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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2108915 No.2108915 [Reply] [Original]

FML... Fuck you BIZ

>> No.2108926

You were memed my friend.

>> No.2108934

rekt, thats what you get for getting involved with pump and dumps nigger

>> No.2108936

Should have bought REDD

>> No.2108937


Dude, have you seen the atmosphere surrounding DGB? That won't seem like such a dumb idea soon.

>> No.2108943

>pulling money out of ETH to buy alts

It's supposed to be the other way around, fuckwit.

Good god.

>> No.2108945


Yesterday was redd day retard.

verge just dipped again but still has growing trade volume, would buy that if anything. DGB is already inflated.

>> No.2109066

It's k. I still have 40 ETH, but I feelsbadman.jpg. I think I will sell my DGB in a month or two, who the fuck knows where this shit will go. I only lost like $1000 bucks but its kk

>> No.2109334
File: 54 KB, 978x550, bestkorea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I will sell my DGB in a month or two
>in a month or two
>Traded 10 ETH to buy 100K worth of DGB

>> No.2109397 [DELETED] 

You can still make do. ETH has been stable for the past 30min and is now in a small stable dip.

>> No.2109449 [DELETED] 

98.04 i'd go for it hard

>> No.2109468
File: 13 KB, 318x345, 1475079320106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling real coins for shitcoin pump and dumps

>> No.2109478
File: 14 KB, 269x313, 1444496721519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell.

>> No.2109563

Probably the worst time in history to sell. A bunch of big streamers are about to start accepting DGB as donations

>> No.2109570


>> No.2109591

why the fuck did you do that? i fucking told you eth was ready to pop again, fucking DGB man, I'm not saying don't hodl any but where was the ETH all of biz told you was a fucking mandatory bag

>> No.2109617

hes lying

Although, the real big news is that DBG might be introduced on major chinese exchanges https://www.reddit.com/r/Digibyte/comments/6br1x4/dgb_on_btcc_chinese_exchange/?st=j2vdnjej&sh=7d087f54

This news itself is much bigger than minecraft imo. We already know how much a coin moons when its introduced on coinbase.

>> No.2109626

Digibyte can do very well but only if technical improvements are made. A while ago, they reduced the blocktime to 15 seconds to improve transaction speeds but short blocktimes will eventually cause blockchain bloat. Now that Digibyte has Segwit, they should increase the block time to 60 seconds and use Lightning network for rapid transactions. If there are no signs of technical improvements I will probably scale back my investment in this coin.

>> No.2109634

How high will ETH be by next week?

>> No.2109680

$150 retracing to 120 is my guesstimate.

>> No.2109751

I'm literally in personal contact with these streamers. I can't discuss the terms at this point. But I am personally in the process of getting them to accept DGB

>> No.2109762

>buying a coin at the ath that has already went up over 100x in the last month

>> No.2109867

but muh minecraft

>> No.2111187

See, this is what thoughtless memeing can get you into. Please be careful when memeing cryptos, we can have many such accidents in the future. This is not a game.

Why did you think a shitcoin with Minecraft hype is better than a solidcoin with thousands of dapp developers is beyond me.