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File: 18 KB, 1514x671, nano-coin-satin-al.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21071245 No.21071245 [Reply] [Original]

Nano is
>fixed and fully distributed supply
>perfect currency for the future

You can test Nano's speed here in real time, enjoy:

Fantom is a scam and do not speed test their mainnet. Instead they are "speed testing" a computer called Fantom TestNET, making fake transactions not found on their mainnet explorer. Fantom's fake speed test here:

Stay away from this scam, folks. Stay safe. Buy Nano

>> No.21071486

if there's no fee what economic incentive is there to maintain the network?

>> No.21071619

same as torrent and p2p, one node is $5 per month

>> No.21071698

What's the Make-It stack for Nano?

>> No.21071724

so you only get paid 5 dollars per month for a node?
who pays the 5 dollars then?

>> No.21071785

Tell me about nano smart contracts and nano Defi....oh wait.. you can't because nano is useless

>> No.21071801

interesting it does seem fast I'll give it that

>> No.21071832
File: 94 KB, 500x461, 1572544742805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same as torrent
Anon, have you tried downloading torrents that are more than 1 month old?

>> No.21071926

i think this
it might be fast but if it's network is as weak as a piece of paper it's not that great
while bitcoin is like a solid hunk of fucking iron- slow to move, but strong as fuck too

>> No.21072577

Wanting to support the future of payments, which in turn will appreciate the value of your investment in NANO.

>> No.21072614


>> No.21072643

NANO is quite secure with all the updates they've made in v20 and v21.

How many other coins can you say "if I send you 10 of it, you'll actually receive all 10, and within seconds"?

That's NANO. Lightening fast, and however much you send is the same amount received.

>> No.21072672

i don't get the huge hardon for speed
why fast and not-as-secure
slow but super-secure

>> No.21072774

>How many other coins can you say "if I send you 10 of it, you'll actually receive all 10, and within seconds"?
Any Ethereum-based token when using layer 2 and metatransactions.

>> No.21073058

Explain why you're parroting a claim about lack of security. BTC maxis always play that card, but NANO devs are working tirelessly to secure the network.

Explain to me how, given the decentralization of NANO, that you would overtake 50% of node voting power. I'll wait...

>> No.21073092

What incentivizes layer 2 and meta-transactions?

>> No.21073146

>secure the network
what security?
am curious, what's the quick rundown

>> No.21073313

You're the one claiming it's not secure. So state your case.

The only criticism is if someone obtained >50% of voting power. But the Nano protocol uses balance-weighted voting by account holders to prevent this kind of attack. Adding more nodes to the network will not give an attacker more votes, because voting weight is determined by the sum of delegated Nano balances. >50% of the online voting weight would have to be delegated to the attacker, which requires its current user base and their NANO stacks to all collude with the bad actors. The likelihood is almost nill considering the strong community.

>> No.21073370

pls explain who a volatile payment coin can even remotely be practical

>> No.21073413

>pls explain who a volatile payment coin can even remotely be practical
Actually, the price has been quite stable around $1, much to my chagrin. But as the market cap and adoption increase, it will become more stable, as it would take giant or high volume trades to move the needle, similar to Eth, BTC, etc.

>> No.21073415



>> No.21073446

Hello to you, too, my fellow Apache.

>> No.21073570

Fees. The fees are paid by the service provider. e.g. a merchant might pay fees for their customers, or a wallet might pay fees for their users.
This would be equivalent to a NANO-accepting merchant paying $5 for a node - just a cost of user acquisition and doing business, hidden from the customer for convenience.
Or maybe altruistic users like your previous example.
>Wanting to support the future of payments, which in turn will appreciate the value of your investment in NANO.
Seems unlikely to be sustainable though. Ethereum doesn't need to rely on altruism. It has functioning business models and incentive mechanisms instead.
It is an interesting technology but it lives in its own isolated bubble which will prevent it from ever gaining widespread adoption.

>> No.21073649

>Ethereum doesn't need to rely on altruism. It has functioning business models and incentive mechanisms instead.
Anon, have you tried transacting on Ethereum lately. Gas fees are proving cost prohibitive as the network is extremely congested. True Eth 2.0 is still years away. Nano definitely has a viable use case.

>> No.21073678

>smart contracts

Nobody is using that shit except for speculation. I think the only crypto with a real usecase is Monero which is used by criminals and terrorists.

>> No.21073720

Absolute piece of shit third layer payment solution.
Anyone who thinks NANO will be anything more than a swan song of the FIAT system is a dust brain.
Fuck you OP

>> No.21073722

Smart contracts and DeFi lead to network congestion. Yes, NANO is lacking those things, but in turn, it creates a much quicker and cheaper experience.

NANO only wants to be used for payments/transfers, so it doesn't need extra bells and whistles

>> No.21073729

You don't get paid. You run a node out of a sense of civics, anon. You pay $5 if you do it on the cheap like the first guy is saying. Nano literally requires people to be super good and altruistic to keep it running. More so with actual adoption. FLAWLESS

>> No.21073749

LOL, did you just come over from r/cc with your baseless NANO hate? Go buy some BTC and wait an hour for it to hit your wallet, maxi.