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21056947 No.21056947 [Reply] [Original]

What am I not getting? AMPL is literally just a cosmetic overhaul for the price mechanism of other coins.

It's a novelty coin where it pumps and dumps the same as anything else, but instead of price going up it's a pseudo-stablecoin, where the marketcap is what matters.

There's nothing that keeps holders from dumping their bags. No locks, no penalties. No way to become a stablecoin in the future.

You just dump your gains on the next asshole before he figures this out. Plus the devs keep dumping their 90% premined coins on your head while you hold it.

If you've bought bags that are down, I really feel sorry for you, because of how much it was shilled here.

Overall it's just badly designed and going to keep getting people rekt, if they don't understand that AMPL is just a novelty coin.

>> No.21057018

the coin is a nightmare

>> No.21057146

It really is. I don't know why people refuse to see it.

>> No.21057149

Got 14x. Didn't get out of the absolute top though.

>> No.21057226

That's pretty good. The project may be bad, but gains were made anyway.

>> No.21057259

its literally just the beginning for AMPL lmao

when was the last time a coin went from 5 million to 700 million market cap

buy the dip and sell when it goes to Top 10. Thank me later

>> No.21057337

Sorry man, but it's the end and you're late. It may bounce a few times on the way down, but it's just not fit for what it wants to accomplish. As soon as people see it MC will plummet.

>> No.21057434

Do you think at a high market cap for example close to tether market cap it will be more stable? The appeal to rebases is it is suppose to add selling pressure to keep the price where it needs to be; the same goes visa versa where negative rebase encourages holding. It's true nothing stops whakes from dumping their bags but thats not whats happend here if you look into it. This coin will be mega useful as an uncorrelated to bitcoin, it will be stable at higher market cap and can offer liquidity on demand.. There is much more upside potential but please dyor instead of asking 4chan

>> No.21057455


You could not be more wrong about it...

When it hits $1.25 again, it will get the zoomies..

>> No.21057528

I'm still waiting for the big news the will announce this week. Still holding 25% of my portfolio in this, already cashed out my gains tho

>> No.21057601

I don't think there was necessarily big news planned, just news.

>> No.21057705

Am I getting it right, It'll burn some of your coins every 24hrs?

"Thanks for being a long term holder, we'll just ehhh, take some of that profit, kthnx"

>> No.21057742

It needs a high enough liquidity to balance out price fluctuations and become semi-stable. If it would get to billions in MC, that could become possible. But due to the fact that it doesn't provide a big enough incentive as a liquidity provider, I don't see it getting there. The more coins you get, is not such an incentive. It's basically the same as price going up in other coins.

Also people don't really care about it's potential at becoming a future stable coin. It's just a buzzword to get plebs hyped. People care that it went up high and fast, but I don't see a reason for that to continue.

>> No.21057801

>all coins that work start out with at least 1B MC, just like bitcoin did. nothing can grow. nothing can get listed on coinbase nor become part of makerdao to increase investment. trust me, i don't have a dad so i know these things

>> No.21057855

your share of the marketcap stays the same with the rebases. your profit depends on when you buy or sell. I am buying now

>> No.21057888

The IQ meme grabbed the final bagholders. Everything is a meme. Especially the market cap. Increasing price plus 15 percent instant circulating supply increase equals massive "marketcap" increase. Do that for two weeks straight and people think it is something worth getting into. In reality a few early investors made out like bandits by scalping a few hundred bucks from thousands of Indians and 5-30K from each twitter/bizlet.

>> No.21058026

Your share of the MC stays the same in every coin. In AMPL it is just cosmetically redesigned to do the same thing, but by giving you more coins, even if they cost less, instead of the price of your share of the pie going up as it is in other coins.

>> No.21058079

Although I'm not for, just getting plebs rekt on shitcoins, this indeed was the way to play it for those who wanted to make the most out of it.

>> No.21058872

Don't get yourself and others rekt on this garbage stablecoin.

>> No.21059478

It actually would work extremely well and be extremely stable if widely adopted. It would actually be incredible because the rebases would be so miniscule and the supply would never dilute. I'm not sure it will ever get there.

If you look on the website it clearly says that the first stage is just a diversification asset, acknowledging that it would take mass adoption for it to function like a stable coin.

>> No.21059570

I own a big bag. It’s designed to dump at least 15% every day while other coins moon. It has truly de coupled from btc and every other coin. What’s not to love ?!

>> No.21059618

It is an absolute scam that has been around for years and only got picked up now because of an insane influx of newfags
It is no surprise the vast majority of accounts in ampl are new

>> No.21060243
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Reeeeeeeeeeeeee I want to sell the rest of my bags, but will get REKT when this shit pumps, I know it, but hodling I fear I'm missing out on everything else pumping reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
My stack was $16,000 last week I was getting drunk and didn't sell the top REEEEEE

>> No.21060631

i dont want to sell at loss
gonna hodl 2 more weeks i guess

>> No.21060702
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 1587545416447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad fren. Hope you make it through. It's hard to find good coins, especially on biz, since most of the new ones are just pure hype and zero value.

>> No.21060720

Uncorrelated asset for hedging your portfolio

>> No.21060942

OP is king fud.
And this.
The VC investor quality and talent are unparalleled. They want to win. The whole thing.
A coinbase listing & site tutorial is one of the largest/best plays in all of crypto atm.
OP is wrong. Dead wrong.

