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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21058666 No.21058666 [Reply] [Original]


And fuck off with FUD, it's all already been proven to be fucking false and old news.



>> No.21058751
File: 103 KB, 258x249, MAKEIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.21058875

Any evidence a rebase is happening?

>> No.21059097

fuck shilling this gem to biz. too many fucking skeptics and brainlets who dont know how to read and then sending misinformation to others

>> No.21059177

and too many dumpers on biz.

>> No.21059315

I did move my CNS back to the exchange. The FUDDERS did make me nervous for sure

>> No.21059600

What's this token? Wasn't it branded as a scam by the SEC

>> No.21059624


here we go...

it's be proven to be outdated and blatant lies. They've filed an official notice 2 months ago for them to remove, days after release.

>> No.21060327


>> No.21060828

Audit complete I'm gonna cooooom

>> No.21060848


>> No.21060931



>> No.21061036

I'm afraid but it's a scam.

>> No.21061068

oh wow and near the top of their featured reports. Audit was done on April but having it just released bodes well I'd say.

>> No.21061113
File: 528 KB, 1062x596, Centric abomination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick reminder so that you are not mistaken. Pic related is the person you're trusting with your ETH when you buy CNS.

Make of that information what you will.

>> No.21061119

>female CEO

>> No.21061178

I was in the red as soon as I bought this piece of shit two days ago. At our current rate, even if I convert all my stack in CNR I'll have to wait at least 5 months before breaking even. I regret falling for the dishonest marketing some of the shills used to trap me in. Now I'm almost financially ruined. I guess I should have listened to the SEC warnings, but greed took the better of me this time. It hurts.

>> No.21061208

>literal ponzi

>> No.21061236


This coin pumped from 0.002 to 0.02 in a day. Of course a correction was imminent. No one told you to buy at the top retard

>> No.21061237

>Phillipine SEC

>> No.21061320

ATH was 0.017
Current price is 0.008
At 28.5% per month it would take you 3 months to recoup your loss assuming price stays constant. How could it take 5 months? Did you forget to compound the interest?

>> No.21061345

Weren't you shills saying that the rate from 28.5% would eventually decrease as time passes

>> No.21061445

After 3 months it decreases to 23%

>> No.21061563

Easiest money and has a low iq barrier. Best moon mission 2020.

>> No.21061596
File: 271 KB, 1080x1708, IMG_20200806_161441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21062135

I'm not convinced until it's actually listed and trading on Bittrex

>> No.21062275

Wew so this ponzi has only 3 months before it ends

>> No.21062484

I suggest anyone do their withdrawals sooner rather than later. Their website has been acting fucky as of late, and when I still haven't recieved the CNS I sent to Probit from an hour ago

>> No.21062637

Wait what? You can't withdraw?

>> No.21062693

I withdrew to Bithumb and it worked in 30 seconds....sounds like a Probit issue

>> No.21062734

meant for >>21062484

>> No.21062759

Might be a Probit thing yeah
I withdrew but the funds or transaction have yet to appear on the Probit side

>> No.21062803

It's a probit issue. I had the same problem this morning

>> No.21062822
File: 53 KB, 522x522, 1596729340919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was scared because of your post and decided to try withdrawing 10% of my stack just in case, everything worked fine with CoinTiger on my end. It could be an issue with Probit as many others have said ITT.

>> No.21062836

You get your shit eventually though?

>> No.21062986

I withdrew CNS from Probit like 4 times in the last 6 days. Came in like 2-3 minutes. Must be a temporary/recent issue. Just wait it'll get sorted out.

>> No.21063074

hey..... by rebounce, did you mean go down in price? If so, its rebouncing

>> No.21063248

moon mission incoming

>> No.21063892

It's fucking dumping. There's no moon mission to speak of. What a great scam.

>> No.21063907

It's fucking dumping. There's no moon mission to speak of. What a great scam.

>> No.21063925

It's fucking dumping. There's no moon mission to speak of. What a great scam.

>> No.21063940

It's fucking dumping. There's no moon mission to speak of. What a great scam.

>> No.21063965

It's fucking dumping. There's no moon mission to speak of. What a great scam.

>> No.21064051


what the fuck is this pajeet fud

>> No.21064146

Buy signal?