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File: 6 KB, 225x225, datamine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21084145 No.21084145 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine a stablecoin with a price that is decided by market equilibrium, and is NOT pegged to any set value (e.g USD).

How do you achieve this?

Datamine does this ingeniously through a dual-token approach (DAM & FLUX), creating an elegant system which introduces algorithmic equilibrium via burning/minting based on market demand.

It is an entirely non-collaterized elegant system for achieving stability.

Over the past few weeks it has been gaining attention in huge asian markets - listing on massive asian exchanges, gaining a foothold on large forums such as bitcoin talk.

Trading volume/interest has picked up significantly over the past few days. Just hop on coingecko & take a look for yourself.

All it needs now is a biz boost. And that's exactly what's happening.

> Get in before it's too late lads


>> No.21084329

FLUX is worthless, and it's the only point of holding DAM.

>> No.21084441

i'm in already. doing 23 usd per day

>> No.21084678

So undervalued. Buying tommorow, all in! Best Defi out!

>> No.21084765

You can say the exact same thing for any token. AMPL is inherently worthless. There's no difference between it and bitcoin or any other random token mathematically. Why do people buy it?

It's guaranteed that people will buy into datamine's idea of market equilibrium stability.

>> No.21084778

LOL. I see the DAM PnD group is here.

>> No.21084794

Can’t wait for this to take over $SCAMPL

>> No.21084811
File: 12 KB, 258x245, FC575550-BBF9-4107-A217-C5CE88523630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>similar to AMPL
stopped reading there

>> No.21084850

The point of datamine isn't to earn money, the point of it is non-collaterized market stability for FLUX.

If you don't understand how significant this is, you deserve to be poor. Non-collaterized market stability is the holy grail of all DeFi.

>> No.21084899

What’s the telegram group to shill this shitcoin

>> No.21084965

I'm in it, it's good. Matter of fact it's great. It's better than ample for sure, but I wouldn't say it's similar, it's like if ample was more intelligent maybe. Still very fundamentally different though.

>> No.21084980

If you want proof of datamine working exactly as it should work - go to https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/flux and take a look at the market cap chart vs the price chart.

The price chart is very stable in places where the market cap fluctuates.

Datamine does exactly what it's supposed to do, and it does it well. The asian market has already realised this, bitcointalk has already realised this, sooner or later it'll be too late for you to realise this.

>> No.21085002

all currencies are worthless, their worth is determined by the market. you can exchange monopoly paper among your personal circle of family and friends for resources/services if they agree to it.

>> No.21085199

Plebs don't have the brains to understand that until DeFi projects started to use FLUX as collaterals to hedge against the systemic risk of BTC or USDT and then they go "WOAH WHAT IS THIS FLUX?"

>> No.21085394

You guys are 100% right. FLUX IS BEYOND REVOLUTIONARY.

>> No.21085428

Looked at this as well. It's insane when you zoom it out to the 30 day chart. DATAMINE DOES EXACTLY WHAT IT'S SUPPOSED TO DO.

The stability on FLUX is mouthwatering.

>> No.21085667

Only pajeet poorfags hate on DAM and FLUX.

>> No.21085898

You write like one person cycling through IPs.

>> No.21086216

if u sell the FLUX made by holding DAM it's basically free ETH for more ponzis

few understand this

>> No.21086867
File: 792 KB, 2121x1414, CD999F6D-09D4-4949-A3FC-3C7C5A6FD2AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice ponzi you got