I built myself. They do the job but I'd get better beer if I had more time and more money to build the thing. Using plastic for a boiler makes better beer than you can get in a store but I'm using gravity to transfer, ice and copper to cool the wort, and fermenting in plastic vessels. Steel and glass are better at keeping oxygen out than air is. Air even has oxygen in it for fucks sake. There is no aesthetic with hobbies because hardly anyone else is aware of it unless you carry around a photo album and give presentations on what you're doing to strangers. A fruitless endeavor because people won't even understand half the words you use. You'd understand if you had passions, but you can't say we don't have it just because you don't. What does a natural slave know about people with agency? The fact you even mention a hypothetical need for millions before engaging in activities shows you have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. Need doesn't even enter the equation because hobbies aren't a need. Non-npc's enjoy building and creating things. It's innately human. You must lead a very sad life if this is so foreign to you.

>> No.21091448

That's a normalfag mindset. Most people here don't really care about such things. The fact they're posting on such an uncool website for racists weeaboos should have been your first clue.

>> No.21091454

Not everyone lives in the city shithole like you. Enjoy your san fransisco los angeles faggot. You can live comfy off 1mm if you're not braindead or a nigger.

>> No.21091455
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hello fren im retar
do i want the 1m net worth or the cash in this scenario?

>> No.21091485

Nigger tier idea of 'making it'

>> No.21091566

I didnt say aesthetic to others dumb dumb. People like to daydream about and enjoy the image of themselves (in their own heads) being a homesteader or a musician or a high stakes poker player but dont actually want to put in the work and tedious practice that it takes to achieve their goals. Saying that they need to "make it" so they can actually pursue these goals is a convenient excuse that allows them to dream while kicking the can down the road when it comes to actually putting the work in. The rest of your post was just completely missing the mark on what I was saying and arguing with someone who isnt there

>> No.21091583

>muh withdrawal rate
>muh burgerland
>muh car
>muh funkypop hobby
thanks for the input normalfag, but what made you think your opinion was relevant? plebbit and facebook are there for you
"making it" isn't about being a useless sack of shit for the rest of your life. the goal is to have enough money to never worry about medical/family emergencies, to be able to relocate on a whim, to not be beholden to any employer or corporation
it might be difficult to fathom if you're a 110 IQ wagecuck stuck in the slave mindset, but most of us naturally produce something of worth to others as we pursue our passions. it's not as if your positive balance is going to be 0 for the rest of your life once you "make it"
the 4% withdrawal rate meme is retarded for that and then some. financial planning based on historical returns picking an arbitrary point in history where the west was dominant and no major conflicts happened and hoping these returns will hold for 40+ years, what could possibly go wrong? one could just as well zoom out and notice all older civilizations have crumbled, and that america and europe show signs not unlike roman empire before its fall. we don't have to talk about catastrophic collapse either to consider the possibility of a significant downturn or higher real inflation. so now you start being worried about whether your principal will sustain that 4% withdrawal rate, even though the whole point of making it is to not have to worry about money ever again
pure, stupid shit. yes, if you're dedicated to remain stupid you want to aim for at least $20-40MM as a buffer for life itself. or you can get smarter and earn your freedom on $400k

>> No.21091590

Not everyone enjoys sitting inside playing video games all day faggot

>> No.21091609

>We just have different definitions of making it, then.
and your definition is bad.
When you can live a normal lifestyle without working, you have made it. Then you are free to spend your time as you wish, you have achieved freedom. That's what most people want. Most people want to get out of the wage cage and retire
Once you set the bar any higher than that, you will be forever stuck in the loop of chasing frivolous consoomer products.
>oh I haven't made it because I only have a 125ft Yacht when my neighbor has a 200 footer.
When you answer to no one and can do anything and buy anything you would reasonably need you have made it.

>> No.21091637

A lot of people that post here secretly think its cool or counter culture deep down. They wont it admit it though and will hide behind a wall of self deprecation. The us vs them dichotomy with "normies" is one of the ways it manifests itself

>> No.21091646

Is buying a house cash making it?

I just wanna buy a house in a decent area, and whatever is left put in an index fund, and call it a day. Of course put some money away to live out for a couple of years

>> No.21091780

He knew what you were talking about. He sounds like he's just a bitter cunt lashing out at the board for whatever reason.

>> No.21091838

>My opinion on totally subjective subject is GOOD you BAD!

Shut up retard

>> No.21091869

Literally everyone knows the USD was worth a lot more in the 50s.

>> No.21091911

To be fair I appealed to majority or whatever it's called.
Most people consider making it being able to retire. You are clearly outnumbered here, which isn't always a bad thing, but in this case happens to be because your opinion is stupid.

>> No.21091984

You are understimating the lack of time and energy of a wageslave. When I come home from work I'm shattered, my ebergy has been sucked and I don't have time to pursue my life goals because the moment i stop working i won't be able to pay any bill and I'm a frugal person. Purchasing power of poorfags is way smaller than you think

>> No.21092017

>majority opinion makes something correct!

You done?

>> No.21092067

We are at like "Chocolate tastes good" level of majority opinion here though. 99% of people like chocolate, or something like that. It's the same with being able to retire. You are so outnumbered that it's ridiculous, meaning you are probably wrong.
Sometimes being a snowflake is cool. And I disagree with a couple of majority held opinions, but you are just way off base here.

>> No.21092085

making it is for me not having to worry about making my bills

>> No.21092106

I’m not wrong because it is a personal opinion. You have not made it if you are living like you are now, just without a job. I set a higher standard, that doesn’t make me incorrect. You and others can shoot low, i’ll keep shooting high

>> No.21092114

That doesn't even make sense. If it's not something they already do and enjoy it's unlikely they'll fantasize about it like you say. You've met to make a single point or even talk about anything that actually happens. I took my best guess based on what you wrote write what you mean next time. And better yet put some thought into it first instead of whatever crazy horseshit you were thinking in your previous posts.
>caring about funkypops
Ngmi. Enjoy living off 400k and never ever making it I guess. It's your life to fuck up as you please.