>> No.21061015

>The VC investor quality and talent are unparalleled
The only project in crypto with a stronger team and investors is RSR. Disclaimer, I hold both.

>> No.21061189

Even at tethers mcap it won't be stable. When btc (and eth, and other popular fiat on ramps) pumps/dumps it'll experience a corresponding change in demand. This will cause the mcap to fluctuate which will a.) Cause holders' valuations to fluctuate which defeats the purpose of a "stable coin" and b.) Cause the actual price to fluctuate because rebases, and response to rebases are slow.

Its an absolute shitcoin. Theres no collateral, and price adjustment and investment in the price adjustment mechanism happen on the same coin. Absolutely mind bogglingly dumb.

If you're reading this and you made money on ampl, then great! Dont confuse a pump with a project that has longterm legs, though. Ample does Literally nothing besides temporarily inflate its own mcap at the top of pumps and vice versa for the bottom

>> No.21061233

I'm not wrong though. Everything I've said is true.
The project is very flawed, due to all of the reasons I've mentioned above.

>> No.21061273
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>thats pretty good

>> No.21061324

The impressive amount of liquidity they're able to offer on Uniswap is the really neat part here. No other coin even comes close. Got a small stack and just letting it ride 2bh

>> No.21061393

Ampleforth is better than Bitcoin. Period.

>> No.21061400

Uncorrelated from what? Bitcoin? Total mcap? USD?

How is it any more "uncorrelated" than dogecoin?

>> No.21061493
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>> No.21061583

Based. Holy shit guys. This is it. This is the future of crypto.

>> No.21061595
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>> No.21061797

Most things are better than BTC. AMPL is still bad anyways.
However it did go up and made some people money, so I guess that's something.

>> No.21061943

Now do doge in sept of 2018. Or any coin that has ever pumped. Hell, if you remove ampl from that list and add link, it also looks "uncorrelated" right now. Only reason ampl squishes link down is because it has a built in mechanism that exagerates pumps and dumps at their peaks.

>> No.21061952

Most of what you said is true of any cryptocurrency. You proved nothing.
>But due to the fact that it doesn't provide a big enough incentive as a liquidity provider, I don't see it getting there.
This is where you fucked it all up.
Ref "Investors":
In other words, one of the largest/best plays you can make right now.

Also, per your initial post, AMPL is not a stable coin:
"Later on, as AMPL's market cap grows, equilibrium periods will last for longer stretches of time. In these static periods AMPL is RELATIVELY stable in both price and wallet balance." (https://www.ampleforth.org/economics/))

>> No.21062073

I love it when Ampl bleeds while btc slowly moons.

>> No.21062622

Seriously AMPLE will go to 95 cents while btc and eth ultra moons.

>> No.21062648

>Most of what you said is true of any cryptocurrency. You proved nothing.
Sure it's true of most things. AMPL is basically nothing more than a cosmetic overhaul for basic things that any currency has.

404 not found in regard to the website.

>> No.21063112
File: 61 KB, 931x808, AMPL a better BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AMPL is basically nothing more than a cosmetic overhaul for basic things that any currency has.
No. AMPL is a better bitcoin (ref screencap) and has a decentralized federal reserve coded into the protocol. BTC is digital gold, with all it's deflationary issues over time (21 million cap), and it can become more valuable over time. Never stable:

>404 not found in regard to the website.

>> No.21063276

Almost everything is better than bitcoin.

Even if it could work, which it doesn't, why would you even want a currency pegged to the dollar?

Isn't the whole point of crypto to move away from these legacy systems?

>> No.21063431

Me too buddy I'm at my break even and have lost faith in this coin

>> No.21063443

>Almost everything is better than bitcoin.
Opinion. Agree to disagree. Any centralized crypto = trash w/ future human intervention all but guaranteed.
>Even if it could work, which it doesn't, why would you even want a currency pegged to the dollar?
To early to tell if this works. Market cap is way too low. AMPL is not pegged. I suggest you DYOR within the economics link provided.
>Isn't the whole point of crypto to move away from these legacy systems?
The whole point of crypto is decentralization. In other words, preventing human/government hands from debasing and eventually destroying the currency (e.g. the FED printing and providing "stimulus" money to Americans).

>> No.21063506

Your I'd is rome poo poo. Lol

This is the crypto Gods telling you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.21063544

>This coin will be mega useful as an uncorrelated to bitcoin
this is such a fucking stupid talking point
the price will be uncorrelated to bitcoin but the price is irrelevant
the market cap will be fully correlated which means anything you put in is fully correlated

>> No.21063554

>why would you even want a currency pegged to the dollar?

>> No.21063740

>Any centralized crypto = trash w/ future human intervention all but guaranteed.
Dude, the devs own like 80-90% of the supply of AMPL and keep dumping it on your head.
>To early to tell if this works. Market cap is way too low.
It could work with better incentives and penalties.
>The whole point of crypto is decentralization.
Kin of agree, though decentralization is not necessarily better.

>> No.21063782

It’s as clever as stupid shit can get.

>> No.21063874

Well said. I do admire their ingenuity in banking on the stable coin hype.