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21084745 No.21084745 [Reply] [Original]

>no XSN thread

>> No.21085226

I hold 11 nodes I must be cool as fk

>> No.21085257

Is there a wallet to use other than the one on their github?

>> No.21085266
File: 1.82 MB, 1117x1170, XSN jeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine buying scamnet LOL dont make me paste my FUD and instantly BTFO your shitcoin

>> No.21085310

Paste it

>> No.21085364

Bunch of redditors tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the PoSW ico phase of XSN there was a minimum requirement of 5 000 000 PoSW to enter the presale, which immediately following the exit scam got converted to XSN. Bunch of redditors from /r/AntifascistsofReddit pooled together their remaining XSN with the intent to dump it on their archenemies – the Bizraelis.

The coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the beta dex release event. The stakenet team had a presentation in a room of like 14 people, and according to the one bizanon attending, Lorelei from Holochain was present and supposedely gave out millions of XSN coins to anybody willing to give her a foot rub. Several of the incels attending gave in, effectively placing them all amongst the top 50 XSN holders. Go ahead and check the explorer for yourself if you don’t believe me, they all received their coins on the exact same day from the same exact address. You think these simps are going to hodl for long? They are already siphoning their coins to BTC on the livecoin scam exchange. Again, all of this can be confirmed on the explorer by anybody with a keen eye for details, like myself.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who got their coins for free, creating an artificially lower supply (a lot like LINK) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to the actual project that Stakenet is aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a dollar store uniswap dapp for grandpa coins like BTC and LTC. infact it already exists within uniswaps tokenized coins wBTC/wLTC, literally making stakenets whole concept pointless. You're literally just buying a roadmap, they have only 2 developers with no proven background on either, in fact yankee Ruin X was previously the social media manager at XBY where he got caught swingtrading while manipulating the market with fake twitter news

>> No.21085436
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Wen hydra? 50,000,000 daily volume and I'm retired making as much as if I worked 7 nights a week thanks to my 10mns. Not sure what I make pretax but doesn't matter because by then we should be at least one or two dollars a steakie so block rewards should make the difference.
I'm going to find a redhead gf and lick her butthole/sniff her hairy pussy/suckle from her lactating breasts eeeeevery day and night. She'll tell me she loves me and really mean it too. We'll do stuff like go to restaurant or walk on mountain together a lot since we won't have to work any more.

>> No.21085531

Why do Master(((Nose))) fags think they’ll make so much? Let’s do some basic math.
There’s just under 110,000,000 TOTAL supply of XSN right now. Not circulating, al of it in existence. Total. I’ll even give you an extra 33ish percent and call it 150,000,000 to make math easy, and it will still show how retarded you are.
One masternode is 15,000 XSN. 150,000,000/15,000 = 10,000. There can only be 10k master nodes if ALL TOKENS ARE USED FOR IT, I.e. there is no currency to process. So if you can acquire ten master nodes right now, you own 1/1000 of the supply. That barrier to entry isn’t that high (about $20-$25k as of this morning and it was much cheaper just a month ago). that means there are multiple mini-whales who already have ten MN worth, and early big whales easily own over 1-2% of the supply. People are going to stake MNs left and right. Who is actually going to bother using the free floating currency when so much of it gets locked up so quickly in staking?

>> No.21085678
File: 245 KB, 2160x599, THANKS BIZ 1.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need XSN threads all the time, XSN is being oppressed by Chinks now we need to fight back.

>> No.21085688

I was waiting on this one because I actually made this one.

>> No.21085718
File: 288 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200723-051550_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, Cloud.stakenet.io

>> No.21085730

Anyone who wants to use the dapps I guess. The currency is useless outside of that. It's just like chainlink and how there's a certain amount of it and it's used for things. Or any other utility coin really. Crypto currency is so 2010. Keep up with the trends grandpa. Or do you still think one day you'll be paying for your large double quarter pounder meal and diet coke with a tap of your nfc ring/bracelet and get an email "438.5529711003 XLM deducted from your linked account. Transaction label: McDonald's 02/14/2029 21:49:03"

>> No.21085789

Word of caution but you are limited to $25/day on there. It's a shit wallet and not even a real wallet because they can scam you. It's the equivalent of suggesting you keep your xsn on coinall after buying from whatever exchange you got it on. If you don't want to use the client your only option is something like ledger.

>> No.21086234
File: 118 KB, 499x499, EXSPXtzUYAA_qg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a MN if you can and stop using your brain for thinking crypto, I know mofos like you, you think you are smart by making shit assumptions and shitting out loopholes from your assholes that makes no sense whatsoever, hurr durr nobody gonna use limited free flowing currency. , please tell me, you High IQ alien bastard which one of the crypto currencies are being used as, well a fucking currency? not a single one, even some companies that accepted bitcoin are ending their support.
>So how a MN will make it,?
just because main purpose of crypto rn is trading and swapping and buying and selling.
All these trades generate fees that will be shared as you know already.
>Why will XSN go up if there is no proper supply available?
well bitch if this project becomes even slightly successful, people will sell their mothers to get a MN.
5000$ for MN is too much already for many people.
go do something else nigger if Seething is all you do.