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21085999 No.21085999 [Reply] [Original]

LINK is the new stablecoin, and shizos that think that billions will just show up out of no where if you shill and meme a coin hard enough. It’s not useful, there’s better alternatives, etc. If you’ve bought into LINK above 9$ I pity you

>> No.21086022
File: 82 KB, 630x1024, C02501A5-277C-4C6E-918F-A31C89D21889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits confirm!!

>> No.21086026

and now we do it again with xrp, just with the help of reddit and twitter.

>> No.21086030

Wow, so true. Trips of truth.
This time, it's over for chainstink.

>> No.21086032

Checked and keked.

>> No.21086043


Its true. link has become too stable. we need to jump ship to the new project this is XRP. the new standard. come on, fellow link marines. let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.21086077

LINK still has the most upside potential. There is one caveat though - you need to look up how to safely Jelq if you're going to hold LINK for any significant amount of time. For the last 9 months I've been stacking LINK and I've also been Jelqing a ton too. It's like the price of LINK and the frequency at which I Jelq are somehow correlated. At work today, I hid in the bathroom three separate times to check the price of LINK and Jelq. By holding LINK I am literally compelled to Jelq, it's like I don't have a choice.

>> No.21086099

Cringe. XRP is dare I say the standard.

>> No.21086126

I’ve seen this exact post three times tonight. You fucking morons aren’t even trying anymore..

>> No.21086143
File: 106 KB, 957x1300, 1BA7CF71-6AC1-4BC8-89DE-D35574F0E70F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and checked. Dump your bags now, this ATH and will stay that way

>> No.21086149

>t. Increasingly nervous nolinker

Yeh bro we totally memed it to where it is. Do you know much money is needed to increase the price to where it is. If you actually don't hold link and never have you will likely kill yourself

>> No.21086167
File: 7 KB, 171x384, stable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21086177

>replace link with xrp
schizos all over this board

>> No.21086206


>> No.21086215

If LINK capped out at a 135 billion dollar market cap, like XRP did, it'd apex at over $385. So hurr hurr hurr durr durr durr durr. Almost everyone here would be set for life long before that.

>> No.21086274

I bought at 5 and 7ish. Isn't XRP like 30 cents?

>> No.21086277

>what if
>what if muh banking standard and muh financial standard
you can’t make this shit up

>> No.21086313


>> No.21086316

These numbers don’t lie

>> No.21086335

These fags post garbage like this all the time hoping you drop your bags, which is fucked up bc we should be helping eachother make it.

>> No.21086339
File: 5 KB, 249x243, 1596125417199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits are once again on our side. Trips never lie.
$2k EOY!

>> No.21086395
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>> No.21086433

What is a ponzi scheme. “bro’s it’s fucked ur calling me out bro like help me make it”

>> No.21086502

Anyone who is actually persuaded by them to buy their bags deserves ripple.

>> No.21086528

no u

>> No.21086744

That’s part of the TEST of LINK, to resist fud, greed, global economic crashes etc etc

>> No.21087028

Ya, totally seething while I get high in my garage watching the searchers.

I get the reasoning but for me I want as many bros to make it as possible. The dream is to get rich and not be surrounded by rando fags. Seeing another lambo on the road with a crypto bumper sticker and knowing another anon made it too, that's my heaven.

>> No.21087094

Is this what it means to be the few, the proud, the marines?

>> No.21087136

So true...Newfriends get out while you can. All the smart people sold at $10