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File: 323 KB, 1280x835, peter-kco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21081680 No.21081680 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people continually shit on this guy when he seems to always be right?

>> No.21081943

It’s just paid shills saying he’s a broken clock, wrong all the time etc.
he’s wront about foreign stocks though, nothing will be safe when the dollar implodes, hope you lads have your merc dimes and suicide stacks ready


>> No.21081960

It’s been a while!!

>> No.21082020
File: 208 KB, 1126x720, 1593291831777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% + of the people I see shitting on schiff are blatantly double-digit IQ and probably don't like having their 0.23 BTC holdings fudded. It's honestly pathetic.

>> No.21082087

At first they were just parroting Jim Kramer and msm financial scam artists who hated Peter because he poopoo'd their infinite growth forever with no bubble's "new reality" head in the sand bullshit because cummies feel better than reality. Now they hate him specifically because he continues being right all the time, and they have attached their identity to proving him wrong... and in doing so have aligned themselves in opposition to reality, with the temporal comforts of likes and upvotes for social reinforcement against the crippling idea that they are simply failures in life and should an hero because they will never make it.

>> No.21082109

Not uncle you disinfo shill

>> No.21082124

I've unironically been listening to this guy for years
I just ignore what he says on bitcoin, the rest of what he says makes sense to me.

>> No.21082134

gold is money. it's not an investment, it has no risk.
Schiff goldbugs are retards that don't practice what they preach, if gold is money why do you measure its performance in fiat

>> No.21082187

how else would you measure its purchasing power?

>> No.21082201

We're measuring the value of other assets in terms of gold, dumbass.

>> No.21082299
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>> No.21082371

right in practice wrong in principle

>> No.21082381

The issue isn't his position on gold, which he's right about. The issue is that he plays this as a zero-sum game where he feels the need to FUD cryptocurrency in the hopes of steering people *solely* toward precious metals instead. Which is also a blatant conflict of interest, considering he's a fucking gold dealer.

There is zero reason for goldbugs and cryptofags to be having a pissing contest and shitting on each other.

>> No.21082409

golds value changes the least of all things it has no return because it has no risk. Consumer goods going down does not mean you're increasing your wealth
An investment is something that has a return against gold. gold is zero

>> No.21082422


>> No.21082480

this as well he is the hodler of gold.
he just a shills a narrative that maximizes how much gold he sells.
The power of gold is measurement not investment

>> No.21082486

>posting a shopped pic
keep shilling disinfo idiot

>> No.21082573


Short termism

>> No.21082600

he's wrong on crypto but people make it out to be a big deal
it's impossible to be right on everything

>> No.21082602

True, although I think most gold-stackers at least realize that gold is a store of value rather than an investment. You don't get rich collecting rocks, but you can protect your *preexisting* wealth from erosion. That's all well and good.

Like you said, Schiff is a shill because he's really just about getting you to buy gold (from him). Someone like Mike Maloney is much better because while he focuses on precious metals, he also is perfectly cool acknowledging the fact that crypto is good too, rather than just fudding.

>> No.21082640

he's right except when he predicted the crash of

>> No.21082642

This dude is gonna double or triple money soon.

>> No.21082668

Eternally btfo, where's the thread anon?

>> No.21082676


>> No.21082702

it's not shopped
exact same trip too

>> No.21082707


>> No.21082727
File: 86 KB, 1651x309, oh no no no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21082758

it doesn't matter if link dumps now
it doesn't matter that schiff has won big
you have to suicide

>> No.21082774

I guess I was a little unclear, I meant that tripfagnigger was eternally btfo, and was asking where the thread where he gives away 3 million linkies is. Thanks for the warosu link though

>> No.21082803

Based. We do NOT negotiate with stinkers

>> No.21082809

people are so subverted they define value by cpi, so in their mind you can get rich by just having constant wealth while consumer goods inevitably get cheaper with things like moores law etc. but this is the same thing as believing you're getting stronger because the weights are getting lighter

Mike maloney is much better but he thinks debasement is a choice not something that is forced by circumstance. that circumstance nearly always being the need to fight foreign enemies

>> No.21082852

Agreed, defining interest based on consumer price index on smallfry bullshit like eggs and milk or whatever the fuck is complete bullshit. Majority of people's paychecks go toward mortgage/rent, yet these things are not counted when it comes to inflation metrics. HONK HONK

>> No.21082893

>being able to buy more things doesn't mean your wealth has increased.
Yea you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.21082921

That wasn’t even me though, some ponzimarine linkshill cracked my trip

>> No.21082943


Satoshi is Adam Back, the head of Blockstream, and Bitcoin, and hence crypto in general, was designed to be a scam from the beginning. When the game of musical chairs stops, only those who are holding gold and silver will make the rules.



