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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21062215 No.21062215 [Reply] [Original]

Will buy this chart?

>dev burned 1/3 of supply
>fully automated burns if price closes negative
>dev locked all his stack for 8 months
>dev locked liq permanently sending uni tokens to burn address
>biz told me few days ago that this is dead shitcoin and i sold half of my 2,5mil stack

>> No.21062238
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see the chart

>> No.21062253

realbitconnect.io just launched

>> No.21062487

bull is back guys kek

>> No.21062584

This one is slowly about to pop of after all the recent good news and marketing

>> No.21062655


>> No.21062787
File: 674 KB, 1050x525, XampMOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO fucking bullish its not even funny.

>> No.21062923

This has BOMB levels of fomo written all over it. Got some.

>> No.21062932


at least this time bill truly burned something that holds more lasting value to most people, ETH. that tx sent 75% of the uniswap pool to BURN, not locked guys, burnt. ... the pool is up over 1,100 eth, so at $400 that's a *real* $333k burnt, gone, and will keep on burning and accruing most of the pools fees, both in eth and xamp, untouchable by anyone until ETH is cracked.

well done, bill, now that's a real fire. doesn't it feel good this way?

as even when he pulls the remaining 23% of the liquidity pool, and/or even dumps the remaining xamp back into the contract, there will still be a pool on uniswap that *no one* controls, or can profit from, to keep on chugging.

that moment set the coin free from bill, that's why it bumped.

clap, clap, guy sent $330,000 real eth to burn, almost there..... this x3s and that tire fire is $1 milly proper, to burn on forever, if people want to dig enough to find it still smoldering at the core.

TD;DR he didn't pull out, be pushed nearly all-in and walked away.

>> No.21063016
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BASED DEPT IS CALLING. not even jking this shit gonna expldoe. vishnu protects