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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21068879 No.21068879 [Reply] [Original]

No more xamp threads? Pathetic

>> No.21068931


>> No.21068939

Probably all shilling to get us to .0093 then the shill dumped his bags in us. Now no more threads and we’re out of money

>> No.21068992

I got 400k, how much you got so far

>> No.21069015

Same shit as tendies.
Same shit as BRR.

It fucking hurts. The world is heading into financial collapse and I have no assets to weather the storm with because you ruthless assholes would rather fuck over fellow anons than make it together.

>> No.21069130

There's no point in holding the coin. Literally 0 incentive to do so. There's still over 500m coins in circulation so it would take months/years before it goes down enough to get interesting.
Like, think about it. Will there be any reason for someone to buy this coin 30 days from now? It won't have burned anywhere near enough to make the price go up, so why would anyone invest?

>> No.21069154

Prominent shill here
Had food poisoning, shill threads will come back
And in greater numbers

>> No.21069182

Right now there's a promise of being airdropped new coins from the new project, but after that? No one is gonna bother trading/buying this coin. Its gonna keep burning as people dump their coins and cause the price to go down to zero.

>> No.21069216

Shut up nigger.

Some people have to lose money for others to make money. Don't be upset that you're just the bleeding dumb ass cow.
Faggot. Kys

>> No.21069272
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>> No.21069289

Don't tell me you held XAMP instead of dumping for RMPL...

Embarrassing desu

>> No.21069322

Look out idiot, rumpl about to do a rug pull, at least with this coin everything locked up

>> No.21069333

See, this is the best reason the shills can come up with to buy the coin: Absolutely nothing.

>> No.21069385
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>> No.21069421
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Rofl ohhhh my god. Stay poor.

>> No.21069439

What a meme, I tell you

>> No.21069461

LOL the dev is a tranny and has already moved on to his next scam. Imagine still being in this shitcoin.

>> No.21069547

Dev for bitcoin still working too?

>> No.21069559

Sorry to hear about your ampl bags

>> No.21070438


>> No.21070502

props to the anon who listed ampl/xamp on uniswap

>> No.21070704

the dev burns millions of dollars worth of XAMP and locks liquidity
just to prove to redditbrain faggots like you it isn't about the money
but alas, nothing is ever good enough for you

>> No.21071419

It isn't about the money for a mega rich Chad like him. Doesnt mean the coin will make you money as well.

>> No.21071485