>> No.21082981

and additioally the index is not even objective. they equivocate substitute goods and things like consumer electronics. An objective measure would be $/mb or $/mhz but they equivocate the products despite them be orders of magnitude different

you are the perfect psyoped retard of the 20/21st century. I can sit here and tell you the scam but you will still defend it.
You're the kind of retard that would go to a gym and believe he was getting stronger if the gym was redefining the kg lighter every month

>> No.21082992

JP Morgan shills hate him

>> No.21083018

He was right about about something?

>> No.21083023

People can be really knowledgeable about one area and be completely wrong about others. None of us know everything.

>> No.21083028

>t- that wasn't even me!!!
>I got hacked!!!
The absolute state of goldfags

>> No.21083095

I merely assumed it was shopped because I had no recollection of posting that

>> No.21083116

He was laughably wrong about the 2017 bullrun before it happened.

>> No.21083151

So the foreign exchange market doesn’t mean anything to you? The fucking pilpul lately on this board regarding PMs has been off the charts. Kikes must be scared about COMEX.

>> No.21083158

I think that's just his personality. He loves being right even if it means skipping out on learning.

He was on the Kitco interview with Jim Rickards who is the GOAT goldbug and still he had to debate Rickards on the definition of inflation when they could've made amazing content.

>> No.21083200

hows it feel losing all credibility...again

>> No.21083205

what are you even trying to say you little brainlet. Gold is the unit of value, if you measure value in fiat you are a slave

>> No.21083230


"Even a broken clock is correct once a day."

>> No.21083306

peter schiffs shilling is very simple

It is literally impossible for fiat to go up against gold in the long run because there is not enough gold in the world to peg fiat at it's current rate. So schiff will never be wrong in the long term that gold will go up against fiat.
However Gold going up against fiat does not mean you are increasing your wealth and can lead you to miss out on actual investment

>> No.21083308


Peter Schiff would have missed the gains in the South Sea Bubble and the Dotcom Bubble as well. Does not mean that you were intelligent or commendable if you happened to get lucky and jump into either. The only thing more stupid than buying a bubble is buying it after it has already burst (as has happened to crypto).

>> No.21083344

I used to follow Peter religiously bought a bunch of his books watched his podcasts and didn't make any money. I still agree with him but being a bear doesn't make you money, constantly betting against mankind is not a successful strategy. Still own some gold and silver nonetheless

>> No.21083420

Never said he invested in it. He was just wrong about Bitcoin at the time.

>> No.21083464
File: 571 KB, 1080x1393, tripfags BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21083467
File: 701 KB, 1245x1907, schiff 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21083475

levels of cope not thought possible.

>> No.21083672


You aren't wrong if you correctly call a bubble what it is, a bubble. That makes you intelligent, not unintelligent. The really unintelligent thing is to put your money into the bubble on the way down, as the crypto moonboys are encouraging people to do.

>> No.21083745

>they got my password!
>continues to use the same trip the entire time

>> No.21083830

When are you gonna post your stack? Oh right, it's buried underground. Oh well, good to have you back. Can I get some more redpills? Or inside info? I've been jonesing pretty bad in your absense.

>> No.21083937

Chris Duane shits on crypto even harder.

>> No.21084270

they hate him cause hes a jew.

>> No.21084314

If Adam Back is Satoshi I´ll suck Craig´s dick. screencap this.

>> No.21084442

Do it faggot

>> No.21084887


You can't argue with the evidence in that video. The e-mail which Satoshi sent which denounces Hearn and Andresen is clearly written in his style, and the account from which it is sent was not hacked. This means that the last words of Satoshi Nakamoto were to shill for small blocks, and cripple his own project.

>> No.21085349

No. Just lots of guns and ammo.